Resources included are as follows:
Alphabet letters with Lego blocks inside (A4)
Numbers 0-9 with Lego blocks inside (A4)
Question mark, exclamation mark, comma and full stop with Lego blocks inside (A4)
Resources included are as follows:
10 A4 posters about hygiene
Posters cover the following areas:
Brushing your teeth
Changing your clothes
Having a bath
Washing your hair
Washing your hands
Changing your bed
Catching your germs
Washing food
Using deodorant
Cleaning your house
A4 lettering to use as a title for display is also included with polka dots pattern as well as a long banner for a smaller display.
Resources included are as follows:
18 PDF files for you to print.
A4 emotions posters – 9 posters each with a standing Lego person
A4 emotions posters – each with Lego face showing different emotions
A4 emotions poster – showing all faces
Matching cards – faces and emotions words to match together
Lego people outlines to colour and add emotions to faces
Long banner, large lettering, display borders
Small emotions cards for pupils to use at their desks
Work booklet cover
3 writing tasks
Sentence writing sheet for topic summary
Word search
Resources included are as follows:
Story presentation – retelling he story.
Large title lettering, keyword flashcards, story sack tag, Speech bubble for display, A4 character faces for display, long banner, display borders and backing paper if needed, book synopsis poster, topic title page, folder and binder labels,
Describe your favourite part of the story, I like this story because…, can/have/are writing task, true or false quiz, story board to write, learning objective tracker, writing booklet cover and writing borders. Character description task, other uses for sticks worksheet, bingo game, draw a tree task, face masks for role play, speech bubble worksheets, fill in the missing words story elements task, and puppets of al characters, make a lost poster for Stick Man, pairs cards matching game, question pack for before / during /after reading the story, redesign book cover, sequencing cards to sort, word mat, word sort etc.
Resources included on the disc include:
Story Presentation – telling the story in full, to be used on the IWB or printed
3 writing work sheets to tell or sequence the story
6 character flashcards of all the characters from the story
8 writing pages with images from the story
9 writing practice work sheets of key words from the story
10 large shark images with rhyming word pairs from the story
Alphabet flashcards with shark images from the story
A-Z flashcards with upper and lower case letters on trees
Alphabetical order word cards
Word cards with words containing ‘ar’ sound
Blank thought bubbles
Blank speech bubbles to be completed by pupils
Character faces with blank speech bubbles to be completed
Character faces with blank thought bubbles
Word cards with words containing the ‘sh’ sound
Story board for pupils to retell the story
Story sack tag to help keep all your resources together
Word mat
Writing frame with scene from story
Number flashcards 1-20 with ducks from the pond
Counting cards 1-10 – counting the fins in the pond
3D shape nets with shark fin pictures
Number bond cards to 10
Size order and measuring task – measuring sharks lengths
6 character hand puppets
6 characters reward charts
Timothy face mask to use in role plays
Draw a door hanger art activity
Hungry shark – drawing activity
Bingo game
Make a mobile activity with lots of images from the story
Draw a scene through Timothy’s telescope
Shark poem, face mask, hand puppet
Make your own telescope activity – with shapes to cut and glue together
Draw your favourite part of the story activity
Missing words worksheet to test pupils comprehension
16 key word cards, book cover, character images, photo pack of parks, long banner, large lettering, display borders, shark facts posters, shark species flashcards, etc
Resources included are as follows:
•50 pdf files.
•Illustrated presentation retelling the story.
•Character flashcards, props for role play, hand puppets, adjectives word cards from the story,
•Owl facts poster, owl photo flashcards, night and day photos, dark places flashcards, day and night colouring page, owl facts writing sheet, bingo game, pairs matching card game, nocturnal animals facts posters, number flashcards 1-50, number binds to 10 and 20.
•Writing pages, drawing frames, owl shaped frames, full range of writing and drawing tasks related to the story and to owls, emotions writing and drawing worksheet, reward chart to draw, word search, writing booklet cover for project work, colouring pages, story board to complete.
•Long banner to head wall display, letters bunting, display borders, backing paper to print if needed, binder covers, resources sack tag.
Resources included are as follows:
55 PDF files for you to print.
Story presentation, story sequencing cards, word mat, Title page for introduction, story sack tag, ladybird fact posters, animal and people face masks from story, photo posters of animals, large character images posters for display, number flashcards 1-20 A4, questions pack for before/during/after the story, rhyming word cards, animal sounds posters, animal sounds/faces/names matching cards, rosette to design for cow, binocular drawing task, making a plan for the thieves,
Display borders; patterned and plain, backing paper, character picture flashcards to use as display or props, book synopsis poster, long banner to head wall display, large lettering to spell story title, colourful buntings.
writing pages, can/have/are worksheet, anagrams worksheet, Redesign a book cover, bingo game, matching pairs card game for numbers and spots, retell the story for another point of view, Reward charts, describe favourite part of the story, speech bubbles worksheets, hand puppets for role play or retelling the story, story board, I like this story because…, learning objective tracker, work booklet cover for project work, word search. Sentence writing sheets, addition worksheets, subtraction worksheets, character cards to complete, character description writing, rhyming words worksheet, true or false story quiz, draw a farm scene, write a diary, draw a map, acrostic poem, etc.
Resources included are as follows:
38 PDF files for you to print.
Story presentation, retelling the story, question pack for before and after reading, flashcards of things from the story, sequencing cards and editable word cards on PowerPoint.
A range display materials including long banner, large lettering, display borders, backing paper, folder and drawer labels, topic title page, resources sack tag, word mat.
Many writing and drawing tasks including favourite part of the story, questions sheet, I like this story because–, story board to complete, work booklet cover, words beginning with ST, colouring page, acrostic poem, can have and are worksheet, day and night display posters, draw a spaceship, draw dark places, draw day and night, looking trough a telescope, anagrams, diary entry, writing frame, true or false quiz.
Other activities such as role play props, hand puppet in colour, face mask, reward charts, learning objective tracker, word search.
Resources included are as follows:
Key facts and information file – including brief summary of who the Ancient Maya were, where they lived and when
Daily life information pack – including hierarchy of people, homes, food, clothes, traditions etc
Sites and cities information
Religion and mythology pack
Timeline details
Writing and numbers including examples
Government, lords and Kings information
Pyramids and architecture fact file
Calendars information
Art – information about different types of art, from carving, to painting, to dance
The Hero Twins Myth story presentation
A4 title poster
Long banner to head wall display
Extra large lettering spelling ‘Ancient Maya’
Picture bunting
Display borders and backing paper
Photo pack of sites that remain today
Decorated lettering spelling Maya with a colourful calendar background to each letter
Time line posters
Key word / glossary cards
Binder / folder / drawer labels
Useful images – large and colourful to add to display
Maps of Maya region
Maps of Central America
Maps of each relevant country in Central America
Maya map to colour
Hieroglyphs activity
Acrostic poem task
Alphabetical order worksheet
Colouring pages
Diary writing activity
Draw your own Maya art
Draw a Maya home
Hieroglyphs information and examples
Draw a local lunchbox
Make character flashcards for different ranks in Mayan society
Word mat
Word search
Write sentences worksheet
Writing booklet cover to keep pupils work together
Themed writing pages
Blank thought and speech bubbles to use as evidence for role plays
8 Lesson Course
Suitable for Key Stage 2- Key stage 4.
These great resources to print and use in your school or community centre. They are unique colourful resources designed and tested by teachers. Save yourself hours of planning time with this –PRINT and GO- Anger management resource pack.
The pack includes the following:
•8 Full lessons as detailed below
•Lesson Objectives in large print to display on the board
•Lesson plans including back up plans for difficult behaviour and extension activities
•Lessons all include starter activities, lots of main activities and plenary activities.
•Learning objectives and outcomes clearly shown
•Attendance log
•Achievements log
•End of course assessment
•Certificate of attendance
•Display materials.
8 full lessons approximately and hour in length, plus different activities, such as research activities, art and design activities and ICT activities which have various time lengths from 10 minutes to a couple of hours.
Lessons outlines are as follows:
1.What is anger? / Anger is a normal emotion and one of many.
2.What causes anger?
3.What happens to myself and others when I get angry?
4.Ways to deal with anger.
5.Passive, assertive and aggressive, and ways to defuse anger.
6.Relaxation techniques.
7.Self talk
8.Reflecting on what I have leant about anger and an action plan for the future.
The course is based around kinaesthetic / hands on activities with lessons including tasks such as reading, writing, speaking, listening, picture/word matching, colouring, thinking, role play, videos, playing card games, cutting and sticking, individual work, pair work, group work.
This course is designed by teachers for teachers to save you hours of time.
Resources for you to use over and over again. Everything you need is included. You will not have to find anything else – PRINT and GO!!
Country Information Presentation – covering all the key facts about the country – such as history, geography, language, landmarks, tourism etc, Language resources – words and phrases, flashcards of Spanish things, display resources for notice boards, photo packs, flag and activities, writing / drawing / designing / craft activities, food photo cards, recipes, famous paintings by Dali / Picasso, maps of the world /continent /country, map task, card matching game, quiz, number flashcards, tour guide badges, reward chart, word search etc
Resources include:
1.10 multicultural face masks, to use for travel agents staff or customers – staff hats are available to attach to any of the face masks.
2.95 flags from around the world to decorate your role play area.
3.Landmarks photos poster pack – 50 x A4 size
4.100 Travel flashcards showing images of different travel related items – A4 size
5.Blank price cards to label holiday prices
6.Blank advertise ment posters to add prices to
7.Acrostic poem
8.Blank luggage labels for pupils to complete
9.Blank thought bubbles for pupils to complete
10.Blank speech bubbles for pupils to complete
11.Brochure covers
12.Brochure pages from inside brochures
13.Car hire company logos to create display and holiday options in roles plays
14.Car types posters to create options in role plays
15.Cruise ships photo pack to create role play options
16.Airplane photo pack to create options in role plays or add to displays
17.Check in luggage rules poster
18.Colouring pages
19.Holiday diary for pupils to complete
20.Different accommodation photo pack for role play options and display
21.Dream destination writing task with booklet insert
22.Travel agents writing booklet cover for pupils to keep all their work together
23.Hand luggage poster
24.Flight tickets for pupils to fill in
25.Coach tickets for pupils to fill in
26.Cruise tickets for pupils to fill in
27.Holiday booking form for pupils to fill in
28.Coin collage task
29.Holidays for sale sign
30.A4 lettering to spell travel agents
31.Map of the world
32.Money denominations poster
33.Money quiz and answer sheet
34.Blank passport for pupils to complete
35.Number flashcards 1-20 on suitcases
36.Open and closed signs for travel agents
37.Opening times sign
38.Please pay here sign
39.Postcard template for pupils to complete
40.Tourist information pack showing different destinations and key facts abut what you can do there and travel options for each
41.Photo poster pack of different holiday destinations with a famous picture from each
42.Holiday price list sign
43.Sale sign and sale tags for display
44.Travel agents staff badges
45.Tour guide badges for role plays
46.Travel agents long banner to head your display
47.Welcome to our travel agents sign showing what services are available
48.Word search
49.Writing borders for pupils to use for written work
50.Complaint letter writing task
Resources include:
•Information packs for each country with an additional pack about Greenland.
Information packs include facts about the country, its location, geography, modern history, ancient history, climate, general information, famous people and inventions etc
•Photo packs for each country
•Country names flashcards, key word flashcards, food flashcards, population statistics poster, A4 flags
Maps and Activities
•Maps of each country, Scandinavia, the Arctic circle, Europe, the world, continents, map jigsaw, maps to colour, matching cards, flag activities,
(As Swedish is the most common language spoken across Scandinavia resources are included in this languages)
•Number flashcards from 1-20 in Swedish
•Days of the week in English and Swedish flashcards
•Months of the year flashcards in English and Swedish
•Common phrases cards – in English and Swedish
•Colour flashcards in Swedish
•A4 speech bubbles showing ‘hello’ in each Scandinavian language
•Themed writing paper with flags to frame pupils work
•Writing activities, drawing activities, make a presentation, research note pad, place mat, reward chart, word search, quiz, etc
Borders, Banners and Buntings
•Extra large lettering spelling ‘SCANDINAVIA’
•Long banners for each country name , buntings with names
•patterned and plain display borders and packing paper if needed
Included resources:
Story presentation, noun / verb / adjectives / interjections / rhyming word cards, alphabet flashcards, discussion cards, animal sounds poster, book cover, character flashcards, questions pack, memory matching card game, phonics flashcards, book marks, word mat, sentences with missing words, writing frame, a range of writing tasks.
Number flashcards, Odd and even numbers flashcards, number bond cards, counting cards, size order activities, shape posters, snap cards.
Nocturnal and Diurnal animal posters, woodland animal flashcards, animal species flashcards, animal facts posters, silhouettes, trees and leaves posters, writing tasks, animal types posters.
A range of colouring pages, drawing activities, make a mobile, plaster of paris craft activity, other drawing activities.
Board game, bingo games, face masks in colour and black and white, jigsaw, reward chart, word search, hand puppets, loop cards, memory challenge, treasure hunt game, writing task.
Large lettering, book cover, long banner, display border, drawer labels, footprint images, animal picture flashcards
Resources included are as follows:
2 5 P D F AND P P T files for you to print.
A range numicon resources: small / medium / large numicon blocks to use for different activities or display, 2 dice with numicon pictures to use with board games, jigsaw cards to match picture and number, folder cover, board game, peg cards, worksheets to circle, full set of dominoes with numicon pictures, counting activity with flower gardens and a worksheet to draw and count, cut and stick activity, 4 piece jigsaws to match the number / blocks / pictures / numicon, game spinner, 1 0 sided dice, hopping and jumping game for indoor or outdoor use, large loop cards to 2 0, lucky dip game, full deck of cards to use for card games or matching pairs, more or less loop cards, number bingo with number on mats and matching numicon cards, numicon bingo game with numicon symbols on boards and matching number cards, dart board tally chart interactive game with animated Power Point, hook a duck game with numicon symbols of the base of the duck cards, treasure hunt game, display train – 6 A 4 pages in size with each train carriage containing a numicon symbol.
Posters included are as follows:
1.Characteristics of effective learning title poster
2.Characteristics of effective learning overview poster in colour
3.Characteristics of effective learning overview poster in black and white
4.Active learning title poster
5.Active learning key points poster in colour
6.Active learning key points poster in black and white
7.Playing and exploring title poster
8.Playing and exploring key points poster in colour
9.Playing and exploring key points poster in black and white
10.Creating and thinking critically title poster
11.Creating and thinking critically key points poster in colour
12.Creating and thinking critically key points poster in black and white
13.Spotty border to edge display
14.Long banner to head display
15.Backing paper to print if needed
16.3 observation sheets to monitor the children
Resources included are as follows:
Over 24 PDF files for you to print.
Story presentation, colourful hand puppets, large pencils for display, large letters to make title, display border, colour posters sowing different shades of each colour, colour matching cards – 4 per set for each colour- including name, crayon and items in each colour, colour name flashcards, large pencils with colour name, story quiz, sack tag for keeping resources together, themed writing paper, themed picture border, add an extension to story writing task, drawing task for different items in alternative colours, colour posters showing primary/secondary/other colours and how to mix different colours, play mat, word search, letter writing exercise, colour matching worksheet, list coloured items worksheet, handwriting sheets for each colour, blank letter template, binder labels.
Resources include:
A set of 28 colourful A4 posters showing all the key words associated with rivers and an explanation for each.
A information pack giving key facts about 10 major rivers - facts include things such as length, location, tributaries, dams etc.
A photo pack of 10 major rivers, showing how unique each river is.
Resources included are as follows:
40 PDF files for you to print.
Story presentation – retelling the story, letters from the story pack, envelopes from the story for role play, colouring page, large pictures of the postman, 20 hand puppets of all the characters from the story, extra large post box covering 8 A4 pages for display, folder cover, topic title page for introduction, colourful posters to show the traditional tales from the story, bingo game, bookmarks to make, acrostic poem to write, long title banner, title lettering for display, postcard temple, question pack for before / during / after reading the story, learning objective tracker, design your own stamp task, anagram worksheet, add another house task, sentence writing activities, work booklet cover, story sack tag, story board to write, true or false quiz, word search, word card – words associated with fairy tales, write a list task, traditional tales sign post to make for around the role play area, character details writing task, other writing tasks, display board border and backing paper.
Resources included are as follows:
60 pdf files.
Owls information poster, fact cards, key word cards, animal types posters, habitat posters, owl photo flashcards, hand puppets, face masks in colour and black and white, nocturnal animals information posters, simple fact sheet to write
Alphabet flashcards, phonics flashcards, writing sheets, acrostic poem to complete, writing frames and borders, presentation to make, booklet to complete, sight word cards, mind map, poems to read with hand puppets to act them out, nouns flashcards large, notes page to complete, nouns and verbs worksheet to fill in, speaking and listening task, topic summary worksheet, writing booklet cover to keep project work together, story board to complete, word cards with ow sounds with spellings of ‘ow’ and ‘ou’.
Number flashcards, 2 addition games, subtraction game, number bonds to 10, number bonds to 20, months flashcards, days flashcards,
Bingo game, colouring pages, drawing activities, word search, reward chart to draw, true or false quiz
Long banner to head wall display, large lettering, buntings, display borders, backing paper for if needed, binder cover, resources sack tag