Tes Awards: Alternative provision school of the year

Meadow View Farm School’s ‘aspirational and exciting’ effect on students is just one of the reasons why it’s 2019‘s alternative provision school of the year
21st June 2019, 9:46pm


Tes Awards: Alternative provision school of the year

Tes Awards: Alternative Provision School Of The Year

Meadow View Farm School, in Leicestershire, has 36 pupils, each with social, emotional and mental health needs

Pupils are unable to access mainstream schools owing to complex needs. One-third of the children are looked after or post-adoption, and many have been through traumatic experiences.

But through the farm and forest setting of the school, in conjunction with classes in which they’re taught the national curriculum, pupils learn how to manage their high levels of anxiety and to begin to trust in adults.

Judges described the school as “aspirational and exciting”. They read about one little boy who arrived at the school with a number of special needs. The pupil had experienced trauma after the death of one parent; he subsequently travelled around the country with his other parent attending a number of different schools. The boy was verbally and physically aggressive towards Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services professionals and they refused to see him, but school staff assisted him and his grandmother at future appointments in order to manage his behaviour, and this had an “astounding impact”.

Because of its achievements, the school has been visited by professionals in education and healthcare from as far afield as Australia and Turkey.

The judges noted that, rather than a traditional behaviour policy, the school has “a system for success” that is built on high expectations and trust.

To find out who’s won as it’s announced, follow #TesAwards on Twitter. To discover more about the magic behind the awards, click here 

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