
22nd October 2004, 1:00am


KS 1-2

Locate winter and summer homes of a selection of birds and their migrations on a large map. Use this to develop locational knowledge and understanding (countries, seas, near, far), distance and direction.

* Observe birds in the school grounds, and the environmental conditions (weather, vegetation, colours), at different times of the year. Record the information, with digital images or photos. Compare results to develop geographical vocabulary and an understanding of environmental change. Do sequencing activities; with older pupils use a structured enquiry, eg What is it like? How has it changed? Why is it different?

KS 34

Investigate the Bewick swan’s migration on the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust website. Present it as an A3 sketch-map with sketches of the winter and summer environments and the migration route, and hazards faced, classified as natural or

* Use the migratory routes to develop an understanding of great circles and great arcs: what is the shortest route between two places on the earth’s surface? (PoS 2c) KS 5

Consider the impact of farming on migratory birds. The RSPB website is a good place to start.

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