Lesson that introduces the definitions of ‘citizen’ and ‘citizenship’. Students describe key British values. Students complete a baseline quiz to assess the extent of their citizenship knowledge.
Learning Objectives
To understand the differences between rights and responsibilities
To give examples of the rights of young people in the UK
To explain why some rights are more important than others
Students watch a clip about child labour and use this to frame their understanding of the rights of young people around the world and how they may be different in the UK
Y8 SOW - Unit 2; How are human rights protected?
Lesson 5 - FGM
Learning Objectives
To understand what FGM is
To understand that FGM is harmful
To know that FGM is illegal in the UK and abroad
To know where and how young people can get help and support around FGM
Y9 SOW - Unit 5; How financially responsible is the UK?
Lesson 2 - How does the UK tax system work?
Learning Objectives
To define taxation
To describe how taxation works in the UK
To examine UK budget and tax priorities
Brexit SOW - new for 2016-17 - 5 lessons focusing on Brexit
Lesson 4; What type of Brexit does the UK want?
Learning Outcomes
To understand the terms “hard” and “soft” Brexit
To explain the differences between a “hard” and “soft” Brexit
To explore alternatives to “hard” and “soft” Brexits
Y8 SOW - Unit 2; How are Human Rights prtoected?
Lesson 4 - Forced Marriage
Learning Objectives
To understand what a forced marriage is and what it is not.
To understand the cultural context of forced marriages.
To understand the possible long-term impact of forced marriage on girls and women, particularly the consequences for their education
Y8 SOW - Unit 3; How are we kept safe?
Lesson 1; What are civil and criminal offences?
Learning Objectives
To define civil and criminal law
To distinguish between actions that are considered civil and criminal offences
To analyse a case study of a civil offence
Learning Objectives
To identify some key attributes of a good citizen
To create a “Good Citizen Guide”
Students complete and activity then assessment identifying key attributes of good citizens. Assessment/marking criteria included but with new GCSE grades matched against old NC level criteria - this will not be appropriate for all schools.
Lesson examining the political spectrum in the UK including 2 questionnaires for students to reflect on where they would place themselves on the spectrum.
Lesson examining the composition and roles of parliament (worksheet for printing is at end of ppt). Also supplied is parliament web quest used as a cover lesson but could be integrated as part of ICT based lesson.
Y8 SOW - Unit 3; How are we kept safe?
Lesson 3 - How are young people stereotyped?
Learning Objectives
To understand why there are 'stereotypes' of young people
To identify and discuss factors that can lead to negative stereotyping of young people
To understand that fear of crime is more prevalent than crime itself, and that this can have serious consequences for many people
Learning Objectives:
To explain the concept of fairness in a community
To analyse the advantages and disadvantages of different forms of government
To make a judgement on which form of government is most effective
Students complete desert island dilemma starter to frame their understanding of fairness.
Lesson examining the flexibility of the constitution - how and why has the constitution managed to survive? How flexible is it? Encouraging students to make a thorough assessment of how the constitution works in practice.
Y8 Citizenship SOW; Unit 1 - Why are civil liberties worth protecting?
Lesson 2 - How are free speech and hate speech different?
*Activities focused on examining case studies to determine whether they are examples of free speech and hate speech*
Y8 SOW - Unit 3; How are we kept safe?
Lesson 2 - What causes people to commit crime?
Learning Objectives
To explore reasons why people commit crimes
To sort these reasons into categories
To apply this reasoning to case studies
Y8 SOW - Unit 4; How do we get justice?
Lesson 5 - What is the right age to hold children responsible for their actions?
Learning Objectives
To understand how you will be assessed in a debate
To debate at what age a child should be held responsible for criminal actions