Reshuffle: New skills minister confirmed

Gillian Keegan has been appointed to the Department for Education as part of the prime minister’s reshuffle
14th February 2020, 5:30pm


Reshuffle: New skills minister confirmed
Gillian Keegan Has Been Confirmed As Apprenticeships & Skills Minister.

Gillian Keegan has told Tes she has been appointed apprenticeship and skills minister.  

Ms Keegan, who has been an MP since 2017, was earlier announced as a parliamentary under secretary of state at the Department for Education.

After the MP told Tes on Friday she would be responsible for skills and apprenticeships remit, the news was officially confirmed by the DfE on Monday evening.

This comes after months of no dedicated minister in that role since it was announced last year that education secretary Gavin Williamson would take personal responsibility for the brief, supported by the then parliamentary under secretary at the DfE Kemi Badenoch, and her maternity cover Michelle Donelan

Reshuffle: Gavin Williamson to stay on as education secretary

Background: FE sector reacts to Williamson being given skills remit

Quick read: Could there be a new FE and skills minister?


Also yesterday it was confirmed that Gavin Williamson would be staying on as education secretary – a move that was welcomed by the FE sector. 

Mr Williamson tweeted: "Delighted to be reappointed as secretary of state for education. From early years to further education, I will ensure we deliver the skills the country needs."


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