8 reasons why José Mourinho should go into teaching

17th December 2015, 5:07pm


8 reasons why José Mourinho should go into teaching


Today Chelsea FC parted company with manager José Mourinho.

With the shortage of teachers becoming increasingly challenging, it seems worthwhile trying to tempt anyone coming on to the job market to join the profession - especially since teaching has so much in common with football management…

  1. You’re judged on performance data.
  2. The top of the table is dominated by entrenched privilege (until this year - sorry).
  3. Sinking to the bottom of the table can seriously hamper your career.
  4. You are told you know nothing by people who wouldn’t last five minutes in your job.
  5. You get to stand outside in a big coat watching people play football, twice every day.
  6. You learn a lot about knee injuries.
  7. You have an unending appreciation of those you’ve nurtured…
  8. …but it’s the ones who got away who will haunt you.

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