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GCSE sociology [WJEC]- How far have conjugal roles changed?

GCSE sociology [WJEC]- How far have conjugal roles changed?

This is a GCSE sociology lesson, which focuses on how far conjugal roles have changed. This is the second lesson on conjugal roles, lesson 1 explains what conjugal roles are. The lesson is designed to last a 90 minute lesson and there are a total of 10 slides on the power point. By the end of the lesson students will be able to explain whether conjugal roles have changed or not, by referring to decision making and money management, the dual burden, triple shift, the media and childcare patterns. Included: -starter activity. Students are shown some graphs which explain housework patters. Students to answer key questions using the data on the graph. -students are encouraged to think about the problems women may face with the domestic division of labour. -have families become more equal? pair activity. Students are given information packs, these contain information about conjugal roles (decision making, money management, dual burden etc). Students will then teach their partner. -the power point then goes on to explain each point in more detail. For example, the hours spent on household tasks, Ann Oakely, Duncombe and Marsden, Pahl and Edgell. Challenge questions are also provided on the power point. -male and female roles. Students are given a list of characteristics and they should decide whether they belong pre or post 1970s. Answers on power point. -conjugal role quick quiz. This tests students on everything they have learnt about conjugal roles. The quiz is provided on a separate document. -plenary. How well do students know their key concepts and sociologists? Students are provided with key terms and people, their task is to ensure they can explain each one. This is a differentiated task, each key concept is worth a different amount of points (colour coded).
GCSE sociology [Eduqas]- Changes in conjugal roles.

GCSE sociology [Eduqas]- Changes in conjugal roles.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson [Eduqas, WJEC]. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and the power point consists of a total of 12 slides. This lesson focuses on changes in conjugal roles. By the end of the lesson students will be able to outline the main changes to conjugal roles, examine whether roles within the family are changing and refer to key studies such as Willmott and Young- Symmetrical family. Included: -starter activity encourages students to think about what roles are predominately completed by men and women in the household. -explanation of what conjugal roles are. Referring to segregated and integrated conjugal roles. -images from the good housekeeping guide, students to think about how women are portrayed in these images. Discussion task. -two video clips, a guide to how women to behave/ act. Students to list all the ways women should behave according to the clips. -explanation of the traditional domestic division of labour and how things are starting to change. -worksheet activity. Students to tick which tasks are completed by the males and females in their household. Challenge questions included. -explanation of the symmetrical family as explained by Willmott and Young. -explanation of the new man. Students to think about whether they think this is true. Encourage them to think about celebrity examples. -Willmott and Young reading. Worksheet provided. Questions for students to answer on the power point. -Evaluation- referring to feminism (Oakley) -plenary- how far do students think that families have become more symmetrical.
GCSE sociology [WJEC/ eduqas]- Research methods, questionnaires.

GCSE sociology [WJEC/ eduqas]- Research methods, questionnaires.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson that focuses on the usefulness of using questionnaires in research. The lesson outlines what a questionnaire is, along with its strengths and weaknesses. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are 13 slides on the power point. This lesson also has a worksheet for students to complete that goes along with the power point. Included: -Starter activity. This is a retrieval practice activity that assesses students understanding of key studies taught in the family unit. Match up task. -Brief recap of using interviews in sociological research. -Detailed explanation of what a questionnaire is, challenge questions provided. -What type of data do questionnaires produce? fill in the blanks task, answers on the pp. -Explanation of the difference between open and closed questions. Students encouraged to write their own questions. Students are then given four different questions they need to decide whether it is an example of an open or closed question. Challenge question provided. -Strengths and weaknesses of using questionnaires. Student task- copy down the table from the pp, add the statements to the correct column. Answers provided. -Explanation of the issue in response rates in more detail. -Example questionnaire. This is provided on a separate document. This is a bad example, students to look at the questionnaire and assess the issues with the questionnaire. -Plenary, complete the sentences task. Assessing students understanding of what they have learnt throughout the lesson.
GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Establishing an aim and/ or hypothesis

GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Establishing an aim and/ or hypothesis

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on aims and hypothesis. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 10 slides on the power point. The lesson covers; hypothesis, aims, questions for research and 2 mark exam questions. Included: Starter activity which recaps key concepts. Answers included on the pp. Title page. Encouraging students to think about what an aim and hypothesis is. Explanation of hypothesis. Challenge question provided. Writing an hypothesis. Student task, to write a hypothesis for the topic areas provided. An example is also given. Questions for research. Challenge question provided. Establishing an aim. Student task- to write an aim for an area they would want to research. Making your terms clear and operationalising concepts. Planning research. Diagram of the stages a researcher would go through. Explanation of how to answer 2 mark exam questions. Practice exam questions. Students to answer as many as they can.
GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Research methods revision lesson.

GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Research methods revision lesson.

This is a GCSE sociology [WJEC/ Eduqas] research methods revision lesson. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and contains a total of 10 slides on the power point. Included: Starter activity. Retrieval practice, families and households. Answers on the pp. Primary and secondary data task. Students add the methods to the correct side on the table. Reliability Vs. Validity student task. Students to copy the table and decide which methods are higher in validity/ reliability. Research methods overview task. Separate worksheet provided. Students summaries each research method included in the table. This encourages them to think about AO1, AO2 and AO3 (practical, ethical and theoretical). Exam question practice. Students are given 3 exam questions to answer. 1 x 2 marker and 2 x 4 marker. Example answers provided for the 4 mark question- students to use this to mark their own response. independent revision task. Students may need access to the textbook to support them with this task. Plenary- blankety blank. Students work out the missing words in the statements about research methods.
A-level psychology - edexcel - learning theories starter activities

A-level psychology - edexcel - learning theories starter activities

This power point consists of 13 different starter/ plenary activities which are focused on key terms/ studies from the learning unit. Answers are also written on the slides. Some of the activities included: Bingo True or False Scrabble ‘In the mind of Bandura’ Unscramble the key concepts Quiz questions Numeracy key term task
A-Level psychology {edexcel} - psychological formulations, criminal psychology

A-Level psychology {edexcel} - psychological formulations, criminal psychology

This is an Alevel psychology lesson which focuses on the criminal psychology unit. This lesson specifically focuses on the use of psychological formulations. It is designed to last 90 minutes and there are 13 slides on the power point. Included: Starter activity which focuses on recapping schedules of reinforcement, answers included. Title page - definition of psychological formulations. Outline of what psychological formulations are. Short video clip example, 5 step model, youtube link on the pp slide. Explanation of each phase: offence analysis, understanding the function of offending and application to treatment. Example of psychological formulation - from the textbook (Pearson, Edexcel AS/ A Level Psychology, Karren Smith). Student task - fill in their own psychological formulation using the template attached. Evaluation. Think link -individual differences. The case of Mr. C - student application task. Plenary - planning an 8 mark exam question.
A-Level psychology [edexcel] - biological treatments for offenders, improved diet

A-Level psychology [edexcel] - biological treatments for offenders, improved diet

This is an A-Level psychology lesson which focuses on the criminal psychology unit. This lesson specifically focuses on biological treatments for offenders: improved diet. Including a key study - Gesch et al 2002. This lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 10 slides on the power point. Included: Starter activity, recapping social psychology key terms. Answers included. Title page - encouraging students to think about how a poor diet could lead to criminality. Setting the scene, case study: Dan White. "twinkies effect’’ What does it mean to eat well? short video clip, link on the pp slide. High sugar diets and crime - Benton 1996 Vitamins, minerals and fatty acids Research study: Bernard Gesch et al 2002 - outline of the study. Reading through the study in more detail, print out for students - the link to find this is on the pp slide, you can download the PDF for free. Evaluation of the theory 8 mark exam question - planning sheet attached.
A-Level Psychology - Research methods - Sampling and research designs

A-Level Psychology - Research methods - Sampling and research designs

This is an a-level psychology (Edexcel) lesson which focuses on the research methods unit. This lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are 18 slides on the power point. Included: Starter activity, overview of research methods. Overview of what sampling is, explanation of key terms. Description & evaluation of different sampling techniques. Random, volunteer, opportunity, stratified, systematic. Two short answer exam questions - mark schemes included on the pp slides. Key terms and definitions: dependent, independent variable, operationalisation, confounding variables, extraneous variables. Controlling extraneous variables - situational variables. Controlling extraneous variables - participant variables. Research and experimental designs. - includes evaluation. Short answer exam questions - mark schemes on the pp slides. Plenary - Research methods bingo.
A-Level psychology [edexcel] - Social impact theory

A-Level psychology [edexcel] - Social impact theory

This is an A-level psychology lesson which focuses on the social psychology approach. The lesson is based on Bibb Latane’s social impact theory. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 20 slides on the power point. The lesson also comes with three worksheet’s which are attached. Included: Starter, students to unscramble the key concepts. Answers on the pp. Title page- encouraging students to think about what they can remember about Agency theory (this Q can be changed if this has not been covered yet). Social impact theory in a nutshell Reading, worksheet task. Outlines social impact theory. The power point slides then go through each element of social impact theory in more detail- challenge questions are provided throughout. Student activity- applying key concepts to an image. Provided on a separate word document. - answers provided. Short video clip included when explaining the divisional effect- link on the pp slide. Evaluating theories in psychology- using the EAR acronym. All explained on the pp. Worksheet which included the evaluation points, all points explained on the power point. Whilst reading through each one, students write on their sheet whether it links to evidence, application or reductionism. Plenary- planning an 8 mark exam question on social impact theory.
A-level Psychology- Edexcel- Research methods basics, planning research.

A-level Psychology- Edexcel- Research methods basics, planning research.

This is a A-Level Psychology lesson. The lesson is designed to be an introduction to research methods. Particularly planning research. There are 13 power point slides in total and the lesson is designed to last 90 minutes. A worksheet is also provided, this goes alongside the power point for students to fill in. Extension and challenge tasks provided throughout the power point. Included: Starter activity, methods key concepts unscramble the letters. Title page, encouraging students to think about what things psychologists have to consider before conducting their research. Key concepts- see how many students already know. The basics- primary and secondary data. Qualitative and Quantitative data. Challenge question provided. Explanation of what a hypothesis is and the different types. Application task, on pp slide and student worksheet. Dependent and independent variables, application task for students to complete. Explanation of sampling and a sampling frame. ‘read it’ task- will need access to page 170 in the A-level edexcel year 1 textbook (eye book). Application tasks for students to complete on the worksheet. Explanation of different experimental/ research designs. Strengths and weaknesses of each provided. - application task provided. Plenary- research methods bingo.
A-Level psychology [edexcel]- Burger 2009- 8 mark essay

A-Level psychology [edexcel]- Burger 2009- 8 mark essay

This is an A-level psychology [EDEXCEL] lesson which focuses on writing essay style questions- particularly 8 markers. This lesson is based around an 8 mark exam question on Jerry Burger- contemporary study. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 10 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, Milgram crossword. Attached as a separate document- answers included. Homework recap- students to discuss what they know about Burger’s research. Can be adapted so it does not refer to homework if necessary. Title page- encouraging students to think about what is meant by AO1, AO2 and AO3. Exam knowledge- chocolate bars needed to complete the activity, Students think about what is meant by each of the AO’s through analysing their chocolate bar. Command words in exam questions and what they require students to do. Introduction to the 8 mark question on Burger- students to start to think about what they would include. Model answer to the question provided. Students to have a go at planning the question- planning method included on the pp. Students then have a go at answering the 8 mark question.
A-Level Psychology [EDEXCEL]- Social learning theory

A-Level Psychology [EDEXCEL]- Social learning theory

This is a A-Level psychology lesson which focuses on the learning approach. This lesson specifically focuses on introducing the social learning theory, Bandura. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 16 power point slides. Included: Starter activity- focusing on recapping key words from the social approach. Recap- key word match up focusing on schedules of reinforcement (Skinner). Title page- encouraging students to think about what they already know about SLT and Bandura et al. Links to research methods. Overview of the different types of observations used in psychology. Including; structured, natural, covert, overt, participant and non-participant. Video clip introducing students to social learning theory. Link provided on the pp slide. The main features of social learning theory explained. Challenge questions and application tasks provided. The four stages of social learning theory including: attention, retention, reproduction, motivation. Student storyboard task to go with this, an example is on the pp slide. Storyboard template provided on a separate document. Evaluation of SLT. Including evidence, application, reductionism. Reading activity to ensure students understand key concepts. Will need access to the ALevel Edexcel textbook to complete this. 8 mark exam question based on SLT. Students to plan the question (or could write) on the sheet provided. Question is also on the pp slide. Students can then add anything to their plan which they have missed out using the mark scheme provided on the pp. The graphic guide reading task. Pages not included. Plenary- start reading ahead about Bandura’s main BoBo doll experiment. Again, students will need access to the textbook to complete this. Homework task- content analysis. Slide can be removed if not applicable. Textbook pages and the graphic guide pages have not been included. However, if you need scanned copies please email me at amyfo7@live.co.uk and I can send them over.
GCSE sociology [WJEC/EDUQAS]- what is crime and deviance?

GCSE sociology [WJEC/EDUQAS]- what is crime and deviance?

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the crime and deviance unit. This is lesson one, which is designed to cover key concept such as crime, deviance, laws, social construction and sanctions. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 11 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, social stratification and differentiation, retrieval practice quiz. key questions and answers on the pp slide. Title page- encouraging students to discuss what they already know about crime. Handouts for students to keep in books. Key concepts fill in sheet, key studies fill in sheet and know it well tick sheet. All attached as separate documents. Students are presented with three different images, discussion task. Are they criminal or deviant? have norms/ attitudes around these images changed? Key definitions: crime and deviance. Explanation of how crime and deviance could be considered a social construction. Key concepts and examples fill in table. Answers provided on the pp slide. Finish with a clip from summer heights high- students to make a notes of any examples of deviant behaviour. Link on pp slide.
GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Interactionist contribution to crime and deviance.

GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Interactionist contribution to crime and deviance.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the crime and deviance unit. The lesson is specifically about the Interactionist contribution to crime. The second half of the lesson focuses on the media and crime, again there is a particular focus on Interactionism and the media. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 12 slides on the power point. Included: Starter activity, scrabble board- Social stratification and differentiation recap. Title page, students to draw their idea of a typical offender. Recap of Marxist view of crime & deviance, quick quiz. Questions and answers provided on the pp. Criminal stereotypes, links to Howard Becker and labelling. Examples of criminal stereotypes, links to key concepts including ‘master status’. Which groups are most likely to be affected by labelling? Links to key concepts such as ‘deviant career’ Student task- students to fill in the flow diagram to show how labelling and deviant careers are formed. Template provided on a separate document. Evaluating the Interactionist explanation of crime and deviance. The media and crime. Short video clip- link on the pp slide. Key concepts referred to such as ‘hypodermic syringe model’. Interactionism and the media. Reading task, provided on a separate document. Activities for students to complete- written on the pp slide. Theories of crime and deviance consolidation sheet- students to write down what they know about each theory. They can add to this as and when theories are covered. Plenary- Marxist view of the role of the media. Key concept match up task.
GCSE sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- Crime and deviance, the role of the police and courts

GCSE sociology [WJEC/ EDUQAS]- Crime and deviance, the role of the police and courts

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the crime and deviance unit. The lesson specifically focuses on the role of the police and courts. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 6 slides on the power point. In order to complete the lesson successfully students will need access to the GCSE sociology WJEC textbook. Included: Starter - social stratification and differentiation recap. Title page- encouraging students to think about the role the police plays in society. Two slides which goes through an overview of the role of the police and courts. Questions for students to discuss. Booklet task on the role of the police and courts. Attached as a separate document. Students will need to answer the questions in the booklet using the textbook. Extension tasks and exam questions are also provided in the booklet. The lesson then moves on to crime and deviance revision. There is a mind map attached as a separate document, students can add information to this using the textbook or their notes. Key studies and key concepts sheets are also included which will aid students revision.
GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Crime and deviance- measuring crime.

GCSE sociology [WJEC]- Crime and deviance- measuring crime.

This is a GCSE sociology lesson which focuses on the crime and deviance unit. This lesson specifically covers measuring crime including police recorded statistics, victim and self-report studies. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 12 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, recapping the social stratification and differentiation unit. Students to work out which statements are incorrect. Title page, encouraging students to think about how the government collects data about crime. Brief outline of how we can measure crime in society. Official statistics on crime recorded by the police, including strengths and weaknesses. The dark figure of crime explanation. Application/ scenario task- provided on a separate worksheet. Victim and self-report studies, referring to The crime survey for England and Wales. Key word match up task- answers provided on power point. Sociological theory and their views on official crime statistics. Comparing police recorded statistics and The crime survey for England and Wales- worksheet provided on a separate document. Answers on the power point. Plenary- are official crime statistics accurate? task for students to complete.
A-Level psychology [edexcel]- Introduction to prejudice & realistic conflict theory

A-Level psychology [edexcel]- Introduction to prejudice & realistic conflict theory

This is an A-Level psychology lesson which focuses on the social approach. The lesson aims to introduce the prejudice section of the unit, as well as an independent student task on realistic conflict theory. Students will need access to the A-Level Edexcel pscyhology textbook (Flanagan et al) in order to complete the independent task. The lesson is designed to last 90 minutes and there are a total of 11 slides on the power point. Included: Starter, key concepts from the social psychology unit so far. Title page, encouraging students to think about what is meant by prejudice. Why we learn about prejudice, and where students think prejudice ideas may come from. Definition of prejudice and examples. - assessing students prior knowledge. Introduction and explanation of CAB- cognitive, affective and behavioural. And how these components link to prejudice ideas. CAB application task- separate worksheet attached. What bad things have happened in history that can be explained by prejudice? What social psychologists would say about where prejudice comes from. Introduction to Sherif, realistic conflict theory. This is an independent student task whereby they will need to use the textbook reading to complete the questions on the sheet. They will need to A-Level Edexcel book 1 (eye book). I have not attached the scanned copy of the textbook as it is obviously not my work, however, if this is needed please feel free to send me an email to amyfo7@live.co.uk. The student worksheet which includes questions and activities for them to complete has been attached as a separate worksheet. The end of the pp also indicates towards a folder check being complete, however, this can be deleted if it is not applicable to your class.
A-Level psychology [edexcel]- Social psychology revision

A-Level psychology [edexcel]- Social psychology revision

This is an A-Level psychology lesson which focuses on revising the whole of the social approach- including: obedience and prejudice. The lesson is designed to last 100 minutes (could last longer). There is a total of 16 slides on the power point. All resources are attached. Included: Starter: social psychology bingo. Key words provided on the pp slide. Mind map which covers all content from the obedience side of the course. Key studies include: Milgram and Burger. Mind map which covers all content from the prejudice side of the course. Key studies include: Sherif. Key psychologists names from the social approach. What can students remember? - answers provided on the power point. A3 worksheet which covers the three key studes: Milgram, Burger and Sherif. Students to fill in. Sheet could easily be changed to include what ever studies have been covered. Pp slides which go through Milgram’s obedience to authority study. Variation studies also included. Students to fill in their A3 sheet. Students independently do the other two studies. Short answer exam style question- mark scheme included.