Rights and wrongs

22nd September 2000, 1:00am


Rights and wrongs

Elaine Williams looks at books on children’s rights, a new baby in the family and the Arthurian legend

* November 1989 the United Nations formally adopted 54 principles that make up the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child - from the right to a name and nationality, education and play, to the right to sufficient food and care for those who are sick.

In his foreword to For Every Child (published by Hutchinson in association with Unicef, pound;10.99) Archbishop Desmond Tutu points out how far from these principles is the realitylived by many children around the world - children who are victims of crime, war and famine.

The book stakes out 14 of the most pertinent rights expressed in a simple, evocative text, each illustrated in a thought-provoking double-page spread by 14 acclaimed artists including John Burningham, Babette Cole, PJ Lynch, Shirley Hughes and Satoshi Kitamura. This is a sobering, moving work, a family book or for sharing with friends, and an invaluable resource for teachers, especially those promoting the theme of citizenship.

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