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9 Page Value (Tone) Activity Booklet | Inspired By Diana Boulay | Appropriate For Remote Learning |

9 Page Value (Tone) Activity Booklet | Inspired By Diana Boulay | Appropriate For Remote Learning |

9 Page Value (Tone) Activity Booklet | Inspired By Assemblage Artist Diana Boulay | Appropriate For Remote Learning Found Materials Lesson | Little Art & Craft Resources Required Value (sometimes known as ‘tone’) is the lightness or darkness of a colour. Within this booklet students will learn what a the importance of tone & what a value scale is. They will follow the activity book inspired by the work of Diana Boulay to assemble found object value sculptures.
At Home Lesson Planner

At Home Lesson Planner

I have created a printable & downloadable lesson planner for parents & teachers to share with parents. This will help learners maintain some kind of routine in the COVID-19 madness! I would make this as repetitive and structured as possible; for example begin each day with a mindfulness activity, then do some literacy & numeracy and finish the day with a creative task. Having a plan of lesson expectations printed & visible to children should also help with managing challenging behaviours! Don’t forget regular breaks are important so you can schedule those in too! Feel free to share!
Plant & Nature Colouring Book

Plant & Nature Colouring Book

FREE Plant & Nature Colouring Book Full of plants such as Crotons, Majesty Palms, Angel Wing Begonias, Chinese Evergreens, Asparagus Ferns, Fiddle Leaf Figs, Calathea, Cacti & more!