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NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.




NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.
Coal Mining Memorials & Disasters in South Wales 1

Coal Mining Memorials & Disasters in South Wales 1

An interactive exploration into how coal was formed, why it was mined and the dangers of such practices over the past 100 years. The resource is built around the recently erected Six Bells memorial ‘the Guardian’ but other memorials are also featured to encourage pupils to consider the true cost of coal to the mining communities of South Wales. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Unit BS4 : Business Strategy and Practice - Budget

Unit BS4 : Business Strategy and Practice - Budget

The aim of this unit is to focus on how business objectives are to be achieved once they have been decided. This unit focuses on the methods that businesses can use in order to meet their objectives. It breaks these methods down into functional areas: marketing, finance, human resources and operations management (including purchasing and stock control). For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Unit BS4: Business Strategy and Practice - Sales

Unit BS4: Business Strategy and Practice - Sales

The aim of this unit is to focus on how business objectives are to be achieved once they have been decided. This unit focuses on the methods that businesses can use in order to meet their objectives. It breaks these methods down into functional areas: marketing, finance, human resources and operations management (including purchasing and stock control). For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Unit BS4: Business Strategy and Practice - Costing

Unit BS4: Business Strategy and Practice - Costing

The aim of this unit is to focus on how business objectives are to be achieved once they have been decided. This unit focuses on the methods that businesses can use in order to meet their objectives. It breaks these methods down into functional areas: marketing, finance, human resources and operations management (including purchasing and stock control). For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.


Adnodd sy'n cefnogi addysgu Uned IT3 (Y Defnydd o TGCh a’i Heffaith) sy’n rhan o fanyleb TGCh CBAC. Mae'r adnodd dwyieithog wedi ei strwythuro i ddilyn y 9 uned sydd yn y fanyleb a gellir ei ddefnyddio gan y dysgwr neu gan athro yn trafod gyda dosbarth cyfan gyda bwrdd gwyn a thaflunydd digidol. Ceir cyflwyniad PowerPoint ar ddechrau pob uned sydd hefyd yn cynnwys animeiddiadau i egluro cysyniadau anodd ac i atgyfnerthu&'r dysgu. Mae mapiau meddwl ac ystod o gyn gwestiynau arholiad hefyd yn cael eu cynnwys.
Unit BS4: Business Strategy and Practice Marketing

Unit BS4: Business Strategy and Practice Marketing

The aim of this unit is to focus on how business objectives are to be achieved once they have been decided. This unit focuses on the methods that businesses can use in order to meet their objectives. It breaks these methods down into functional areas: marketing, finance, human resources and operations management (including purchasing and stock control). For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Edwardian Conquest of Wales - Pupil Evaluation

Edwardian Conquest of Wales - Pupil Evaluation

A comprehensive resource designed to take pupils through the process of historical enquiry. The exercise focuses on the Edwardian Conquest and asks pupils to consider the impact of these events on Wales. The activity includes a number of interactive resources that can be delivered using whiteboards or VLEs. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Unit BS4 : Business Strategy and Practice - CBA

Unit BS4 : Business Strategy and Practice - CBA

The aim of this unit is to focus on how business objectives are to be achieved once they have been decided. This unit focuses on the methods that businesses can use in order to meet their objectives. It breaks these methods down into functional areas: marketing, finance, human resources and operations management (including purchasing and stock control). For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Cardiau Gorchmynion

Cardiau Gorchmynion

Cyfres o gardiau gorchmynion i gynorthwyo athrawon i ddefnyddio a hyrwyddo iaith achlysurol yn y dosbarth. Mae’r adnodd ar ffurf PowerPoint y gellid ei addasu neu ei argraffu
Deall Arian

Deall Arian

Llyfr i ddysgu am arian drwy chwarae gemau ar gyfer plant rhwng pedair ac wyth oed. Gyda chymorth parod athrawon neu rieni, bydd y plant yn casglu arian, yn edrych yn fanwl arno ac yn ei drin a’i drafod. Wrth chwarae’r gemau bydd y plant hefyd yn ymarfer eu sgiliau cymdeithasol fel aros eu tro a sgwrsio am sut y gallant ddefnyddio arian unwaith iddynt ei gael!
Canal History and Wildlife - News article Lesson

Canal History and Wildlife - News article Lesson

Fourteen Locks KS2 Education Resource Pack. This is a fully planned cross-curricular KS2 teaching and learning resource. It has been developed through partnership between The Fourteen Locks Education Through Restoration Project, The Blaenavon Forgotten Landscapes Project and Keep Wales Tidy and contains: Practical Learning Resources, including video resources; Teacher Guidance; Curriculum Links. The resource is free to use by schools, but permission is needed for any other purpose. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Canal History and Wildlife - Damselfly

Canal History and Wildlife - Damselfly

Fourteen Locks KS2 Education Resource Pack. This is a fully planned cross-curricular KS2 teaching and learning resource. It has been developed through partnership between The Fourteen Locks Education Through Restoration Project, The Blaenavon Forgotten Landscapes Project and Keep Wales Tidy and contains: Practical Learning Resources, including video resources; Teacher Guidance; Curriculum Links. The resource is free to use by schools, but permission is needed for any other purpose. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Adnoddau Digidol Moli Cam A-4

Adnoddau Digidol Moli Cam A-4

Dyma gyfres o lyfrau lliwgar am Moli a’i brawd a’i chwaer fach. Mae’r llyfrau’n addas ar gyfer dysgwyr iaith gyntaf ac ail iaith sy’n dechrau darllen Cymraeg. Mae’r llyfrau rhyngweithiol hyn yn cynnig cyfleoedd i athrawon ddarllen gyda’u dysgwyr fel dosbarth, grwp neu fel unigolion ac i gydweithio ar weithgareddau aml-gyfrwng sy’n seiliedig ar gynnwys y llyfrau. Efallai bydd angen ichi bwyso’r allwedd F11 ar ben y bysellfwrdd er mwyn gweld y sgrin yn gyfan heb sgroilio. Pwyswch F11 eto er mwyn dychwelyd y sgrin i’r modd gwreiddiol.
Canal History and Wildlife - Sailing Ship cards

Canal History and Wildlife - Sailing Ship cards

Fourteen Locks KS2 Education Resource Pack. This is a fully planned cross-curricular KS2 teaching and learning resource. It has been developed through partnership between The Fourteen Locks Education Through Restoration Project, The Blaenavon Forgotten Landscapes Project and Keep Wales Tidy and contains: Practical Learning Resources, including video resources; Teacher Guidance; Curriculum Links. The resource is free to use by schools, but permission is needed for any other purpose. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Canal History and Wildlife - Heron

Canal History and Wildlife - Heron

Fourteen Locks KS2 Education Resource Pack. This is a fully planned cross-curricular KS2 teaching and learning resource. It has been developed through partnership between The Fourteen Locks Education Through Restoration Project, The Blaenavon Forgotten Landscapes Project and Keep Wales Tidy and contains: Practical Learning Resources, including video resources; Teacher Guidance; Curriculum Links. The resource is free to use by schools, but permission is needed for any other purpose. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Canal History and Wildlife -  Toll Cottage & Lock

Canal History and Wildlife - Toll Cottage & Lock

Fourteen Locks KS2 Education Resource Pack. This is a fully planned cross-curricular KS2 teaching and learning resource. It has been developed through partnership between The Fourteen Locks Education Through Restoration Project, The Blaenavon Forgotten Landscapes Project and Keep Wales Tidy and contains: Practical Learning Resources, including video resources; Teacher Guidance; Curriculum Links. The resource is free to use by schools, but permission is needed for any other purpose. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Canal History and Wildlife - History project WS3

Canal History and Wildlife - History project WS3

Fourteen Locks KS2 Education Resource Pack. This is a fully planned cross-curricular KS2 teaching and learning resource. It has been developed through partnership between The Fourteen Locks Education Through Restoration Project, The Blaenavon Forgotten Landscapes Project and Keep Wales Tidy and contains: Practical Learning Resources, including video resources; Teacher Guidance; Curriculum Links. The resource is free to use by schools, but permission is needed for any other purpose. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Canal History and Wildlife - History project WS 1

Canal History and Wildlife - History project WS 1

Fourteen Locks KS2 Education Resource Pack. This is a fully planned cross-curricular KS2 teaching and learning resource. It has been developed through partnership between The Fourteen Locks Education Through Restoration Project, The Blaenavon Forgotten Landscapes Project and Keep Wales Tidy and contains: Practical Learning Resources, including video resources; Teacher Guidance; Curriculum Links. The resource is free to use by schools, but permission is needed for any other purpose. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Unit BS4 : Business Strategy and Practice  - CPA

Unit BS4 : Business Strategy and Practice - CPA

The aim of this unit is to focus on how business objectives are to be achieved once they have been decided. This unit focuses on the methods that businesses can use in order to meet their objectives. It breaks these methods down into functional areas: marketing, finance, human resources and operations management (including purchasing and stock control). For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.