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Prof_de_francais's Shop

Average Rating3.47
(based on 39 reviews)

Secondary French teacher, rated Ofsted 'Outstanding' at KS3, KS4 and KS5. PGCE and NQT mentor. Regular CPD/Professional Learning leader. State and private sector experience.




Secondary French teacher, rated Ofsted 'Outstanding' at KS3, KS4 and KS5. PGCE and NQT mentor. Regular CPD/Professional Learning leader. State and private sector experience.
Lesson PowerPoint and Worksheets - Free time activities  *Graded Outstanding*

Lesson PowerPoint and Worksheets - Free time activities *Graded Outstanding*

Full lesson PowerPoint that can be used across one or two lessons depending on ability. Fully animated with instructions for teacher on each slide. Differentiated for HA and LA. Used with year 4 class for observation lesson and following lesson. Graded outstanding. Would also work well for year 7 - year 8 class as one lesson. Lesson builds on new vocabulary with the emphasis on independent learning and enquiry, as well as incorporating time phrases and simple opinions. 36 slides in total including: pairs game to decipher cognates, near-cognates and new vocabulary, vocabulary tables, repetition of vocabulary with photographs, pass-the-parcel and treasure hunt games, speaking activity with dice, whiteboard translations and reading comprehension. Interactive and creative. Reading comprehension for example is set out as iPhone text message exchanges. All fully differentiated and worksheets included in bundle for pairs game, LA and HA students. Excellent time saver!
Assembly - Paralympic Games + Values

Assembly - Paralympic Games + Values

Paralympic Games Assembly, linked to values. Suitable for Primary and Secondary. Fully animated with links in 'Notes' section for assembly giver. 10 slides in total, referencing the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games, the London 2012 Paralympic Games and the Rio 2016 Paralympic games. Easily adapted if required. The assembly begins by asking students to draw link between seven images - the official Paralympic mascots and logos for each of the games listed above, and the official logo for the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic games. Slide 2 explains who each of the mascots are to students, and asks students to consider which values each of these mascots have been designed to represent and how the artist has achieved this. With older year groups, students could be invited to reflect on a wider ranger of issues - do these mascots achieve their aims? If not, why not? Who are the mascots designed to appeal to and why? How could they be more effective if students consider that they are not currently? A little more information is then given about each mascot and the values they were designed to exemplify. Slides 3 and 4 link to Channel 4 Rio 2016 Paralympic Games trailer and ask students to consider which qualities they see represented in the trailer. Trailer is signed and subtitled. Slides 5 - 9 feature two embedded videos and questions / discussion points for interviews with Matt Stuzman (Team USA Archery, also known as the 'Armless Archer'), and an interview with Ibrahim Hamato (Team Egypt Table Tennis, the competitor that plays with his mouth). Slide 10 asks students what they can learn from assembly, whether they have been inspired in any way, and how they may incorporate one or more of the values they have seen embodied in clips into their days.
Wordsearch - Weather

Wordsearch - Weather

Excellent resource, asking students to find weather conditions in the grid and engage dictionary skills by looking up the correct gender for each word, noting down the article and translating the type of weather into English. Great as a starter or an activity. Suitable for HA KS2, KS3 and KS4. Links to GCSE module on Travel and Tourism. Also would be a great challenge for younger learners, extending their weather vocabulary. Would link very well across curriculum to geography (discussing weather for example in Haiti or Mauritius).
Grammar - Tenses - Present tense (reflexive verbs)

Grammar - Tenses - Present tense (reflexive verbs)

Fantastic and very comprehensive resource covering all aspects of reflexive present tense formation. All animations and formatting ready to go. A huge time-saver! Powerpoint is 13 slides and can be adapted to suit all learners. Includes clear and concise explanations of reflexive verb conjugation and questions for students to gauge understanding. Perfect for mini-whiteboard activities. Differentiated to help LA access translation questions. Two reading texts at end of presentation (easily printable as worksheets) for students to spot reflexive verbs. Linked to daily routine / school life. Excellent for introduction at KS2 / KS3 to conjugation and for revision and further practice at KS4.
Lesson PowerPoint - La méteo

Lesson PowerPoint - La méteo

Fabulous and very comprehensive resource that can be used for one or a series of lessons. 45 slides in total. Introduces all main types of weather with images, and a series of activities designed to build learner confidence and use of new language. Activities include: * Large images with text for students to repeat after teacher. * Differentiated tables with weather phrases (Option 1 to draw lines between French and English translations, Option 2 to match French weather phrases to images and add in English). * Dice game to practice pronunciation. * Pass-the-parcel team game to improve memory recall. * Listening activity (again differentiated with two options). * Speaking activity - Think, pair, share to describe weather in different parts of France. Excellent cultural link through geography of France and where different cities are situated. Could easily be developed into a research project with different types of weather in these places across the year and how they compare to home. * Writing activity - Preparing own weather forecast (again differentiated with scaffold for learners who require). * Speaking / presenting activity - Students present their weather forecasts to class. * Review / Plenary triangle - Students reflect on their own learning by noting down three things that they knew already but now better understand, 2 new things they learned during lesson and one thing they need to find out more about. Fully animated with all answers and explanations for each activity under relevant slides. Huge time saver and great fun to teach!
Crossword and wordsearch - Education (School)

Crossword and wordsearch - Education (School)

Excellent crossword and word-search, both perfect as lesson starters or as individual activities after a starter to lead into more detailed comprehension tasks. Word-search links to school subjects and crossword to wider school vocabulary including opinions. Can be differentiated with dictionary support / as Think-Pair-Share activity. Successfully used at KS3 and KS4. Word-search would also work brilliantly with KS2.
Feedback template

Feedback template

Personalised feedback template, designed to be easily adapted for large groups. Features a 'What Went Well', 'Even Better If' and 'Try This' section, designed to consolidate or advance understanding. Feedback can be typed into sections and some sentences copied and pasted if appropriate to save time when marking. Sheets can then be printed and glued underneath work (either by teacher or by student in the following lesson). Students answer their 'Try This' in the 'My Response' section, and then write a brief comment (or draw a happy, medium or sad face if they prefer) to let teacher know how confident they are feeling with their understanding. This has proved incredibly useful on a number of occasions and students have often said how much they appreciate actually being able to quietly ask for a bit more help if they need it. Some students have also used it to disclose Safeguarding issues - all in all a beneficial little space to note anything down if required. It is obviously very important to read and respond to their 'Try this' question, especially if they have trusted you and opened up about needing a little more support. 'Try this' question can simply have a 1, 2 or 3 written next to it to save time, and then these questions displayed on board when students are reflecting on feedback if easier. Slides are a blank template, easily adaptable, and an feedback form filled in as an example.
Display Bundle - Mot de la semaine, Detective (encouraging independent enquiry) + Others

Display Bundle - Mot de la semaine, Detective (encouraging independent enquiry) + Others

Display Bundle! Five different display ideas for Secondary, with cover posters ready to go. First display is a 'Mot de la Semaine' poster template, with two examples linked to traditionally challenging vocabulary at KS4. Second display posters are an image of a detective (A4), with several A4 speech bubbles encouraging independent learning and enquiry (A3B4ME) and suggesting ways to improve work. Third, fourth and fifth display posters are linked to GCSE modules. Easily printed to display next to student work. Year 8 Comic Strips links to Daily Routines module (used alongside Linguascope Comic Strip creator), Year 10 links to simple future tense and organising an event for the local area, and Y11 links to Healthy Lifestyles. All easily adapted.
Expo 2 (Rouge) - Invitations

Expo 2 (Rouge) - Invitations

Lesson linking to Expo 2 (Rouge) spread on invitations - making them, deciding whether or not to accept and giving an opinion / reason for answer. Fully differentiated with different options for vocabulary grids (writing the answers in, or drawing lines between the English and the French), listening activity and with a Challenge question drawing on grammatical knowledge for reading activity (presented as a Twitter feed). Seven activities in total, full lesson PowerPoint and Publisher file with all worksheets. Directions for teacher under each slide, all animations and answers. Treasure Hunt game to finish!
Lesson PowerPoint - Grammar - The Simple Future Tense and Negatives

Lesson PowerPoint - Grammar - The Simple Future Tense and Negatives

Excellent nine-slide presentation with explanations of how to form the simple future tense, and use negative expressions. Explanations are followed by model examples of how to use each construction and then questions with answers for students to try. A 'Puissance 4' (Connect 4) game is the last slide, asking students to translate short phrases or conjugate verbs into the simple future tense to review their learning. The hard work is done for you! Can easily be adapted and slotted in to a full lesson, or used exactly as is. Interesting and engaging presentation. Differentiated and fully animated with images.
Expo 1 - Dans mon sac

Expo 1 - Dans mon sac

Great lesson, teaching school objects to beginners. Based on Expo 1 French 'Dans mon sac' spread, but can be used for any age group. Starter asks students to translate as many objects as they can in time limit, with a dictionary. Emphasis on independent learning. Challenge is to add extra school objects that aren't on the list. Students then repeat vocabulary, followed by 'Qu'est-ce-que c'est' game, in pairs and then as a class to win points. Reading activity follows, matching the descriptions of school bags to the right pictures. Speaking activity with dice is next and a writing activity to finish. Scaffold provided for LA. Pictionary game to review learning - always great fun!
Expo 1 - Bonjour!

Expo 1 - Bonjour!

Full lesson, linking to Unit 1.1 of Expo 1 - 'C'est parti: Bonjour'. Lesson covers meeting people, using the pronouns 'je' and 'tu' (and 'vous' as an extension), a wide range of greetings (hello, hi, goodbye, see you soon, have a lovely day etc.) and ways to ask how people are and respond to the question. Lots of speaking, mini whiteboard activities, pairs, 'Splat', a dice activity and a 'Spin the Wheel' game at the end of the lesson to consolidate learning. Fully animated with notes under each slide for teacher. Lesson PowerPoint, pairs game and worksheet included in download. Great fun to teach!
Facebook Display - Profile template

Facebook Display - Profile template

French Facebook Profile template. Excellent resource, perfect for students to display information about themselves. Can be printed and used as a worksheet or worked on electronically and printed for a great display. Set up for KS2 / KS3 'Je me présente' module but can easily be adapted. Used successfully with KS4 to discuss healthy lifestyles and KS5 to display opinions on global warming and environmental challenges. A huge time saver!
French Cultural Lesson Bundle - Mystery Countries, Nandos Takeaway Menu , Project Research Sheet

French Cultural Lesson Bundle - Mystery Countries, Nandos Takeaway Menu , Project Research Sheet

3 Resources
A brilliant bundle, encouraging higher-order thinking skills and independent learning. Lessons are fabulous to teach and enourage students to identify mystery TL-speaking countries from a series of activities and clues (food, geography, music etc.). Nandos Takeaway Menu asks students to pick their own mini topics from a series of increasingly challenging options, giving them ownership. My most popular lessons!
Grammar - Tenses - Present tense (er, ir, re)

Grammar - Tenses - Present tense (er, ir, re)

Fantastic and very comprehensive resource covering all aspects of present tense formation with er, ir and re verbs. All animations and formatting ready to go. A huge time-saver! Powerpoint is 27 slides and can be adapted to suit all learners. Includes clear and concise explanations of conjugation of each verb type and questions to gauge understanding. Perfect for mini-whiteboard activities. Differentiated to help LA access translation questions. Excellent for introduction at KS2 / KS3 to conjugation and for revision and further practice at KS4.
Grammar Bundle - Adjectives, Adverbs, Après avoir + Après être, Asking questions

Grammar Bundle - Adjectives, Adverbs, Après avoir + Après être, Asking questions

Comprehensive grammar bundle, suitable for HA KS2 - KS4. All formatting, animations and answers in place. Templates (tables, whiteboard activities) easily adaptable, huge time-saver! Designed to be used to explain concepts alongside other exercises in class. 1. Adjectives - 11 slides - Emphasis on describing teachers (School and Education module) although easily adapted. Introduces concept of masculine and feminine, adjectives before the noun (BAGS) and includes differentiated whiteboard activity. 2. Adverbs - 5 slides - Introduces concept in English and in French through celebrity 'Twitter' feeds (classtools.net). Matching table exercise and word fan task on last slides. 3. Après avoir + Après être - 3 slides - Introduces après avoir and après être. Example sentences and translations. Excellent 'A*' GCSE phrase, also great to extend HA KS3. 'Jeu de furet' (Pass the Parcel) game at end. 4. Asking questions - 3 slides - Linked to school and education but easily adapted. Introduces the three ways to ask questions in French, with an oral exercise as the last task.
Grammar Bundle - Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns, Dont, Impersonal verbs, Indirect Object Pronou

Grammar Bundle - Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns, Dont, Impersonal verbs, Indirect Object Pronou

Excellent grammar bundle, covering KS4 and KS5 key grammar topics. Also great for HA KS3. Differentiated with clear explanations and student translation activities. Easily adaptable to suit group, very time-saving! 1. Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns - 6 slides - Very comprehensive explanation of DOP and IDOPs, with lots of examples and practice for students. 2. Dont - 1 slide - Clear and concise explanation, giving students example sentences and asking them to work on how it is translated. 3. Impersonal verbs - 2 slides - Clear and concise explanation over full slide of impersonal verbs. Full slide of questions for students to translate, great as a printed worksheet or as a whiteboard activity. 4. Indirect Object Pronound (AS) - 4 slides - A deeper explanation of IDOP, suitable for KS5 learners or high-ability KS4 learners. Includes prounoun flag.
Grammar Bundle - Common infintives, Comparatives, Depuis + ça fait que, Depuis

Grammar Bundle - Common infintives, Comparatives, Depuis + ça fait que, Depuis

Excellent grammar bundle covering key concepts of KS3 and KS4 syllabi. All animations, formatting and answers ready to go. Easily adaptable for any year group. A real time saver! 1. Common infinitives - 3 slides - Covers key verbs in French and past participles of both avoir and être. Asks students to categorise verbs and to work out rules for endings in perfect tense. 2. Comparatives - 9 slides - Uses films to introduce concept of 'plus/moins/aussi...que'. Example sentences and translation. Whiteboard activity, differentiated to support LA with key words at top of slides. Task linked to watching of 'Minions' film trailer in French. Students asked to use language in own sentences following trailer. 3. Depuis and ça fait que - 7 slides - Comprehensive explanation of two conjunctions and whiteboard activity across six slides, differentiated to help LA learners with key words at top of slide. Students must decide which phrase to use and why, 4. Depuis - 4 slides - Precedes activity with 'ça fait que'. Explanation of when to use and mini-whiteboard translation. Easily adaptable and suitable for all ages.
Work and Education Bundle - Opinions on School Uniform, School Rules and Chores

Work and Education Bundle - Opinions on School Uniform, School Rules and Chores

A bundle of five slides, linked to the Work and Education module of the GCSE course. The first slide is a poster of rules from a French school. Students are asked to translate as many as possible a given time limit. Challenge is to think of any others that are not mentioned that students would expect to see in their own school. Forms a good basis for cultural discussion (for example in terms of uniform or how rules are phrased). The second slide presents two tables (24 items of vocabulary), drawing links between rules and uniform. The conditional tense is introduced alongside negatives and could easily be extended to forming the conditional and other negative forms. The third slide introduces positive and negative opinions about uniform, asking students to translate and categorise those given before forming their own for a debate / discussion on the fourth slide. The fifth slide lists excuses regarding household chores, asking students to translate those given and think of their own.
AQA New German GCSE (Specification 8668) - Student Factsheet

AQA New German GCSE (Specification 8668) - Student Factsheet

A great resource, outlining the new AQA German GCSE as a simple Factsheet. Very useful for students as an introduction to the course. Also used with excellent feedback at Open Evenings to provide further information (from the AQA website) for students, Parents and Carers, and for staff within the department alongside the new Specification. Suitable for Foundation and Higher tiers. A huge time-saver! The Factsheet provides information about the advantages of studying German at GCSE level, alongside answers to the following questions: 1. What will I study? (Core themes and sub-topics.) 2. How will I be assessed? (Information on the four exam papers, the length of the exams, the marks awarded and the types of questions.) 3. When will I take my exams? 4. How do GCSE grades 1-9 work? The Factsheet is attractively and simply presented with photographs and images. A space for Student reflection is provided at the end of the document, as well as the link to the AQA Specification at a Glance for further information.