Bundle Sale
Bargain bundle Literacy Crosswords Word Searches Antonymn Synonym KS2
Bargain bundle
worksheets on
Literacy word searches
Literacy cross words
Literacy Ideas Talk For Writing Wolves Emily Gavett
Nice powerpoint and notebook files and great grammar word document that you can use for display.
Bundle Sale
Decoding Bundle 200 Worksheets Verbal Reasoning
A bundle of worksheets.
200 worksheets on decoding,
Plus some great ones on Pythagoras.
I have designed 200 worksheets on decoding numbers for the 11+ non verbal reasoning questions. There are 200 worksheets provided on a cd. Decoding is an important aspect of the 11+ exams. Ideal for parents, pupils and tutors. Answer sheets provided. The Decoding worksheet helps to reinforce spelling and problem solving skills for students. The letters of each word are replaced with other letters or numbers based on a pattern.
Bundle Sale
Bundle Year 5 Literacy Planning Autumn Term KS2 Greek Myths & Maths Shopping Questions
A great bundle.
This is a zip file containing Literacy planning for a year 5 class (Autumn term).
Plus great sheets on calculating the cost of shopping items. All answers provided.
It consists of 14 short term plans I designed. There is one Literacy lesson per day.
You will get 14 Microsoft Word documents. They are based on the Greek myths.
I’ve also included for free some extra teaching materials that you can use. I’ve included too 3 medium term plans , one for each term). These cover plans and ideas not just for Literacy, but other subjects as well.
I’ve also included an extra week from the next term. Feel free to use it to plug any gaps.
This will help you do your own planning. Feel free to cut and paste into your own school’s plans.
Ideal for someone who had to do a term’s supply like I had to do.
Please bear in mind:
every school is different. My plans assume you have the aide of a TA, but this is not essential. There is no differentiation in the planning. Everyone does the same thing to the best of their ability.
you may want to add your own detail. These are short term plans remember.
I have used walts and wilts. Your school may do something different.
A very few number of weeks have a small gaps for things like tests and inset days. Use the extra week one planning for the next term (included for free) if you wish.
Year 3 Planning Spring Literacy Numeracy Ref A
Important! If you’d like to buy the whole year’s planning (Autumn, Spring and Summer) you’d be better off buying my bundle.
This is planning for year 3 for a Spring term.
Plenty of great material here that you can adapt and cut and paste into your own school’s model.
After decades of teaching I’m retired from teaching now. I’d like to help the younger generation so I’m putting my plans online. I hope your Sundays will be made a little easier by cutting and pasting allowing you more free time.
You get:
Literacy planning e.g. Myths and Legends, Poetry (language play) 9 weeks worth
Numeracy planning 11 weeks worth
Creative curriculum (a bit)
RE (a bit - I taught mainly in Catholic schools so feel free to ditch this if you please)
Science (a bit)
Nocturnal Animals (a bit)
You get 75 mb of material, which is good value in my opinion.
Remember, all schools are different so you will have to adapt my materials to suit your school. It’s not a silver bullet, but should save you lots of time as you can cut and paste.
Great for N.Q.T.'s and experienced alike.
Year 2 Planning Summer Term Literacy Numeracy Mathematics Ref B
Important! If you’d like to buy the whole year’s planning (Autumn, Spring and Summer) you’d be better off buying my bundle.
Planning for the Summer term for year 2.
You get 50 mb of material so good value imo.
Literacy. Non-Chronological reports 4 weeks, Character descriptions, Traditional tales, poetry planning etc
Numeracy 9 weeks worth Using and applying the four mathematical calculations to solve problems, Revision of the four main operations. rounding up and down etc
Creative curriculum (a bit) making scarecrows, Wizard of Oz
P.E. (a bit)
R.E. (a bit) St Paul. I taught in Catholic schools so feel free to ditch this.
Science 4 weeks. Plants and animals.
Remember, all schools are different so you will have to adapt my materials to suit your school. It’s not a silver bullet, but should save you lots of time as you can cut and paste.
Great for N.Q.T.'s and experienced alike.
Year 2 planning Autumn Term Literacy Mathematics Ref B
Important! If you’d like to buy the whole year’s planning (Autumn, Spring and Summer) you’d be better off buying my bundle.
Planning for the Autumn term for year 2.
60 mb of info which is good value imo.
You get:
Literacy planning 12 weeks. Performance poetry, Stories with familiar setting etc.
Maths 14 weeks Measuring, Money etc
Creative curriculum (a bit) the Police
R.E (a bit) I taught in Catholic schools so feel free to ditch this.
Science (a bit) Forces and Motions, Health and Growth
Remember, all schools are different so you will have to adapt my materials to suit your school. It’s not a silver bullet, but should save you lots of time as you can cut and paste.
Great for N.Q.T.'s and experienced alike.
Year 2 Spring Term Planning Literacy Numeracy Mathematics Ref B
Important! If you’d like to buy the whole year’s planning (Autumn, Spring and Summer) you’d be better off buying my bundle.
Year 2 planning for the Spring term.
You get 70 mb of info which is good value imo
Literacy 12 weeks plans. Fantastic Mr Fox, Different Stories by the same author etc
Numeracy 13 weeks Securing number facts, understanding shape etc
Creative curriculum (bit) Great Fire of London, E Safety
P.E (a bit)
Science (a bit) materials, electricity
R.E. (a bit) Marriage. I taught in Catholic schools so feel free to ditch.
Bundle Sale
Year 3 Planning 3 Terms Worth Plus Telling the Time Worksheets Times Tables Bundle
Great Bundle.
3 terms plans plus great worksheets (with answers) om Times Tables and Telling the Time.
This is planning for year 3 for 3 terms .
Plenty of great material here that you can adapt and cut and paste into your own school’s model.
After decades of teaching I’m retired from teaching now. I’d like to help the younger generation so I’m putting my plans online. I hope your Sundays will be made a little easier by cutting and pasting allowing you more free time.
You get for example for one term
Literacy planning e.g. Myths and Legends, Poetry (language play) 9 weeks worth
Numeracy planning 11 weeks worth
Creative curriculum (a bit)
RE (a bit - I taught mainly in Catholic schools so feel free to ditch this if you please)
Science (a bit)
Nocturnal Animals (a bit)
Please read the three terms for full details.
Remember, all schools are different so you will have to adapt my materials to suit your school. It’s not a silver bullet, but should save you lots of time as you can cut and paste.
Great for N.Q.T.'s and experienced alike.
Bundle Sale
Year 2 Complete Year Planning Numeracy Literacy KS2 Bundle Rounding Maths KS2
A great value bundle.
Planning for 3 terms plus worksheets on shapes and Rounding you can use in year 2. All answers provided.
Literacy planning 12 weeks. Performance poetry, Stories with familiar setting etc.
Maths 14 weeks Measuring, Money etc
Creative curriculum (a bit) the Police
R.E (a bit) I taught in Catholic schools so feel free to ditch this.
Science (a bit) Forces and Motions, Health and Growth
Literacy 12 weeks plans. Fantastic Mr Fox, Different Stories by the same author etc
Numeracy 13 weeks Securing number facts, understanding shape etc
Creative curriculum (bit) Great Fire of London, E Safety
P.E (a bit)
Science (a bit) materials, electricity
R.E. (a bit) Marriage. I taught in Catholic schools so feel free to ditch.
Literacy. Non-Chronological reports 4 weeks, Character descriptions, Traditional tales, poetry planning etc
Numeracy 9 weeks worth Using and applying the four mathematical calculations to solve problems, Revision of the four main operations. rounding up and down etc
Creative curriculum (a bit) making scarecrows, Wizard of Oz
P.E. (a bit)
R.E. (a bit) St Paul. I taught in Catholic schools so feel free to ditch this.
Science 4 weeks. Plants and animals.
Rounding Numbers
100 worksheets on rounding numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.
Answer sheets provided.
20 questions per sheet.
A good time filler or easy homework.
I have designed 100 worksheets on shapes for primary school children. They have to write the name of the shape on the sheet. A great reinforcement exercise or you can give a sheet to a bright pupil to keep them occupied. You can use your professional judgement to choose the appropriate sheet. Answer sheets are provided for all worksheets.
Remember, all schools are different so you will have to adapt my materials to suit your school. It’s not a silver bullet, but should save you lots of time as you can cut and paste.
Great for N.Q.T.'s and experienced alike.
Bundle Sale
Year 1 Complete Year Planning Bundle Literacy Numeracy
Complete planning for the year.
Plus great worksheets on Maths patterns.
Great bundle. Great price.
Please read the individual descriptions in my shop.
Year 4 Planning Spring Term Numeracy Literacy KS2
Important! If you’d like to buy the whole year’s planning (Autumn, Spring and Summer) you’d be better off buying my bundle.
Planning for the Spring term for year 4.
You get 160 mb of material so good value imo.
I taught mainly in Catholic schools so has a Catholic bent. But as we live in a multicultural society, this should be no problem.
You get planning for:
creative curriculum
P.E. (some)
Science (some)
R.E. (Christmas, Lent etc)
Loads of great lessons to ease your Sunday afternoons. Just cut and paste into your school template.
Year 1 Autumn Term Planning Literacy Numeracy
Important! If you’d like to buy the whole year’s planning (Autumn, Spring and Summer) you’d be better off buying my bundle.
Planning for the Autumn term for year 1.
You get 160 mb of material so good value imo.
I taught mainly in Catholic schools so has a Catholic bent. But as we live in a multicultural society, this should be no problem.
You get planning for:
creative curriculum
P.E. (some)
Science (some)
R.E. (Advent etc)
Loads of great lessons to ease your Sunday afternoons. Just cut and paste into your school template.
Bundle Sale
Bundle 11+ Verbal Reasoning Decoding Vol 1 & Vol 2 Maths KS2
Two sets of Verbal Reasoning worksheets.
Vol one and vol 2.
I have designed 100 worksheets on decoding numbers for the 11+ non verbal reasoning questions. There are 100 worksheets provided on a cd. Decoding is an important aspect of the 11+ exams. Ideal for parents, pupils and tutors. Answer sheets provided. The Decoding worksheet helps to reinforce spelling and problem solving skills for students. The letters of each word are replaced with other letters or numbers based on a pattern. Students must translate the words and spell them correctly. You can see an answer sheet in my picture with the answers in red.
Vol 2 has 100 more sheets
Bundle Sale
Bundle 11+ Prep Antonym Synonym Letter Patterns Vol 1
Good value.
Please look at my shop for details.
Spring Term Literacy Planning Year 5 s1 KS2
Great planning for year 5 for the Spring Term.
Jam packed with plans, ideas, powerpoints etc.
You get 200 mb of material, so great value. e.g. Persuasive writing, recounts, stories from other cultures, descriptive writing, model writing
Plus you get some year 5 Autumn planning I did in one school I taught in.
Bundle Sale
Year 5 Mega bundle Maths English Science
A great bundle of work.
Loads of planning.
Please see the individual items in my shop for full details.
Year 5 Back to School Autumn Planning Fables Literacy Lots of Planning
Lots of planning for the Autumn term.
Powerpoints, planning and handouts included. Plenty of a month’s work.
Sample planning:
Genre: Traditional stories, fables, myths, legends.
Focus Texts: Robin Hood (Legend), Hercules (Myth) and Pandora’s Box (Myth).
Primary Framework 7. Understanding and interpreting texts
Compare different types of narrative and information texts and identify how they are structured
Explore how writers use language for comic & dramatic effects
8. Engaging with and responding to texts
Compare the usefulness of techniques such as visualisation, prediction and empathy in exploring the meaning of texts
11. Sentence structure and punctuation
Punctuate sentences accurately, including using speech marks and apostrophe
Learning/Writing outcome for unit: Children can write a new version of a legend, identifying their audience and adapting their writing to suit this audience.
Children can reflect on their own performances.
Children can reflect critically on their own writing and edit and improve it.
NB Teacher Day on Monday, Mass on Thursday
LO: Whole Class Shared Learning
Guided and Independent Activities: Plenary:
Tu Identify features of a myth.
Introduce the new unit and look at the writing outcome displayed on the working wall – explain that we have three weeks to achieve this.
Allow children two minutes to TTYP and talk about the new unit – do they have any ideas about myth, legends or fables?
Introduce the LO for today.
Work through the PowerPoint on the features of a myth.
Activity One
Come back together and create a ‘post it’ note checklist for the working wall, to include:
A myth is about gods and goddesses
It is set in ancient times
It features danger/revenge
It includes use of magical powers
It uses powerful imagery
Characters are heroes
Explains a strange/important happening
It features strange, frightening creatures
Read the following version of ‘Pandora’s Box’ and compare & contrast:
Activity Two Activity One
Read through the myth of ‘Pandora’s Box’ Discuss the features – give children 10 minutes to highlight the features in pairs.
LA: Supported by IR
Activity Two
Provide several examples of myths for pairs. Children to highlight and annotate the features. Differentiate questioning after activity.
Discuss the task – were all the features present?
Push HA to say that Myths pass on cultural, religious or spiritual beliefs and traditions.
Look at the ten rainbow steps to writing a myth on PPT – discuss how this links to the story mountain.
Homework and spellings.
Ks2 Christmas Play Fun assembly Plus bonus short KS1 Play
A 12 page play for Christmas.
Great for an assembly or fun Christams lesson.
Brucie bonus. 2 page ks1 play
Literacy Lessons Over 2000 Files years 1 to 6 Planning Worksheets Powerpoints
Lessons from all terms for years 1 to 6.
Over 200 files.
Plenty to sift through and a good idea to use bits of lessons to make a really long lesson.
Lessons easily adaptable to go one up or one down.
Enormous range of topics from performance Poetry to journalism planning