Retiring teacher given roaring send-off by her pupils - watch the video

17th July 2015, 5:20pm


Retiring teacher given roaring send-off by her pupils - watch the video

A retiring teacher of 25 years experienced the real circle of life as she supervised her school’s breaktime on the last day of term.

Margaret Gabica, of St Julian’s Primary School in Newport, Wales, stood in shock as pupils and staff formed a flashmob around her, joining hands and dancing to her favourite song - Losing You from The Lion King.

The lion’s share of Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils danced to the music as an emotional Ms Gabica, who over the years had taught each class, looked on.

Speaking to the South Wales Argus after the event, Ms Gabica said: “It was completely beyond anything I could have imagined or dreamed of.

“I have taught all of these children and, just looking at their faces, they were so intent with what they were doing. I was so impressed.

“It will be something I will cherish for ever.” 

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