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A-Level psychology [edexcel] - biological treatments for offenders, improved diet

A-Level psychology [edexcel] - biological treatments for offenders, improved diet

This is an A-Level psychology lesson which focuses on the criminal psychology unit. This lesson specifically focuses on biological treatments for offenders: improved diet. Including a key study - Gesch et al 2002. This lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 10 slides on the power point. Included: Starter activity, recapping social psychology key terms. Answers included. Title page - encouraging students to think about how a poor diet could lead to criminality. Setting the scene, case study: Dan White. "twinkies effect’’ What does it mean to eat well? short video clip, link on the pp slide. High sugar diets and crime - Benton 1996 Vitamins, minerals and fatty acids Research study: Bernard Gesch et al 2002 - outline of the study. Reading through the study in more detail, print out for students - the link to find this is on the pp slide, you can download the PDF for free. Evaluation of the theory 8 mark exam question - planning sheet attached.
A-Level psychology [edexcel]- Sherif Robbers Cave experiment

A-Level psychology [edexcel]- Sherif Robbers Cave experiment

This is an A-Level psychology lesson which focuses on the social psychology unit. The lesson is based around explanations of prejudice- with a specific focus on Sherif et al, Robbers Cave experiment. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 14 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, unscramble the key words, answers provided on the pp slide. Title page- encouraging students to think about what they already know about the study and realistic conflict theory. Recapping realistic conflict theory- questions and answers provided. Worksheet outlining experiments 1 (1954) and 2 (1958). Outline of the third experiment- 1961. Aims, procedures, results and conclusions. Challenge questions on the pp slides throughout. The procedure is broken down into stage 1, stage 2 and stage 3. Results for each stage and conclusions- fill in the blanks task. Student worksheet and answers provided. Reading task- students will need access to the A-level textbook 1. I have not attached a copy of this, however if it is needed please drop me an email to amyfo7@live.co.uk Final task- transformation task. Students to create a storyboard based on the robbers cave experiment. Brief template provided on the pp slide.
A-Level Psychology [EDEXCEL]- Social learning theory

A-Level Psychology [EDEXCEL]- Social learning theory

This is a A-Level psychology lesson which focuses on the learning approach. This lesson specifically focuses on introducing the social learning theory, Bandura. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 16 power point slides. Included: Starter activity- focusing on recapping key words from the social approach. Recap- key word match up focusing on schedules of reinforcement (Skinner). Title page- encouraging students to think about what they already know about SLT and Bandura et al. Links to research methods. Overview of the different types of observations used in psychology. Including; structured, natural, covert, overt, participant and non-participant. Video clip introducing students to social learning theory. Link provided on the pp slide. The main features of social learning theory explained. Challenge questions and application tasks provided. The four stages of social learning theory including: attention, retention, reproduction, motivation. Student storyboard task to go with this, an example is on the pp slide. Storyboard template provided on a separate document. Evaluation of SLT. Including evidence, application, reductionism. Reading activity to ensure students understand key concepts. Will need access to the ALevel Edexcel textbook to complete this. 8 mark exam question based on SLT. Students to plan the question (or could write) on the sheet provided. Question is also on the pp slide. Students can then add anything to their plan which they have missed out using the mark scheme provided on the pp. The graphic guide reading task. Pages not included. Plenary- start reading ahead about Bandura’s main BoBo doll experiment. Again, students will need access to the textbook to complete this. Homework task- content analysis. Slide can be removed if not applicable. Textbook pages and the graphic guide pages have not been included. However, if you need scanned copies please email me at amyfo7@live.co.uk and I can send them over.
A-Level psychology [edexcel]- Social and learning mind-maps

A-Level psychology [edexcel]- Social and learning mind-maps

This power point contains 5 mind-maps which summaries the key content from the social and learning approach. Key studies and terms are included. These are typically used as a revision aid. Included: Social psychology mind-map - focusing on obedience. Social psychology mind- map - focusing on prejudice. Key learning theories: SLT, Classical conditioning & Operant conditioning. Key learning studied: Watson & Rayner, Pavlov, Bandura et al. Learning theories- application to phobias including Capafons.
GCSE Sociology [WJEC]- Research methods and education revision lesson.

GCSE Sociology [WJEC]- Research methods and education revision lesson.

This is a GCSE sociology revision lesson which focuses on the education and research methods units. Key details of what topics are covered are listed below. This is designed as a mock preparation lesson, however could be used as a generic revision lesson. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes are there are a total of 16 slides on the power point. Included: Starter- research methods key concepts sheet. Retrieval practice task, separate worksheet provided. Title page- encouraging students to think about some of the key issues within the methods unit. Strengths and weaknesses of interviews- sheet for students to fill in, provided separately. Answers provided on the pp. Challenge and extension tasks provided throughout. Ethical guidelines/ considerations in research. Sampling key concepts match up task- provided on a separate worksheet for students. Answers on pp. Theories of education- students match up the key sociology/ term with the correct theory. Answers provided. Theories of education student fill in table- provided on a separate worksheet. Answers on pp. Challenge questions included. The hidden curriculum. Pro and anti-school subcultures. How do they affect achievement at school? Plenary- short answer exam style questions. Provided on a separate worksheet, mark scheme on power point.
ALevel psychology edexcel - classical conditioning- learning theories

ALevel psychology edexcel - classical conditioning- learning theories

This is an A-level psychology lesson which focuses on classical conditioning. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there is a total of 16 slides on the power point. Included: Starter activity which focuses on recapping the social approach. True or false task- answers included. Title page- encouraging students to think about what they already know about classical conditioning. Key terms sheet for students to fill in- all terms based around classical conditioning. These key terms are provided throughout the lesson. Short youtube clip introducing the theory. Link provided on the slide, questions for students to think about. The process of classical conditioning explained. Evaluation of the theory. Pavlov’s dogs fill in the blanks- students apply their understanding of key concepts. Pavlov’s experiment explained- aims, procedure, findings and conclusion. Evaluation of Pavlov’s experiment. How classical conditioning links to phobias. Reading task- from the edexcel textbook- pages are not attached. Plenary short answer exam question based on classical conditioning.
GCSE sociology [EDUQAS]- Crime & deviance starter activities

GCSE sociology [EDUQAS]- Crime & deviance starter activities

This is a power point which contains 15 different starter activities (could also be used as plenary tasks) which focus on the crime and deviance unit of the course. GCSE SOCIOLOGY WJEC/EDUQAS. The activities range from; true or false tasks, fill in blanks, differentiated questions, scrabble board, short answer exam questions, find and fix- where students have to identify and correct incorrect statements. The answers are provided for each of these tasks.
A-Level psychology [edexcel]- Introduction to social psychology

A-Level psychology [edexcel]- Introduction to social psychology

This is an ALevel psychology lesson which focuses on introducing the social psychology unit. This lesson is designed to be the first lesson of the unit. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 13 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, research methods recap. Relies on students have a basic understanding of different methods used in psychology. Title page, encouraging students to start to think about what social psychology is about. Key handouts. Attached. Key concepts sheet and social psychology overview sheet. Students to start to think about why we behave the way we do- then introduces the 5 key perspectives in psychology when it comes to explaining human behaviour. Explanation of how the social approach explains human behaviour: the influence of groups, individuals and culture. The lesson then goes through each of these in turn, when going through each one there are questions for students to discuss and youtube clips to help explain each one. The lesson ends with a short answer exam style question- 3 marker.
GCSE Sociology- The Functionalist view of education

GCSE Sociology- The Functionalist view of education

This is a 13 slide presentation, containing all the key information about the Functionalist view of education. GCSE Sociology- Eduqas. Contains various activities, including a key concept match up, and a fill in the blanks exercise. This lesson is aiming towards answering a 15 mark exam style question, an A3 planning sheet is also included in this package.
Functionalist perspective of crime and deviance

Functionalist perspective of crime and deviance

This is a 12 slide powerpoint presentation. Includes key information about Merton’s adaptations to strain, evaluation of Merton, subcultural strain theories, Cohen- alternative status hierarchy, Cloward & Ohlin: three subcultures and evaluation. Based on AQA A-Level Sociology.
GCSE sociology- gender role socialisation (WJEC)

GCSE sociology- gender role socialisation (WJEC)

This is a GCSE sociology lesson (WJEC Eduqas) on gender role socialisation. It is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson, and has a total of 9 slides on the power point. Included: starter activity- encouraging students think about some of the key concepts in sociology (norms, socialisation etc). title- ask student key questions, getting them to think about what gender socialisation is. how gender roles are socially constructed. - explanation of what this means the role of the family in gender socialisation the role of the media in gender socialisation - fill in the blanks activity. A copy of the answers are also included on a separate worksheet for teacher use. the role of schools in gender socialisation. the role of peer group in gender socialisation- students to copy definitions into their key terms glossary. (sheet included) documentary with questions for students to answer. plenary - students should try to answer as many questions as possible. (differentiated- easy, medium and hard questions)
GCSE psychology, Development- Lesson 6- Dweck's mindset theory.

GCSE psychology, Development- Lesson 6- Dweck's mindset theory.

This is lesson 6 of the series of development unit lessons. This lesson focuses on Dweck’s mindset theory. This lesson goes alongside the development workbook which is available in my shop. The powerpoint consists of 16 slides and is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson. Included: a starter activity on the psychological problems topic, this acts as a retrieval practice task. explanation of the background of the theory what is fixed and growth mindset? a short video to explain this, students are encouraged to write the definitions to key concepts whilst watching the clip. - answers included. mindset quiz. Students have to answer a series of questions to work out their mindset- quiz included on a separate document. two slides explaining the key points of the mindset theory, key terms used and explained. activity- 2 mark exam style question. Students have to apply their knowledge of fixed and growth mindsets to specific scenarios. poster task- extension activity included. application task- scenario and question on the power point. Challenge question included. fill in the blanks activity outlining experimental evidence. strengths and weaknesses of mindset theory. Students need to work out which ones are strengths and which are weaknesses. May wish to use the textbook to offer support. key question- students to answer in their booklet or exercise book. Assessing their understanding of the lesson’s content. plenary- mini quiz. Students have to allocate a key term to a key statement.
GCSE psychology- Lesson 7- Bartlett reconstructive memory

GCSE psychology- Lesson 7- Bartlett reconstructive memory

This is lesson 7 of the memory topic- topic 2. This lesson focuses on Bartlett’s theory of reconstructive memory. The powerpoint consists of 15 slides and is designed to fill a 100 minute lesson. This lesson goes along with the memory booklet which is also available in my shop. The starter activity of this lesson is based around the social influence topic, it is a recap activity which acts as retrieval practice. By the end of this lesson all students will be able to explain Bartlett’s theory of reconstructive memory. This lesson refers to key terms such as ‘schemas’. Page 34 of the Pearson textbook is required for one activity. Activities in this lesson include students writing their own schemas and evaluating the theory. This lesson goes on to explain the difference between qualitative and quantitative data- referring to studies already discussed in the course. - this links to the research methods unit.
GCSE sociology- WJEC. Sanctions and social control.

GCSE sociology- WJEC. Sanctions and social control.

This lesson is for GCSE sociology, WJEC Eduqas. The lesson focuses on sanctions and social control. There is a total of 11 slides on the power point, and the lesson is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson. Included: -starter- encouraging students to recap and reflect on what they have learnt by using and explaining key concepts. Such as, norms, values, socialisation. -introduce social control. Encouraging students to think about what it means and to discuss ways they are controlled in society. -mindmap whereby students map all the ways they are controlled in society. This is modelled on the power point. -explanation of social control, informal and formal social control. Challenge questions included on the power point. -video clip illustrating informal social control. Students are encouraged to think about the normal ways to behave in the situation shown and what the sanctions were in the clip. -explanation of positive and negative sanctions. Student activity- draw a table and list how the agents of socialisation control behave through positive and negative sanctions. -list of questions for students to answer in full sentences. Key terms included on the power point. -4 mark exam question provided, along with the mark scheme and example answer to start students off. -key concept bingo. Definitions to key terms are provided on a separate sheet. Prizes will be needed for the winning students.
A-Level sociology. The media and crime

A-Level sociology. The media and crime

This is a lesson based on The media and Crime. Content addresses that covered in the AQA Sociology Specification. The lesson goes through the Sociological perspectives of the crime and the media, along with detailed information about cyber-crime. The lesson finishes with a 30 mark exam style question, this is based on the AQA specification. The powerpoint suggests what students could take out of the item when writing this question. The lesson consists of 12 slides.
GCSE psychology- Development. Lesson 8- Willingham's learning theory

GCSE psychology- Development. Lesson 8- Willingham's learning theory

This is lesson 8 of a series of lessons covering the development unit. The lesson focuses on Willingham’s learning theory. This powerpoint consists of 11 slides, and it created to fill a 90 minute lesson. The lesson goes alongside the development booklet which is available in my shop. Included: starter activity based on the psychological problems topic, this acts as a retrieval practice task. 4 mark exam question practice on Gunderson et al’s study (2013)- this is a recap of the previous lesson. Question and mark scheme included on the powerpoint. discussion tasks fill in the blanks activity. Based on Willingham’s learning theory ‘factual knowledge precedes skill’. 6 questions for students to answer- they will need access to the edexcel gcse textbook to complete this task. task- strategies to support development Willingham. Students are encouraged to match statements to the correct heading (cognitive, social and physical development). Edexcel textbook required. creative task a slide explaining the evaluation points of the theory plenary- true or false task based on Willingham
GCSE Psychology- Psychological problems, revision lesson.

GCSE Psychology- Psychological problems, revision lesson.

This is a GCSE psychology (Edexcel) revision lesson. The session is based on the psychological problems topic. The lesson focuses on theories of addiction and treatments. It is designed to fill an hour session, with 9 slides in total and two worksheets. included: -starter students to match up key terms from the addiction topic with their definitions. -outline of the genetic explanation of addiction with strengths and weaknesses. -worksheet explaining the social learning theory of addiction. Students should fill in the blanks and then read through the strengths and weaknesses. -explanation of cognitive behavioural therapy as a treatment for addiction with strengths and weaknesses. -drug therapy as a treatment for addiction. Worksheet for students to complete- match the statement to the correct heading to explain how drug therapy works. Answers included on the power point. -explanation of the strengths and weaknesses of drug therapy.
GCSE sociology- Introduction to key sociological theories.

GCSE sociology- Introduction to key sociological theories.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson (WJEC). The lesson focuses on introducing students to the key sociological theories. The power point consists of 9 slides and is designed to fill a 90 minute lesson. Included: -starter activity, students are provided some statements and they are required to write whether they agree or disagree with then. Each statement is linked to a key theory. -explanation of the difference between conflict and consensus. -a slide each on the three theories. Functionalism, Marxism and Feminism. Each slide provides a key thinker for each theory along with their basic key ideas. -application task. Students are required to draw a table with each theory as a heading. They should put the statements from the pp slide under the correct heading. Extension question provided. -creative poster task. Students may need access to the GCSE sociology WJEC textbook in order to obtain additional information. They should create a poster on one of the theories they have been introduced to.
GCSE psychology [Edexcel]- The brain revision lesson.

GCSE psychology [Edexcel]- The brain revision lesson.

This lesson is a GCSE psychology lesson which focuses on revising areas of 'the brain unit. The lesson includes 8 slides and is designed to fill a 60 minute lesson. Included: the role of the left and right hemisphere- student activity. Add the correct statements under the correct side of the brain- worksheet provided. Answers are also on the power point. sex differences in brain lateralisation- student activity. Fill in the blanks exercise- worksheet included. Explanation of the impact of neurological damage. Referring to visual agnosia and prosopagnosia. Revising Damasio et al (1994) research focusing on Phineas Gage. Encouraging students to think about the aims, procedure, findings and conclusion of their research. Answers also included on the power point. true or false exercise- key statements and answers on the power point. independent revision task. Students are provided with a ‘key concepts worksheet’, this includes all key terms from the brain unit. Students should use their notes and the textbooks to fill in the definitions for each key term.