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Plenary game - find out what they've learned!
2 teams - boys v. girls. Teacher asks question to 1st team. If correct, team chooses a number from grid. Teacher clicks on number and points scored as follows:
NUMBER = team awarded that number of points
2 ARROWS = teams must swap their scores (watch their faces!! Priceless!!!)
MONKEY = team loses all their points.
All credit to my wonderful colleague Helen Patterson who created then shared this resource. ENJOY!!! :)

Types of house and area - cover lesson
Had to leave work for my year 7 class starting House and Home topic. This worksheet introduces them to key vocab to talk about types of houses and areas they might live in. 'Ave it!!! :)

Home town paired speaking activity
Print the 3 screens on A4 card & fold as indicated. 2 pupils sit opposite each other and must try to say the English paragraph on their side of the card in French while their partner checks what they say. Cards can be swapped after a set period of time until all pupils have tried 3 different paragraphs.

HOLIDAYS 3 tenses recognition TRIANGLE PUZZLE
Cut out the triangles and pupils match them up so that French sentences are adjacent to their equivalent English sentences, thus creating one docking big triangle!! N.B. YOU NEED FORMULATOR TARSIA software on your computer to open this resource but it's free to download. I created the resource using this software.

KS3 French Holidays tense recognition - group work
Each group is given copies of the 4 texts (as 4 separate sheets) and one copy of the worksheet. Pupils can decide how they want to work - either split up into pairs and each pair looks for ONE particular tense in all 4 texts, swapping texts when they have finished, OR each pair focuses on ONE text, identifying the 3 different tenses. Give 'em mini highlighters - they like using them and the colours reinforce the different tenses. Pupils record their findings on the worksheet then feed back to the class. 'Ave it!!! :)

Technology - Pair work reading activity
Encourages pupils to scan texts for familiar language and then try to work out new vocab before using a dictionary. Divide your class into groups of 4-6 pupils. Give each group 1 copy of the 5 mini texts about Google glasses. Give each pupil a copy of the worksheet. Pupils study one of the texts and answer any relevant questions before swapping the text with other pupils in their group. Keep the 5 texts circulating around the groups until pupils have answered all the questions. Every now and then play some timed music (approx. 2 minutes?) and only when they hear the music are they allowed to use a dictionary. When the music stops they have to close dictionaries!

Easter Maths and colouring activity
Pupils each have a copy of both sheets - cut out the pictures, do the sums and stick the correct part of the picture on top of the sums to create an Easter picture which can then be coloured! Smartboard slide gives instructions for pupils to follow.

French Valentines Day activities
For older pupils, probably years 10 & 11. Includes a short starter poem to translate, a match up activity (how to say I LOVE YOU in 10 languages), a link to BBC Ma France resource (video clips of people dating), vocab for creating a Valentines card, a wordsearch and a Higher Level reading past exam question. Included : Powerpoint presentation, past exam question worksheet and wordsearch worksheet.

Christmas vocab game (vocab from Linguascope)
If you've used Linguascope to teach 10 items of French Christmas vocabulary then this is the perfect plenary! 10 pictures repeatedly flash in the box - a pupil taps the box to stop the pictures, and is then given a choice of 3 possible answers. If they tap the correct answer they of course receive the obligatory sweet! :)
If you don't subscribe to Linguascope this could be used as a research lesson, so teacher could tap the pictures, pupils look at the 3 words and use dictionaries to work out correct answer.

Shopping revision booklet
Various vocab exercises and past exam questions. Suitable for year 11 prior to final exam.

Food vocab and simple sentences quiz
For KS2 or 3 pupils. Competitive quiz activity. Practises knowledge of basic food vocab and sentences. Each shape is hyperlinked to a slide which contains the question. Click on the smiley face on the question slide to return to the first slide. For 10 marks pupils must recognise basic foods eg le poulet. For 20 points they have to recognise simple sentences eg. J'aime le fromage. For 30 points they have to recognise more challenging sentences eg. Mon père mange trop de frites. For 40 points they have to say something in French eg. My mum loves cake.
This is an adaptable resource.

Technology vocab
Pictures for pupils to cut out and glue in books.
Accompanying presentation slide showing vocab needed.

Perfect tense plenary!
Pupils GO MAD for this and just want to play it every lesson!! Girls v. boys. One pupil nominates a box they know the answer to .. if they give a correct answer, click on the box and a number of points is revealed ....... or a MONKEY (In which case the team lose all their points) ....or 2 ARROWS (in which case the teams SWAP points). OMG mad for it!!!!!! Enjoy. (Can't take ALL the credit, a colleague gave me the original but I've added the questions for this version). :)

Pupils work in 5 groups. Give pupils in each group the same info card & let them work together to find out English meanings. (Or could be set as homework). Then give them all a pupil vocab sheet, and transfer the info they have found out onto the sheet. Then let them go round classroom asking pupils for answers to remaining vocab on sheet - only allowed to ask one question before moving on to another pupil. When vocab sheet complete, use it to write an independent paragraph about uniform. PHEW!!! Hard to explain - hope you get it and hope it's of some use!!! :)

Text analysis about where someone lives
Pupils work in pairs analysing one of two texts. Dictionaries are only allowed when they hear the countdown music so mostly they have to use their own skills / knowledge. After 20 minutes, 20 phrases from the 2 texts appear on the board in English, one at a time (powerpoint is timed). Pupils must scan the text they have worked on to find the equivalent in French. Full instructions on 1st powerpoint slide. Involves an element of challenge/competition and of course the winners MUST get a prize!!! :) 'Ave it!!!

End of term team game/quiz - Logos, celebrities
Boys v. girls - one team chooses a box and if they give right answer teacher clicks on that box to reveal a number of points ... OR a MONKEY (lose all your points) ... OR 2 arrows symbol (teams swap scores) ... OR a minus number of points!!! Just a bit of fun for the end of term! :)

Types of house and area - cover work
Had to leave work for my year 7 class starting House and Home topic. This worksheet introduces them to key vocab to talk about types of houses and areas they might live in. 'Ave it!!! :)

Peter Capaldi interview - sequencing activity
Pupils put the cards in the right order to create an interview with Peter Capaldi. Accompanying worksheet reinforces their knowledge of key phrases prior to producing a description of a celebrity. Credit to a colleague on another website for the original idea, which I have adapted here. ‘Ave it!! :)

French Christmas dominoes
Pupils use a dictionary to find out new vocabulary. They then create a long line of dominoes, matching up all the words and pictures. Once they are familiar with the vocabulary they can play a few games of dominoes! (Worth discussing the rules first .. some of my pupils weren't sure how to play dominoes!!)

Remembrance day - French vocabulary on emotions
Pupils are given a copy of the vocab list on last slide of powerpoint.
They are then shown a series of images with a choice of 3 emotions and asked to show red/amber/green card to show which emotion they think is shown in the images. (Our pupils' planners have RAG pages - they could use different coloured pens / objects instead?)
Later slides offer no choice of emotions, but encourage pupils to write an emotion on a whiteboard instead.
Depending on ability of class pupils could be encouraged to write whole sentences rather than single words.