Use “people who work in our school” as a stimulus to develop geographical vocabulary (types of job, PoS 2a) and as an opportunity to compare how people get to school and why.
Cut out the job vacancies from a newspaper. Sort these in different ways, eg jobs in shops, factories or offices. Use the telephone directory to find out what other types of job people do in the area (PoS 2d, 6a).
Investigate how children in a less economically developed country make a living, see urbanisation. What are the bad things in their lives? Are there any good things? (PoS 6b) KS3
Find out about working conditions in the fashion industry (see QCA Unit 18 for ideas and resources).
Go to and select In pictures
Water seller. Using the text and pictures as evidence, what are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of work? (PoS 6h, 6i) Go to Focus on labour market
jobs. Select and justify six key facts about work in the UK, including reference to male and female employment. Imagine that 20 per cent of the office workers in a town’s business district become homeworkers. Think about the services they would - and would no longer - need. Draw and label a sketch map of the town to show how it might change. See www.parliament.ukpostpn063.pdf
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