I taught in a range of schools for many years before moving into FE, where I found creative and imaginative approaches just as rewarding with adults. Most of my resources are concerned with giving control to the learner, through a range of methods. Some are great for just giving them experience of examination questions, and the chance to discuss these with other learners. I now concentrate on spreading the range of creations from UK KS1 to KS4, and across the Common Standards.
I taught in a range of schools for many years before moving into FE, where I found creative and imaginative approaches just as rewarding with adults. Most of my resources are concerned with giving control to the learner, through a range of methods. Some are great for just giving them experience of examination questions, and the chance to discuss these with other learners. I now concentrate on spreading the range of creations from UK KS1 to KS4, and across the Common Standards.
Posters and Displays. I spent a rainy afternoon putting the GCSE maths specifications into Word Clouds using Wordle. Great little application.
And after that I shared it.
Solid shapes come up with reassuring regularity on GCSE papers, yet are often done badly, accoring to examiner's reports. Each time we struggle with a concept I make a net for the learners to cut out and hence aid understanding. The prism is very useful - I get the learners to write down as many questions as they can - volume, surface area, faces, vertices, edges, and so on. It works for us!
I'm a great believer in letting the learners look for themselves, so along with the formulae books I have lots of posters on display - &'teaching without talking&';, as we say.
Mostly Pure, or 'Core&', with a couple of Mechanics, all in pdf.
In this PowerPoint are a few questions to get learners to look at percentages from puzzles - the mathematics is not difficult, the learners simply need to consider creative approaches. The questions give everyday examples.
This is more of an idea than a set of resources. Having a young learner who struggled with both simple addition in his head, including counting on, and poor recollection of tables, I turned to dice games as a way of helping the learner to develop fluency and retention. I found some online, and I give an example from NRich here. But I also produced addition and multiplication grids, first up to six and then up to ten, for six sided dice and ten sided dice. We take turns to throw the two dice, and mark off the score on our grids, either on an addition grid or a multiplication grid. First one to four in a row, including diagonals, wins the game. Or three in a row if we are short of time - let the learners decide. And finally I've added some with addition for three dice - Bingo style cards with 3 to 18. Each card has one missing number, so there are eighteen in total, with numbers jumbled on each. It would be easy to devise simple tables for the difference between the two dice - I might try that next.
Let me know what you think. My young learner loves the games we devise, and his skills have come on wonderfully.
Key stage 2 - getting more familiar with fractions:
'compare and order unit fractions, and fractions with the same denominators'
Simple stuff for young learners, or revision at later stages.
Two simple multiple-choice quizzes covering addition and subtraction. The first is simple halves, quarters and eighths; the second covers halves, third, sixths, fifths and tenths. Aimed at year 5, but great for revision in year 6 before they search for common denominators. And good for KS3 and KS4 revision.
Illustrated throughout, with answer slides after each question.
Full set of engaging activities to lead the learners to deriving methods and formulas for finding areas of triangles. Covers KS2 specs for Year 6, but good for revision and practice at any stage.
Lots of questions in the style of SATs from right across the range of papers. Great for revision, practice, or checking learning at later stages, for example KS3 or Foundation GCSE.
A full set of activities to engage the learners in finding the area of parallelograms and deriving methods and formulas. Good for practice or revision at any stage. Covers the specs for Year 6.
Maths Key Stage 2. Lots of questions in the style of SATs from right across the range of papers. Great for revision, practice, or checking learning at later stages, for example KS3 or Foundation GCSE. Covers all the specs for types of number: odd, even, square, factor, multiple, primes etc.
Maths Key Stage 2. Lots of questions in the style of SATs from right across the range of papers. Great for revision, practice, or checking learning at later stages, for example KS3 or Foundation GCSE. Using mathematics to solve problems using all four rules.
In Word and PDF for ease of editing or printing.
Big bundle of 10 worksheets for telling the time and drawing hands on a clock face, meeting the curriculum for Grade 2, in units of five minutes.
Precision drawn clock faces in Word and PDF for the learners to read the times, and draw missing hands on the clock faces – minutes, hours, and both minutes and hours.
Colourful presentation with lots of images to show the relationship between mixed numbers and improper fractions, plus two worksheets covering the specs for year 5. A full lesson of stuff.
Specification, fractions year 5:
'recognise mixed numbers and improper fractions and convert from one form to the other and write mathematical statements > 1 as a mixed number [for example, 2/5 + 4/5 = 6/5 = 1 1/5]'
Great for revision in year 6 and above.
National Curriculum Maths year 6, but also essential for revision in KS3, and great for lower tiers of Foundation GCSE. 'Multiply simple pairs of proper fractions, writing the answer in its simplest form'.
Guidelines say: 'Pupils should use a variety of images to support their understanding of multiplication with fractions. This follows earlier work about fractions as operators (fractions of), as numbers, and as equal parts of objects, for example as parts of a rectangle.'
Clear step-by-step presentation with questions and answers built in for class discussion and question/answer session. Everything for at least one lesson and some consolidation.
Maths National Curriculum
Multiplying fractions Year 5
’multiply proper fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers, supported by materials and diagrams’
Clear, concise and colourful presentation giving a variety of real scenarios with appropriate images and photographs to give the learners opportunities the ability to see this topic from a variety of positions. And hopefully the learners will develop alternative ways to find solutions. A PDF version is included to ensure it looks good on any screen with any computer system.
Plus a worksheet of questions, and another file with the answers.
Meets the criteria for Year 5, but invaluable for revision in year 6 and in Key Stages 3 and 4.
Questions culled and adapted from some very old papers, which means that none of the current learners will have seen these. Actually, very little changes, and although these are at the top end of the scale - some of the new ones may be even trickier, but these are great for getting the basics for Higher Tier.
Everything you need for teaching, learning and assessing ratio at KS4, GCSE.
Tests, presentations, classwork, homework, plus lots of exam style questions, duly adopted and adapted.