Working hours and workload
195 - The number of days teachers must be available to work (190 days of teaching, five days of Inset).
1,265 - The number of hours of directed time in a school year. In addition to this, teachers can be required to work “reasonable additional hours as may be needed to discharge effectively your professional duties”.
10 per cent - The amount of planning, preparation and assessment time allocated on your timetable (according to your teaching time), during which you cannot be available to cover.
0 - The amount of lunchtime supervision, external exam invigilation or clerical tasks you should do.
0 - The amount of planned cover you can be asked to do.
12-2pm - The time during which you should be given a reasonable lunch break.
170 - The number of days of holiday where you cannot be directed to undertake work duties.
11 - The number of hours’ rest you are entitled to between working days. If an open evening ends at 9pm, for example, teachers shouldn’t start work again until 8am the next day.
Sick pay
100 - The number of working days of full pay and 100 working days of half pay you are entitled to if absent from duty because of illness (during fourth and subsequent years of service with one or more local education authorities - see section four of the Burgundy Book for more details for shorter service).
A doctor’s note must be supplied no later than the 8th day of absence.
Maternity pay
18 - The number of weeks all teachers, irrespective of length of service, are entitled to remain absent for maternity leave. A teacher will not be allowed to return to work earlier than two weeks after the day of childbirth.
13 - The number of full-time weeks a teacher is subsequently obliged to return to her job for (including periods of school closure) to qualify for maternity pay.
55 - The youngest age you can retire and be paid retirement benefits.
All information refers to schools in England and is taken from the Department for Education’s School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions Document 2018 and the Burgundy Book (or Conditions of Service for School Teachers in England and Wales).