Teacher training must evolve

4th January 2013, 12:00am


Teacher training must evolve


School Direct is a groundbreaking system of initial teacher training (“Training shake-up will lead to ‘loss of expertise’”, 14 December). Teachers will be trained in outstanding schools by practitioners who really know about the standards at the heart of the process. Previous school-based training has shown the benefits of the total immersion model. Backed with a robust professional studies programme the end result is a rounded and high-quality entrant to the profession ready to teach on day one.

School Direct gives freedom to innovate in terms of course content and personalised learning, either in partnership with higher education providers or not. Universities arguing that research and continuing professional development are their prerogative should note that evolution of any system is central to its survival and ensures the fittest outcomes.

Andrew Carter, Headteacher, South Farnham School, Surrey.

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