Hero image




Mostly vocabulary stories


Can you create a story consisting of these five words? event touchstone devotion to one’s religion pessimism abate My vocabulary story: An event from the Middle Ages was a standard attitude. It was a criterion of being a reasonable person. A person needs piety and pessimism. All this diminished with the modern era. ARABIC: । Can you make a story with these five words?: Phenomena standard piety pessimism relief The story of my vocabulary: The phenomenon of the Middle Ages was a standard position. It was a criterion to be a suitable person. A person needs piety and pessimism. All of that has dimmed with the modern era. KOREAN: An Make-A-Story Container Theses Five Wards?: Fenomina Crition Petey Pessimism Abate My Boccabulari Story: A Penomina of Tours Middle Agessworth Ah Standard Attitude. Itworth a criterion vs. a properpersone. Aperson Need the Have Pitti Pessimism in India. All Tart Avatar with Tour Modern Asia. VIETNAMESE: CAN YOU MAKE A STORY THAT CONTAINS THESE FIVE WORDS?: PHENOMENON STANDARD MORAL PESSIMISTIC LOWER MY VOCABULARY STORY: A phenomenon of the Middle Ages was a standard attitude. It is a criterion to be a right person. A person needs to be moral and pessimistic. All of that diminishes with modern times.
STORY   37   Roman Emperors   with Arabic , Hindi, Korea versions

STORY 37 Roman Emperors with Arabic , Hindi, Korea versions

NEW VOCABULARY STORY Do Now CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: predecessor predator preclude precarious precursor MY VOCABULARY STORY: The Roman Emperor’s predecessor was a predator. He tried to change the political system to preclude this precarious possibility. However; it as just a precursor to a string of bad Emperors to come. SIMPLE VERSION: The Roman Emperor before the current on was a killer. So the Emperor tried to change the political system to prevent this dangerous possibility. However; it as just a hint of to a string of bad Emperors to come. Hindi: नई शब्दावली की कहानी अभी करो क्या आप इन पांच शब्दों से युक्त एक कहानी बन��� सकते हैं? पूर्वज परभक्षी रोकना अनिश्चित पूर्ववर्ती मेरी शब्दावली कहानी: रोमन सम्राट का पूर्ववर्ती एक शिकारी था। उसने बदलने की कोशिश की। इस अनिश्चित संभावना को रोकने के लिए राजनीतिक प्रणाली। फिर भी; यह आने वाले बुरे सम्राटों की एक श्रृंखला के लिए सिर्फ एक अग्रदूत के रूप में है। Arabic: قصة مفردات جديدة افعل الآن هل يمكنك عمل قصة تحتوي على هذه الكلمات الخمس؟: السلف المفترس يمنع غير مستقره السلائف قصة مفرداتي: كان سلف الإمبراطور الروماني مفترسا. حاول التغيير النظام السياسي لمنع هذا الاحتمال غير المستقر. لكن; إنه مجرد مقدمة لسلسلة من الأباطرة السيئين القادمين. Korean: 새로운 어휘 이야기 지금 하세요 이 다섯 단어가 포함된 이야기를 만들 수 있습니까?: 전임자 프레데터 배제 불안 정한 전조 내 어휘 이야기 : 로마 황제의 전임자는 포식자였습니다. 그는 변화하려고 노력했다 이 불안정한 가능성을 배제하는 정치 체제. 그렇지만; 그것은 앞으로 올 일련의 나쁜 황제의 전조일 뿐입니다.
Story 38       Lincoln    with   HINDI , ARABIC, AND KOREAN VERSIONS


NEW VOCABULARY STORY Do Now CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: eloquence notoriety nurture predilection novelty MY VOCABULARY STORY: Lincoln’s eloquence got him notoriety in the South. It nurtured his predilection for novelty. SIMPLE VERSION: Lincoln’s talking skills got him a bad reputation in the South. It helped support his liking for new and different things. Hindi: नई शब्दावली की कहानी अभी करो क्या आप इन पांच शब्दों से युक्त एक कहानी बना सकते हैं? वाग्मिता बदनामी पालन-पोषण झुकाव नवीनता मेरी शब्दावली कहानी: लिंकन की वाक्पटुता ने उन्हें दक्षिण में बदनाम कर दिया। यह नवीनता के लिए उनके झुकाव को पोषित किया। सरल संस्करण: लिंकन के बात करने के कौशल ने उन्हें दक्षिण में एक बुरी प्रतिष्ठा दिलाई। यह नई और अलग चीजों के लिए अपनी पसंद का समर्थन करने में मदद की। Arabic: قصة مفردات جديدة افعل الآن هل يمكنك عمل قصة تحتوي على هذه الكلمات الخمس؟: بلاغه سمعه سيئه رعايه الميل الجده قصة مفرداتي: بلاغة لينكولن جعلته سيئ السمعة في الجنوب. إنه غذى ميله للجدة. نسخة بسيطة: مهارات لينكولن في التحدث أكسبته سمعة سيئة في الجنوب. إنه ساعد في دعم إعجابه بأشياء جديدة ومختلفة. Korean: 새로운 어휘 이야기 지금 하세요 이 다섯 단어가 포함된 이야기를 만들 수 있습니까?: 말솜씨 악명 육성 취향이 신기함 내 어휘 이야기 : 링컨의 웅변은 남부에서 악명을 얻었습니다. 술래 참신함에 대한 그의 편애를 키웠다. 간단한 버전 : 링컨의 말하기 능력은 남부에서 나쁜 평판을 얻었습니다. 술래 새롭고 다른 것에 대한 그의 취향을 뒷받침하는 데 도움이 되었습니다.
VOCABULARY STORY  36   Batman with a Hindi version!

VOCABULARY STORY 36 Batman with a Hindi version!

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 36 Do Now CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: emulate exemplifies endorse repel My story: The man wanted to emulate Batman who exemplifies crime fighting. He was even endorsed by the mayor like Batman. He repelled off walls to fight crime like his hero. The man wanted to imitate Batman who is a model of crime fighting. He was even approved of by the mayor and police like the Batman in the comic books. He did bouncing off walls with a rope like Batman SIMPLE VERSION: A man wanted to be like Batman the crime fighter. The mayor and police like him just like the Batman in the comic books. He used a rope to bound off walls like Batman. Hindi: नई शब्दावली की कहानी अभी करो क्या आप इन पांच शब्दों से युक्त एक कहानी बना सकते हैं? वह आदमी बैटमैन का अनुकरण करना चाहता था जो अपराध से लड़ने का उदाहरण देता है। यहां तक कि उन्हें बैटमैन की तरह मेयर और पुलिस द्वारा भी समर्थन दिया गया था। कॉमिक किताबें। वह बैटमैन की तरह रस्सी से दीवारों को पीछे हटाने में लगे हुए थे। एक आदमी बैटमैन की तरह बनना चाहता था, जो अपराध सेनानी था। मेयर और पुलिस उसे बैटमैन की तरह ही पसंद करते हैं। कॉमिक किताबें। उन्होंने बैटमैन की तरह दीवारों को बांधने के लिए एक रोपर का इस्तेमाल किया। भावानुवाद:
Vocabulary STORY 37   Politics    Hindi and Arabic Versions Included

Vocabulary STORY 37 Politics Hindi and Arabic Versions Included

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 37 Do Now CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: pragmatic enigma discredit enhance bolster MY VOCABULARY STORY: How to have a pragmatic political system has been an enigma through history. Your enemies try to discredit you and bolstering your efforts. SIMPLE VERSION: How to have a workable political system has been a riddle through history. Your enemies try to destroy you instead of helping you and boosting your efforts. Hindi: नई शब्दावली की कहानी अभी करो क्या आप इन पांच शब्दों से युक्त एक कहानी बना सकते हैं? व्यावहारिक पहेली बदनामी बढाना मसनद मेरी शब्दावली कहानी: एक व्यावहारिक पुलिस प्रणाली कैसे बनाई जाए, यह इतिहास के माध्यम से एक पहेली रही है। आपके दुश्मन आपको बदनाम करने और आपके प्रयासों को मजबूत करने की कोशिश करते हैं। सरल संस्करण: एक व्यावहारिक पुलिस प्रणाली कैसे बनाई जाए, यह इतिहास के माध्यम से एक पहेली रही है। आपके दुश्मन आपकी मदद करने और बढ़ावा देने के बजाय आपको नष्ट करने की कोशिश करते हैं। आपके प्रयास। Arabic: قصة مفردات جديدة افعلها الآن هل يمكنك كتابة قصة تحتوي على هذه الكلمات الخمس ؟: براغماتي لغز تشويه سمعة يحسن دعم قصتي في المفردات: لطالما كانت كيفية الحصول على نظام سياسي عملي لغزا عبر التاريخ. يحاول أعداؤك تشويه سمعتك وتعزيز جهودك. نسخة بسيطة: كانت كيفية الحصول على نظام سياسي عملي لغزًا عبر التاريخ. يحاول أعداؤك تدميرك بدلاً من مساعدتك وتعزيزك مجهودك.


NEW VOCABULARY STORY Do Now NOW WITH HINDI, ARABIC AND KOREAN VERSIONS NOTE The translations are done by Google translate. A reverse translation shows varying accuracy. If those in the language groups included can do better, I will change it to your version. Paul Skittone CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: inexorable inert inference provincial prosaic MY VOCABULARY STORY: In relations between England and its American colonies, what inexorably led to conflict was the inert attitude that the colonies were inferior. There was alway an inference that they were provincial and prosaic compared to the mother country. SIMPLE VERSION: In relations between England and its American colonies, what unstoppably led to conflict was the fixed attitude that the colonies were inferior. There was supposed to be local dullards compared to the mighty English. HINDI: नई शब्दावली की कहानी अभी करो क्या आप इन पांच शब्दों से युक्त एक कहानी बना सकते हैं? निष्ठुर जड़ अनुमान प्रांतीय नीरस मेरी शब्दावली कहानी: इंग्लैंड और उसके अमेरिकी उपनिवेशों के बीच संबंधों में, क्या हुआ संघर्ष निष्क्रिय रवैया था कि उपनिवेश हीन थे। हमेशा एक अनुमान था। कि वे मातृ देश की तुलना में प्रांतीय और पेशेवर थे। ARABIC: قصة مفردات جديدة افعل الآن هل يمكنك عمل قصة تحتوي على هذه الكلمات الخمس؟: لا يرحم خامله استدلال المقاطعات احراجا قصة مفرداتي: في العلاقات بين إنجلترا ومستعمراتها الأمريكية ، ما أدى حتما إلى كان الصراع هو الموقف الخامل بأن المستعمرات كانت أقل شأنا. كان هناك دائما استدلال أنهم كانوا إقليميين ومبتذلين مقارنة بالبلد الأم. KOREAN: 새로운 어휘 이야기 지금 하세요 이 다섯 단어가 포함된 이야기를 만들 수 있습니까?: 냉 혹한 불활성 추론 지방 산문적인 내 어휘 이야기 : 영국과 미국 식민지 간의 관계에서 가차없이 갈등은 식민지가 열등하다는 불활성 태도였습니다. 항상 추론이있었습니다 그들은 모국에 비해 지방적이고 산문적이었습니다.
NEW VOCABULARY STORY 32    Southerners Honor Their History

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 32 Southerners Honor Their History

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 32 Do Now CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: COMMEMORATE COLLOQUIAL INADVERTENTLY MISCONCEPTION CONFEDERACY MY VOCABULARY STORY: Many Southerners commemorate the Confederacy. In the colloquial, take there hats off to it. This has inadvertently caused misconceptions. It is to honor their ancestors not deny the folly of the war. SIMPLE VERSION: Many Southerners have remembrances of the Confederacy. In the common phrase, take there hats off to it. This has unintentionally caused misunderstandings. It is to honor their ancestors not deny that the war was wrong. PARAPHRASE: Southerners honor their Confederacy past causing conflict but it is only natural not an endorsement of the war.


NEW VOCABULARY STORY 35 Do Now CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: eminent lavish expedite nuance appropriate MY VOCABULARY STORY: Eminent researchers carry on lavish experiments to find appropriate nuances to expedite the production of products. SIMPLE VERSION: Renowned researchers carry on elaborate experiments to find the right subtle changes to speed the production of products. PARAPHRASE: Famous scientists are hired to find ways to produce products faster.
NEW VOCABULARY STORY 30     USA young people below par

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 30 USA young people below par

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 30 Do Now CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: PROLIFERATION ARBITRARY RANDOM PROFUSION GRADUATED MY VOCABULARY STORY: The has been a proliferation of arbitrary grading of students in the USA. A random sampling of job applicants shows a profusion of people graduated without basic skills. SIMPLE VERSION: Many USA students are graded by the whims of schools. A quick sampling of job applicants shows a lot of people graduated without basic skills. PARAPHRASE: USA standards for graduation have slipped. A look at job applicants tells the story. People leave schools without basic skills.
NEW VOCABULARY STORY 31    The WW2 Generation Knew About War

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 31 The WW2 Generation Knew About War

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 31 Do Now CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: gravity remorse relegate benign disdain MY VOCABULARY STORY: The generation of World War 2 felt the gravity and remorse of the reality of killing people. These ideas have long been relegate to history. The present generation has a benign attitude toward war and disdain for those with antiwar views. SIMPLE VERSION: The generation of World War 2 felt the seriousness and regret for the reality of killing people. These ideas have long been put away in to dustbin history. The present generation has a favorable attitude toward war and contempt for those with antiwar views. PARAPHRASE: The World War 2 generation knew war; its seriousness and sorrow. These ideas have long been forgotten about; replaced a kinder view of war and scorn for those insisting on peace.
NEW VOCABULARY STORY 34    Youth Can't Join the Police

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 34 Youth Can't Join the Police

NEW VOCABULARY STORY 34 Do Now CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: elated application elicit likelihood apathy MY VOCABULARY STORY: Each year elated graduates make their application to the police department, but their is a high likelihood that they will have to answer questions meant to elicit details about their drug use. Many youths have had apathy about it, never thinking it would ruin their chance of appointment. SIMPLE VERSION: Each year thrilled graduates make out their paper work to join the police department, but their is a high chance that they will have to answer questions meant to obtain details about their drug use. Many youths have been unconcerned about it, never thinking it would ruin their chance of getting the job. PARAPHRASE: When youths try to join the police, they get flagged for their prior drug use which they had thought was harmless before.


NEW VOCABULARY STORY 33 Do Now YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: appease nonchalant discourse elaborate complement MY VOCABULARY STORY: To appease the claim there is no program to train candidates to carry on nonchalant discourse, there is an elaborate course complemented by after graduation in person coaching. SIMPLE VERSION: To quiet the claim there is no program to train candidates to carry on informal conversations, there is an in depth course supplemented by after graduation in person coaching. PARAPHRASE: In response to a crying need to help candidate improve their conversation skills, a lengthy course has been devised with additional in person coaching.


NEW VOCABULARY STORY Do now NOW WITH HINDI, ARABIC AND KOREAN VERSIONS NOTE The translations are done by Google translate. A reverse translation shows varying accuracy. If those in the language groups included can do better, I will change it to your version. Paul Skittone CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: DISCRIMINATING DISCREPANCY BUTTRESS EXTRICATE CONTRACT MY VOCABULARY STORY: A discriminating lawyer was able to find disrepancies in the contract to buttress his case to extricate his client from the deal. SIMPLE VERSION: A alert lawyer was able to find problems in the agreement to support his case to get his client out of the deal. HINDI: क्या आप इन पाँच शब्दों वाली एक कहानी बना सकते हैं? विशेषक विसंगति टेक हल करना अनुबंध मेरी शब्दावली कहानी: एक विवेचक वकील अनुबंध में विसंगतियों का पता लगाने में सक्षम था अपने मुवक्किल को सौदे से बाहर निकालने के लिए अपने मामले को मजबूत करना। सरल संस्करण: एक सतर्क वकील समझौते में समस्याएं ढूंढने में सक्षम था अपने मुवक्किल को सौदे से बाहर निकालने के लिए उसके मामले का समर्थन करने के लिए। ARABIC: هل يمكنك كتابة قصة تحتوي على هذه الكلمات الخمس ؟: التمييز تناقض دعم مفرط عقد قصتي في المفردات: تمكن المحامي التمييزي من العثور على تناقضات في العقد لدعم قضيته لإخراج موكله من الصفقة. نسخة بسيطة: تمكن المحامي المتيقظ من العثور على مشاكل في الاتفاقية لدعم قضيته لإخراج موكله من الصفقة. KOREAN: 다음 다섯 단어를 포함하는 이야기를 만들 수 있습니까?: 차별 불일치 부벽 구해 내다 계약 내 어휘 이야기: 변별력 있는 변호사가 계약에서 불일치를 발견할 수 있었습니다. 그의 의뢰인을 거래에서 구출하기 위해 그의 사건을 뒷받침하기 위해. VIETNAMESE: BẠN CÓ THỂ LÀM MỘT CÂU CHUYỆN CÓ NĂM TỪ NÀY KHÔNG?: PHÂN BIỆT KHÁC BIỆT BÚP BÊ XUẤT KHẨU HỢP ĐỒNG CÂU CHUYỆN TỪ VỰNG CỦA TÔI: Một luật sư phân biệt đối xử đã có thể tìm thấy sự khác biệt trong hợp đồng để củng cố trường hợp của mình để giải thoát khách hàng của mình khỏi thỏa thuận. PHIÊN BẢN ĐƠN GIẢN: Một luật sư tỉnh táo đã có thể tìm thấy các vấn đề trong thỏa thuận để hỗ trợ trường hợp của mình để đưa khách hàng của mình ra khỏi thỏa thuận.


Here is what comes out when you put in the foreign language and ask for English. EW VOCABULARY STORY Do Now NOW WITH HINDI, ARABIC AND KOREAN VERSIONS NOTE The translations are done by Google translate. A reverse translation shows varying accuracy. If those in the language groups included can do better, I will change it to your version. Paul Skittone CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: DISCRIMINATING DISCREPANCY BUTTRESS EXTRICATE CONTRACT MY VOCABULARY STORY: A discriminating lawyer was able to find disrepancies in the contract to buttress his case to extricate his client from the deal. SIMPLE VERSION: A alert lawyer was able to find problems in the agreement to support his case to get his client out of the deal. HINDI: Can you create a story with these five words? qualifying irrelevance prop to solve bond My vocabulary story: A requisitional lawyer was able to detect discrepancies in the contract Strengthen your case to get your client out of the deal. Simple version: A vigilant lawyer was able to find problems in the agreement To support his case to get his client out of the deal. KOREAN: Ah Discriminating Louweir Worth Able the Find Disrepansith Dualization Tour Contract The Buttress Heath Case vs. the Extricate Heath Guglient From Tour Deal. Simplex Version: Ah Alert Louwier Worth Able the Found Problems Lee Inhwa Tour Aggregation The Sufort Heath Case vs. Garter Heath Guglient Haute of Tours deal. VIETNAMESE: CAN YOU MAKE A STORY WITH THESE FIVE WORDS?: DISCERN DIFFERENT DOLL EXPORT CONTRACT MY VOCABULARY STORY: A discriminating lawyer was able to find differences in contracts to strengthen his case to free his client from the deal. SIMPLIFIED VERSION: A sober lawyer was able to find issues in the agreement to support his case to take his client out of the deal.


NEW VOCABULARY STORY Do Now NOW WITH HINDI, ARABIC AND KOREAN VERSIONS NOTE The translations are done by Google translate. A reverse translation shows varying accuracy. If those in the language groups included can do better, I will change it to your version. Paul Skittone CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: DOCUMENT BELIE PATRONIZE PRODIGAL RANCOR MY VOCABULARY STORY: Historical documents belies Thomas Jefferson’s attitude toward the revolution. Throughout the war he continued to live in his mansion, patronizing English merchants even to a prodigal extent, even in the rancor of war. SIMPLE VERSION: Historical evidence puts doubt on Thomas Jefferson’s attitude toward the revolution. Throughout the war he continued to live in his mansion, giving business to English merchants even to a extravagant, even in the bitterness of the war. HINDI: नई शब्दावली की कहानी अभी करो अब हिंदी, अरबी और कोरियाई संस्करणों के साथ क्या आप इन पांच शब्दों से युक्त एक कहानी बना सकते हैं? दस्तावेज झुठलाना संरक्षण खर्चीला विद्वेष मेरी शब्दावली कहानी: ऐतिहासिक दस्तावेज क्रांति के प्रति थॉमस जेफरसन के रवैये को झुठलाते हैं। युद्ध के दौरान वह अपनी हवेली में रहता रहा, अंग्रेजी व्यापारियों को संरक्षण देता रहा। यहां तक कि एक विलक्षण सीमा तक, यहां तक कि युद्ध के शोर में भी। ARABIC: قصة مفردات جديدة افعل الآن الآن مع الإصدارات الهندية والعربية والكورية هل يمكنك عمل قصة تحتوي على هذه الكلمات الخمس؟: مستند بيلي يرعي الضال رانكور قصة مفرداتي: تكذب الوثائق التاريخية موقف توماس جيفرسون تجاه الثورة. طوال الحرب استمر في العيش في قصره ، ورعاية التجار الإنجليز. حتى إلى حد كبير ، حتى في ضغينة الحرب. KOREAN: 새로운 어휘 이야기 지금 하세요 이제 힌디어, 아랍어 및 한국어 버전이 제공됩니다. 이 다섯 단어가 포함된 이야기를 만들 수 있습니까?: 문서 속일 선심 대범한 원한 내 어휘 이야기 : 역사적 문서는 혁명에 대한 토머스 제퍼슨의 태도를 거짓으로 보여줍니다. 전쟁 내내 그는 영국 상인들을 후원하면서 저택에서 계속 살았습니다 방탕한 정도로, 심지어 전쟁의 원한에서도.


NEW VOCABULARY STORY Do Now NOW WITH HINDI, ARABIC AND KOREAN VERSIONS NOTE The translations are done by Google translate. A reverse translation shows varying accuracy. If those in the language groups included can do better, I will change it to your version. Paul Skittone CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: PAUCITY CONFORMITY CONFOUND PEDANTIC PEDESTRIAN MY VOCABULARY STORY: The paucity of conformity in Latin usage in the Roman Empire has confounded historians. Pedantic researchers have combed even pedestrian details of daily life to get insights about word meanings in different parts of the Empire. SIMPLE VERSION: The lack of uniform Latin usage in the Roman Empire has puzzeled historians. Bookish researchers have combed even minor details of daily life to get insights about word meanings in different parts of the Empire. HINDI: क्या आप इन पांच शब्दों से युक्त एक कहानी बना सकते हैं? कमी अनुरूपता भ्रम की स्थिति रूढ़िवादी पैदल मेरी शब्दावली कहानी: रोमन साम्राज्य में लैटिन उपयोग में अनुरूपता की कमी ने चकित कर दिया है। इतिहासकारों। पेडेंटिक शोधकर्ताओं ने दैनिक पैदल यात्रियों के विवरण ों को भी कंघी किया है साम्राज्य के विभिन्न हिस्सों में शब्द अर्थों के बारे में अंतर्दृष्टि प्राप्त करने के लिए जीवन। ARABIC: هل يمكنك عمل قصة تحتوي على هذه الكلمات الخمس؟: ندره يتفق نخلط متحذلق راجل قصة مفرداتي: ندرة المطابقة في الاستخدام اللاتيني في الإمبراطورية الرومانية قد أربكت المؤرخون. قام الباحثون المتحذلقون بتمشيط حتى تفاصيل المشاة اليومية الحياة للحصول على رؤى حول معاني الكلمات في أجزاء مختلفة من الإمبراطورية. KOREAN: 이 다섯 단어가 포함된 이야기를 만들 수 있습니까?: 소수 적합성 혼란 학자 보행자 내 어휘 이야기 : 로마 제국에서 라틴어 사용의 적합성 부족은 혼란스러워했습니다 역사. 현학 연구자들은 매일 보행자의 세부 사항까지 샅샅이 뒤졌습니다 제국의 다른 지역에서 단어의 의미에 대한 통찰력을 얻는 삶.


NEW VOCABULARY STORY Do Now NOW WITH HINDI, ARABIC AND KOREAN VERSIONS NOTE The translations are done by Google translate. A reverse translation shows varying accuracy. If those in the language groups included can do better, I will change it to your version. Paul Skittone CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: TERSE INTIMIDATE TEMPER TENTATIVE TENACITY MY VOCABULARY STORY: The teacher’s terse manner was intimidating at first; but it tempered tentative students and built up their tenacity. SIMPLE VERSION: The teacher's abrupt manner was frightening at first; but it strengthened uncertain students and built up their resolve. HINDI: क्या आप इन पांच शब्दों से युक्त एक कहानी बना सकते हैं? संक्षिप्त धमकाना मनोदशा संभावित दृढ़ता मेरी शब्दावली कहानी: शिक्षक का कठोर तरीका पहले डराने वाला था; लेकिन यह गुस्सा हो गया अस्थायी छात्रों और उनकी दृढ़ता का निर्माण किया। सरल संस्करण: शिक्षक का अचानक तरीका पहले भयावह था; लेकिन यह मजबूत हो गया अनिश्चित छात्रों और उनके संकल्प का निर्माण किया। ARABIC: هل يمكنك عمل قصة تحتوي على هذه الكلمات الخمس؟: مقتضب تخويف خلد المؤقت مثابره قصة مفرداتي: كان أسلوب المعلم المقتضب مخيفا في البداية. لكنها خففت الطلاب المؤقتين وبناء مثابرتهم. نسخة بسيطة: كانت طريقة المعلم المفاجئة مخيفة في البداية. لكنها تعززت الطلاب غير مؤكدين وبناء عزيمتهم. KOREAN: 이 다섯 단어가 포함된 이야기를 만들 수 있습니까?: 간결한 협박하다 성질 시험적인 강인 내 어휘 이야기 : 선생님의 간결한 태도는 처음에는 겁이 났습니다. 그러나 그것은 단련되었습니다 잠정적인 학생들과 그들의 끈기를 키웠습니다. 간단한 버전 : 선생님의 갑작스런 태도는 처음에는 무서웠습니다. 그러나 그것은 강화되었습니다 불확실한 학생들과 그들의 결의를 쌓았습니다. VIETNAMESE: BẠN CÓ THỂ LÀM MỘT CÂU CHUYỆN CÓ CHỨA NĂM TỪ NÀY KHÔNG?: TERSE DỌA NẠT TÂM TRẠNG DỰ KIẾN TENACITY CÂU CHUYỆN TỪ VỰNG CỦA TÔI: Cách cư xử ngắn gọn của giáo viên ban đầu rất đáng sợ; nhưng nó nóng nảy học sinh dự kiến và xây dựng sự kiên trì của họ. PHIÊN BẢN ĐƠN GIẢN: Cách cư xử đột ngột của giáo viên ban đầu thật đáng sợ; Nhưng nó đã được củng cố học sinh không chắc chắn và xây dựng quyết tâm của họ.


NEW VOCABULARY STORY 48 WITH HINDI, ARABIC AND KOREAN AND VIETNAMESE VERSIONS NOTE The translations are done by Google translate. A reverse translation shows varying accuracy. If those in the language groups included can do better, I will change it to your version. Paul Skittone CAN YOU MAKE A STORY CONTAINING THESE FIVE WORDS?: TACITURN SYNTHESIS SYNTHETIC TANTAMOUNT SPECIOUS MY VOCABULARY STORY: The taciturn scientist claimed he could do the synthesis of synthetic gasoline from seawater, tantamount to making all the oil fields worthless. Too bad it turned out to be specious. SIMPLE VERSION: The reclusive scientist claimed he could do the production of man-made gasoline from seawater, equivalent to making all he oil fields worthless. Too bad it turned out to be a fake. HINDI: क्या आप इन पांच शब्दों से युक्त एक कहानी बना सकते हैं? अल्पभाषी संश्लेषण कृत्रिम बराबर सत्याभासी मेरी शब्दावली कहानी: मौन वैज्ञानिक ने दावा किया कि वह कर सकता है समुद्री जल से सिंथेटिक गैसोलीन का संश्लेषण, सभी तेल क्षेत्रों को बेकार बनाने के समान है। बहुत बुरा यह निकला। ARABIC: هل يمكنك عمل قصة تحتوي على هذه الكلمات الخمس؟: قليل الكلام تركيب تركيبي مثابه خادع قصة مفرداتي: ادعى العالم قليل الكلام أنه يستطيع القيام بذلك تخليق البنزين الاصطناعي من مياه البحر ، وهو ما يعادل جعل جميع حقول النفط عديمة القيمة. سيئة للغاية اتضح أنها خادعة. KOREAN: 이 다섯 단어가 포함된 이야기를 만들 수 있습니까?: 타시턴 합성 종합적인 동등 그럴듯한 내 어휘 이야기 : 과묵한 과학자는 그가 할 수 있다고 주장했다 바닷물에서 합성 가솔린의 합성, 모든 유전을 무가치하게 만드는 것과 같습니다. 안타깝게도 그럴듯한 것으로 판명되었습니다. VIETNAMESE: BẠN CÓ THỂ LÀM MỘT CÂU CHUYỆN CÓ CHỨA NĂM TỪ NÀY KHÔNG?: LẦM LÌ TỔNG HỢP TỔNG HỢP TƯƠNG ĐƯƠNG SUY ĐOÁN CÂU CHUYỆN TỪ VỰNG CỦA TÔI: Nhà khoa học taciturn tuyên bố ông có thể làm được tổng hợp xăng tổng hợp từ nước biển, tương đương với việc làm cho tất cả các mỏ dầu trở nên vô giá trị. Quá tệ nó hóa ra là specious.