Do you want a quality, differentiated, engaging resources? Look no further! I'm a primary school SLE in English Primary, dedicated to making challenging resources that set high expectations for all pupils. The resources in my shop are outstanding and suitable for the national curriculum. You'll find resources for foundation subjects that promote a rounded curriculum and teach skills and knowledge progressively in each key stage. I hope you find a happy work life balance.
Do you want a quality, differentiated, engaging resources? Look no further! I'm a primary school SLE in English Primary, dedicated to making challenging resources that set high expectations for all pupils. The resources in my shop are outstanding and suitable for the national curriculum. You'll find resources for foundation subjects that promote a rounded curriculum and teach skills and knowledge progressively in each key stage. I hope you find a happy work life balance.
Year 2 Maths Fluency in Arithmetic and achieving the expected level in maths, GD and support for SEN.
This 25 page resource is excellent to bridge the gaps in children’s book to evidence the maths arithmetic TAF statements. There are differentiated examples for children to work throughout to have sufficient evidence for areas like doubling, simplified expressions, place value, coordination, rounding and estimating, shape, bridging to add and subtract and using the inverse operations.
There are 25 differentiated PowerPoint slides to support blended learning. You will be able to collect all required evidence needed - if you are being moderated or have been asked to provide further evidence by the moderators.
Good luck with your end of key stage maths.
Year 2 Maths Shape and Space
A powerpoint showing how to make 3d shapes using the faces of 2d shapes. There a vast array of resources including tables to identify properties of shapes to making a net of regular 3d shapes. Be creative and see if you can make a cube net using some of these resources;
spaghetti and marsh mellows or straws and blu tac ,or using construction toys
Children in year 1 should identify how many 2d shape faces they can find on a 3d shape. They should locate shapes in the environment and label them.
In year 2 children will be identifying properties of 3d shapes such as vertices, edges, right faces, number of 2d shapes needed for a net etc. They should also compare one 3d shape with another one and discuss what is same and different.
Year 2 Maths - Numebr with a focus on Division
Learning to divide and share . children solve dividing equally by 2,5, 3, 4, and 10. They use the step count method to help them solve the missing number. This strategy relies on children being good at counting in steps of the above numbers mentioned. They understand how to solve division quickly using this method and can move onto applying it to division with remainders. The powerpoint has clear explanations as to how this method can be used. Very useful in a year 2 setting for all abilities. Children working at greater depth show their reasoning by using the inverse.
An excellent resource to show challenge for all.
Year 2 Division. This is a bundle of resources to teach division with missing numbers. It is suitable after children are secure at step counting to divide or after sharing equally into groups. Once they are secure, they can solve missing numbers. They should use step count to solve the missing number for division or the inverse of multiplication depending on where the missing number is placed. The next step function machine is an excellent plenary to solve another missing number that is presented differently. It is excellent for children working at greater depth. This resource is fab and fun for exploring and investigating number in mixed ability groups. Please enjoy and remember to review the resource. Thank you.
Year 1 and year 2 Maths
Use Beebots to give directions on the road to different olympic venues. Can be used to introduce ordinal language for children working at the expected standard.
Also available are time worksheets
Suitable for year 1 and 2.
Yer 2 Maths
This is an excellent collection of Maths Sats end of Ks1 arithmatic and reasoning example questions. With this resource you will find examples of 40 + powerpoint slides that include all these areas; place value, addition and subtraction on a number line, repeated subtraction, miltiplication, fractions of amount, adding money, using inverse of addition and subtraction, using known facts, number bonds, odds and evens and balancing equations. The children can work through each slide systematically to revise the new maths curriculum or it can be used as a starter to improve the mathematical understanding of children working at the expected standard. Mastery level questioning has been included. All powerpoint is easily accessible and editable to make it more or less challenging. A great revision aid for all teachers working to meet the expected Teacher Assessment Framework standards in the summer term and Greater Depth. This is in line with the new maths curriculum of 2018. Thankyou for choosing this resource. Please leave a comment.
Year 2 Science Plants Unit
Teach and model to children how to set up a fair test to find out how seeds germinate the fastest. The first question is do seeds need light? Children then go on to ask their own enquiry questions about seed germination and follow this through. Some examples are ,
do they need warmth?
do they need air?
do they need nutrients?
do they need water?
do they need air?
This planning and PowerPoint has excellent examples of how to follow the lead of the children. It demonstrates how each group could be setting up their own enquiry and then feed back to the rest of the class. They compare each others fair test and think of follow up questions. Suitable for the new year 2 science curriculum and used to receive a quality mark.
Year 2 Target Tracker Users. Assessing without levels for the end of KS1 Target Tracker users. This is a useful guide how to interpret raw scales, use the conversion scales to target tracker bands for the end of KS1. Useful for benchmarking Secure and Greater Depth. Reading, Maths and Grammar have been converted to Target Tracker in order to get a Working towards, (W/W+) Working at the expected level (S) and Working at Greater Depth (S+) score. Useful for year 2 teachers administering the 2016 new SATS papers. Children who score less that 3 are awarded N. Please see the Interim Pre Key Stage 1 Guide for assessment on the GOV. website.
Use plants concept map to assess children’s prior learning. Can also be used at the end of the unit. it is useful to generate enquiry questions for children to then sort which ones they will pursue by observing, researching, observing over time, comparative testing or fair testing.
The assessment task is to be used at the end of the unit as a means of assessing children’s scientific knowledge and understanding. Please visit the shop to access all plants lessons and resources.
Suitable for the year 2 plants curriculum.
Year 2 open ended challenge. Can also be used for Year 1 HAPs children to show application of number bonds to 20. Good group work activity and allows for children to demonstrate their reasoning skills. Teachers will be able to use AFL during the activity to see which children are confident with their bonds to 10,20 and 50. Can be easily differentiated by using counters for less confident children and changing some of the rules, e.g you can use any number more than once. Great for group work or individual assessment task. Encourages working systematically and talking about maths to show thinking.
This is a good resources to assess children's ability to reason with number. They have several statements that they have to prove such as if you multiply odd with odd the answer is always odd. Or if you start on the number 14 and count in multiples of 2 you will land on 35. The children write examples of their working out and prove if the statement is true or false - or sometimes, never, always. This is a good activity for children to show independent working out and demonstrate prior knowledge of odds, evens, counting in steps of 2, 5, 10, 3,4s, etc.
Suitable for greater depth children and differentiation is available for those working at or below.
Year 2 Narrative Unit to inspire greater depth and mastery writing skills. An excellent bundle of resources suitable for year 2 and year 3. Includes 5 weeks of planning for English and 5 separate grammar exercises within context of the book to be taught alongside it. A cold writing task begins with writing a narrative(fable) of a fox. An exemplar text is provided (re-written in the past tense to imitate and innovate). There are also other opportunities for independent creative writing pieces integrated in the unit so that children can practice skills and rehearse them independently. Book talk and comprehension activities are also included. The language in the text is ambitious as well as appropriate for children to achieve the TAF statements for the year 2 curriculum. This unit can be adapted to suit lower KS2. Links to films and short clips provide opportunities for non-fiction writing e.g. Recount of how fires start in forests or bush lands. If children have previous experiences of writing instructions- they can apply this by writing 'How to mend a broken wing' instructions or make wings for Magpie to fly in DT. This is a great text for closing the gaps in boys writing. Please leave a review. Many thanks for choosing this resource.
This document is to support teachers with feedback and marking. There is an example Powerpoint of good quality feedback and the pedagogy behind it - with children's work, next step marking, self assessment ideas and positive feedback language. There is also a bank of 'Next Step Marking' ideas that have been created to support teachers in their feedback to children that allow independence in revising their work. If marking is over explicit, then parts of the writing may be disqualified. It is highly recommended not to over mark and train children to understand teacher feedback e.g. Use varied sentences for effect on the reader/audience (means that the child has to use questions, commands, statements and exclamatory sentences). The detail in brackets is displayed in the classroom and given as verbal feedback to child. They then go away and improve their writing accordingly. This documents will give you more open bank of statements to use in your next steps (so moderators can't say the feedback was too explicit), and not use that piece of work as evidence for the child meeting the expected criteria (or above greater depth). Suitable for KS1, but can be easily adapted to Year 3 also. Hope you find it useful for your teams and use it to promote independent editing, revising and improvement of work. Linked to English 2018 TAF.
year 2 National Curriculum
Teaching mastery of money comes with solving mixed operation word problems.
In this resource you will find differentiated resources for children to solve problems e.g
Find 2 coins with the value higher than double 3.
Find 3 coins with the value of 63. Now find another way.
Adam shares all the coins equally with a friend - how many do they get each?
Adam thinks he has enough money to buy a spider plant worth 195p. Is he correct?
Suitable for childen working ARE in the year 2 national maths curriculum. Great opportunties also for HAPs children to work with numbers beyond 100 and show greater depth mastery skills.
This is an outstanding resource for you and your staff that includes suggestions for:
Pedagogy and national data
Reading for meaning
Reading and understanding high order vocabulary
Whole class Inset and 21 pages of relevant ideas to teach vocabulary through games
picture word association,
creative and inspirational visuals,
pictures that lend themselves to inference,
root words and morphology,
idioms and riddles,
homophones and
antonyms and synonyms
verbs, nouns and past tense
All the games showcased provide excellent opportunities for children to build an intensive repetoire of language and therefore be able to read and comprehend successfully.
It is suitable as Inset for subject leaders or classroom use. Excellent to develop subject specific CPD and train staff in this new area of development. Written by SLE in English.
Information Text for Year 2 Pupils - ‘All ABout Puffer Fish’
A three week unit to support non fiction writing.
The focus is on sentence building and the following Year 2 TAF grammar features are included in the exemplar text provided.
Using subordinating conjunctions
Using suffixes- ly
Varied sentences
Expanded nouns
Organization of text including subheadings
3 weeks of planning is included
You will also find a medium term overview is included, and an exemplar text that is differentiated. Key vocabulary with visuals are also included.
Pupils will learn information about Puffer Fish and then use this as a model to write their own non-fiction text e.g an example of turtles is given although application of skills can be on any topic that is relevant to your school.
Suitable for year 2 and matching the national curriculum standards and TAFs.
A very engaging unit for boys in particular.
Planning makes reference to other resources such as the literacy shed to engage and enthuse pupils through short films.
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Into the Forest by Anthony Browne
Year 2 Guided Reading
This is a guided reading three week unit for children who are working at the expected level. This book is a great visual story to compliment any English journey linked to traditional stories or forest themes. There are clear planned questions that include literal, inference and evaluative questioning. There are also accompanying grammar and response activities included for all weeks to support a carousel activity format of teaching guided reading in class. This resources supports the new national curriculum for English and Reading in Year 2.
Year 2 Reading and Writing- poetry New English Curriculum
This fabulous resources has an array of classic poetry with comprehensions.
The sound collector has differentiated comprehension for higher ability (working at greater depth) and then differentiated down so that all the class can access and enjoy classic poetry. Children answer literal, inference and evaluative questions about the poem. After that , they spend a day creating their own verses using similar pattern structures.
There are also other many fun and enjoyable poems to learn and perform by Roger McGough, and Valerie Bloom- such as The River, and other sound poems. Children can recite these, perform them and offer opinions about them. Children will learn how to identify rhyming words and generate their own. They will understand language techniques used by the poet and create their own verse.
This resource can also be used as a poetry unit during English main teaching or guided reading. It will be good evidence for greater depth reading and writing.
Thank you in advance for choosing this resource.
Find other great reading and writing units in the shop to save you planning time and get a work life balance.
Guided Reading Year 2. Whole class teaching and group discussion.
This is as outstanding resource for you to use with your whole class. It has been cleverly organized and written so that all children can access the wonderful story. The resource is designed to be taught as a whole a class activity. The teacher supports reading of the text and children answer questions collaboratively, and learn from each others responses. Teachers are required to teach skimming and scanning techniques, read around the word, answer literal and clue questions, as well as evaluative summary questions. The resource has high expectations of all children and builds high level vocabulary. This will support you to show evidence of greater depth text. It s important to have class copies of text for group discussion.
First day back activities for KS1 and lower KS2.
Editable versions included for you to be able to make the resource fit for purpose and age group.
Bingo game - Find someone in the class who has…
Maths game - All about me
Poetry - First Day back Acrostic Poetry
Would you rather editable game
Pupils and teachers will get to know each other using these fun games and activities. Nice ice breakers and engaging way to get to know more about your pupils.
Here to help you save your teacher Sundays
Hope you have a good year ahead with your new class.
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