5 least popular GCSE subjects 2018

Which GCSE subjects saw the fewest entries for the summer 2018 exam series?
20th August 2018, 3:04pm


5 least popular GCSE subjects 2018


While most students will be eagerly anticipating the results of their core EBacc subjects such as maths and English, there are some subjects that according to Ofqual had a much smaller pool of entrants. So which GCSE subjects had the fewest number of entrants in 2018?

1. Welsh (as a second language) – 15

Only 15 students were entered to sit the GCSE exam in Welsh as a second language in 2018. This is one of the few languages that is not included on the government's list of subjects that count towards the EBacc.

2. Manufacturing – 50

Only 50 students sat a GCSE in manufacturing 2018, down from 120 in 2017. This subject shares similarities to the more popular design and technology subjects.

3. Other sciences – 2,525

Ofqual groups together sciences that are not included in combined science or one of the three core science GCSEs of biology, chemistry and physics.

4. General studies – 2,945

Numbers have been dropping year-on-year for this subject, which has been lambasted in the past for how non-specific it is. Two thousand fewer students opted to sit this exam in 2018 compared to 2017.

5. Classical subjects (non-EBacc) – 3,625

This number does not include ancient languages such as Latin and Greek, which are counted as core EBacc subjects, but instead collects the other GCSE subjects concerning the ancient world, such as ancient history and classical civilisations.

Elliot Douglas is a student at the University of St Andrews. He tweets @ElliotDee

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