High quality French, German and Spanish resources for GCSE and A Level.
I am always looking for new ideas for resources so if you have something in mind but don't have time to create it yourself, please get in touch.
High quality French, German and Spanish resources for GCSE and A Level.
I am always looking for new ideas for resources so if you have something in mind but don't have time to create it yourself, please get in touch.
A takeaway menu of a range of tasks covering a variety of skills for students to do as independent study over a period of time in addition to their classwork and homework.
This menu is for the second unit in the new A Level course - La “Cyber-societe”
Students can choose which tasks they complete over the time given. Each task carries a certain number of points which are awarded if the task is completed. Students should aim for 36 points in total.
Skills covered:
Reading and listening - students choose own texts on any topic
Speaking, writing, research - linked to AQA specification and topic specific
A takeaway menu of a range of tasks covering a variety of skills for students to do as independent study over the summer in preparation for their A Level studies.
Students can choose which tasks they complete over the time given. Each task carries a certain number of points which are awarded if the task is completed. Students should aim for 36 points in total.
Skills covered:
Reading and listening - students choose own texts on any topic
Speaking, writing, research
Now uploaded as powerpoint slides and pdfs for ease of use.
All web links checked and longer articles available online for extended reading.
60 A Level French speaking preparation texts covering all the Year 12 and 13 topics. 5 short authentic extracts with sources acknowledged for each of the 12 modules covered in Year 12 and 13.
Perfect for preparing for questions 1 and 2 of the AQA speaking test - que dit-on ici sur… and quelle est votre reaction? and for the more general question -qu’est-ce que vous savez de la situation en France ou ailleurs dans le monde francophone?
Web links can also be used for topical background reading.
Texts also useful for translation into English.
A clear and concise reference guide to the Spanish tenses, the subjunctive mood and the passive voice - including word order for negatives and reflexive verbs.
Particularly suitable for higher level GCSE and A Level students who want to be able to express their own ideas, but who struggle to remember the rules for each tense.
Slide 1 = Simple tenses - present, future, preterite, imperfect and conditional - usage, formation of stem, endings, irregulars and word order for negatives and reflexive verbs.
Slide 2 = Compound tenses - perfect, pluperfect, future perfect and conditional perfect tenses - usage, full declension of haber, formation of past participles, and the continuous tenses including estar in the present, imperfect and future tenses and the formation of the present participle. Also includes common irregulars and word order for negatives and reflexive verbs.
Slide 3 = Subjunctive mood - usage, formation of stem, endings, irregulars and word order for negatives and reflexive verbs, lists of common triggers.
Passive voice - examples of usage in different tenses, full declension of ser, formation of past participles and agreements.
A 32 page booklet for pupils to complete on the film Un Long Dimanche de Fiancailles.
Includes pages to fill in with information about 10 main characters, the key themes, cinematography and sound and an analysis of 7 key scenes.
Characters pages include descriptions and examples from the film, their role in the film, links to the main themes and how they influence Mathilde and her enquiry.
Themes pages include love, revenge, hope and the absurdity, futility and inequality of war.
There are spaces for pupils to fill in key information on all they know and to cross reference the themes, characters and cinematography.
Can be used alongside teaching to complete as a booklet to revise from or as a revision tool to see how much they know and where there are gaps in their knowledge.
I printed as an A5 booklet and the students really liked the idea of having all their notes in one place.
Please note - this is a booklet for students to complete and not a guide with answers.
Similar resources available for Die Verwandlung and Das Leben der Anderen also available.
A bundle of 6 takeaway menus for Year 13 French A Level for independent study:
Les aspects positifs d’une societe diverse, Quelle vie pour les marginalises? Comment on traite les criminels, Les ados, le droit de vote et l’engagement politique, Manifestations, greves - a qui le pouvoir? and La politique et l’immigration.
Each menu includes of a range of tasks covering a variety of skills for students to do as independent study over a period of time in addition to their classwork and homework.
Students can choose which tasks they complete over the time given. Each task carries a certain number of points which are awarded if the task is completed. Students should aim for 36 points in total.
Skills covered:
Reading and listening - students choose own texts on any topic
Speaking, writing, research - linked to AQA specification and topic specific
A takeaway menu of a range of tasks covering a variety of skills for students to do as independent study over the summer in preparation for their A Level studies.
Students can choose which tasks they complete over the time given. Each task carries a certain number of points which are awarded if the task is completed. Students should aim for 36 points in total.
Skills covered:
Reading and listening - students choose own texts on any topic
Speaking, writing, research
A takeaway menu of a range of tasks covering a variety of skills for students to do as independent study over a period of time in addition to their classwork and homework. This menu is for the first unit in the 2nd year of the new A Level course - Les aspects positifs d’une societe diverse.
Students can choose which tasks they complete over the time given. Each task carries a certain number of points which are awarded if the task is completed. Students should aim for 36 points in total.
Skills covered:
Reading and listening - students choose own texts on any topic
Speaking, writing, research - linked to AQA specification and topic specific
A takeaway menu of a range of tasks covering a variety of skills for students to do as independent study over a period of time in addition to their classwork and homework.
This menu is for the fourth unit in the new A Level course - Une Culture Fiere de son Patrimoine.
Students can choose which tasks they complete over the time given. Each task carries a certain number of points which are awarded if the task is completed. Students should aim for 36 points in total.
Skills covered:
Reading and listening - students choose own texts on any topic
Speaking, writing, research - linked to AQA specification and topic specific
A takeaway menu of a range of tasks covering a variety of skills for students to do as independent study over a period of time in addition to their classwork and homework.
This menu is for the third unit in the new A Level course - Le role du benevolat.
Students can choose which tasks they complete over the time given. Each task carries a certain number of points which are awarded if the task is completed. Students should aim for 36 points in total.
Skills covered:
Reading and listening - students choose own texts on any topic
Speaking, writing, research - linked to AQA specification and topic specific
A takeaway menu of a range of tasks covering a variety of skills for students to do as independent study over a period of time in addition to their classwork and homework.
This menu is for the sixth unit in the new A Level course - Cinema: Le septieme art
Students can choose which tasks they complete over the time given. Each task carries a certain number of points which are awarded if the task is completed. Students should aim for 36 points in total.
Skills covered:
Reading and listening - students choose own texts on any topic
Speaking, writing, research - linked to AQA specification and topic specific
A takeaway menu of a range of tasks covering a variety of skills for students to do as independent study over a period of time in addition to their classwork and homework.
This menu is for the fifth unit in the new A Level course - La Musique Francophone Contemporaine.
Students can choose which tasks they complete over the time given. Each task carries a certain number of points which are awarded if the task is completed. Students should aim for 36 points in total.
Skills covered:
Reading and listening - students choose own texts on any topic
Speaking, writing, research - linked to AQA specification and topic specific
A takeaway menu of a range of tasks covering a variety of skills for students to do as independent study over the summer in preparation for their A Level studies.
Students can choose which tasks they complete over the time given. Each task carries a certain number of points which are awarded if the task is completed. Students should aim for 36 points in total.
Skills covered:
Reading and listening - students choose own texts on any topic
Speaking, writing, research
A takeaway menu of a range of tasks covering a variety of skills for students to do as independent study over a period of time in addition to their classwork and homework.
This menu is for the first unit in the new A Level course - La Famille en Voie de Changement.
Students can choose which tasks they complete over the time given. Each task carries a certain number of points which are awarded if the task is completed. Students should aim for 36 points in total.
Skills covered:
Reading and listening - students choose own texts on any topic
Speaking, writing, research - linked to AQA specification and topic specific
Perfect for independent learning.
55 slides of vocabulary and sentence level tasks (including answers) covering the AQA French GCSE key words and structures. (Will also be useful for other exam boards.) Ideal for lesson starters, extension or homework tasks or revision activities.
5 sets of 11 slides covering Theme 2 Topics 1 and 2: Chez Moi, Ou J’habite, Le benevolat, La Sante and La Vie Malsaine
Activities include anagrams, odd one out, conjugation of key verbs, rearrange words to give sentences, translation to English and a 25 word written answer in preparation for the speaking or writing exam.
Activities for Themes 1 and 3 are at:
Perfect for independent learning
55 POWERPOINT slides of vocabulary and sentence level tasks (including answers) covering the AQA French GCSE key words and structures. (Will also be useful for other exam boards.) Ideal for lesson starters, extension or homework tasks or revision activities.
5 sets of 11 slides covering Theme 3 Topics 3 and 4: Mes Etudes Futures, Les Metiers, Mon Petit Job, Mon Stage en Entreprise and Le Monde du Travail.
Activities include anagrams, odd one out, conjugation of key verbs, rearrange words to give sentences, translation to English and a 25 word written answer in preparation for the speaking or writing exam.
Activities for Theme 1 and 2 are at:
Perfect for independent learning.
55 slides of vocabulary and sentence level tasks (including answers) covering the AQA French GCSE key words and structures. (Will also be useful for other exam boards.) Ideal for lesson starters, extension or homework tasks or revision activities.
5 sets of 11 slides covering Theme 1 Topics 1 and 2: Ma Famille, Mes Amis, Les Relations Personelles, Les Reseaux Sociaux and Les Nouvelles Technologies.
Activities include anagrams, odd one out, conjugation of key verbs, rearrange words to give sentences, translation to English and a 25 word written answer in preparation for the speaking or writing exam.
Theme 2 and 3 now also available at:
Please give feedback.
Perfect for independent learning.
8 slides of vocabulary and verb formation tasks (including answers) covering very nearly all of the AQA Spanish foundation level key words and some for the higher level vocabulary for the family topic. (Will also be useful for other exam boards.) Ideal for lesson starters, extension or homework tasks or revision activities.
8 slides covering My Family from Theme 1 , Topic 1.
Activities include anagrams, odd one out and conjugation of key verbs for various people and tenses. Each slide includes a challenge activity to stretch the more able pupils.
This is a free sample of the type of tasks that will be available for all topics and themes. Please take a look in my shop for more resources.
Covering key vocabulary such as colours, months, numbers and times.
Available as PDFs and powerpoints
Four differentiated vocabulary grids - loosely based on vocabulary covered in Studio 1 and Allez 1 but including some more words for stretch and challenge.
Each grid covers 12 sets of 5 words linked to a given topic.
Grid with no categories given.
Grid with categories given.
English translation
Support and challenge:
Look up any words you don’t know.
Find 5 more to add into some of the categories.
Suggested uses:
• Find five words from a given category
• Sentence building
• Improve fluency and accuracy.
More details of suggestions on final slide
Perfect for independent learning.
11 slides of vocabulary and sentence level tasks (including answers) covering the AQA French GCSE key words and structures. (Will also be useful for other exam boards.) Ideal for lesson starters, extension or homework tasks or revision activities.
11 slides covering Ma Famille from Theme 1 , Topic 1.
Activities include anagrams, odd one out, conjugation of key verbs, rearrange words to give sentences, translation to English and a 25 word written answer in preparation for the speaking or writing exam.
Separate sets of slides for Topics 1 & 2 and Topics 3 & 4 are also available at:
Slides for the whole of Theme 1 (Topics 1-4) are at:
Please give feedback.