PRE-TWENTIETH CENTURY SHORT STORIES: Student’s Anthology. By Jean Moore and John Catron. Hodder amp; Stoughton pound;5.50. Teacher’s Resource Book pound;25.
This is a useful anthology. Although at least some of the stories (such as “The Withered Arm”, and “The Signalman”) are likely to be duplicated elsewhere in the store-cupboard, stories such as Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpper” make an interesting and useful addition to the usual texts available.
The teacher’s book provides practical suggestions for teaching the materials, with photocopiable worksheets. What a pity, then, that the student’s book should be impossibly marred with misprints, such as the surreal variant on Hardy’s opening to “The Withered Arm” - “It was an eighty-cow diary”...