Church needs flag flyer, says Dearing
Church needs flag flyer, says Dearing
LORD Dearing has censured the Church of England over plans to abolish its schools development officer as it prepares to open 100 new secondaries.
Education’s Mr Fix-it chaired a review group on church school expansion which recommended increasing the number of Anglican secondaries from its current 146.
The report was welcomed by the Anglican general synod. Colin Hopkins, the C of E’s national schools development officer, was secretary to the review group.
Today the Archbishop’s Council will consider a proposal to abolish the development officer post along with two other education officers and a member of support staff.
The move, which could save more than pound;100,000, is part of a cost-cutting package put forward by Anglican church leaders to save pound;1 million over three years Lord Dearing said he would be “surprised and disappointed” if it went ahead.
“I understand that funding is very tight and that difficult decisions have to be made but I do think we need someone to maintain the momentum. There needs to be someone flying the flag high.
“We need someone who is maintaining a watch and channelling good ideas across the dioceses.”
Lord Dearing suggested that funding for the post - around pound;30,000 to pound;40,000 - could come from a national campaign to raise cash for more church schools.
It is unclear whether a decision will be made today on the plan, which is being questioned in church circles.
One insider said: “It seems bizarre when church schools stand at the centre of the Church’s mission. Education is one of the success stories of the Church and now it is facing these cuts.”
Another added: “It seems absolutely mad when the Church is trying to expand the number of its schools.”
The proposal to cut the national schools development officer has been made by the Anglican board of education and the Church’s series of councils.
A spokesman for the C of E said: “Not funding this post does not alter our commitment to the Dearing Report. It does not all rely on one person. We will still have the board of education with its general secretary and staff. There will be no loss of strategic view.”
Other executive posts in the education department facing abolition are national youth officer and adult education officer.
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