WATCH: Six tips for delivering Stem in your school

The 2018 winner of the Tes Schools Award for science, technology and engineering shares top tips for delivering Stem
19th June 2019, 5:05pm


WATCH: Six tips for delivering Stem in your school
Gomer Junior School Outlines Its Best Practice For Successfully Delivering Stem.

Gomer Junior School won the 2018 Tes Schools Award for science, technology and engineering team of the year.

Read the profile of the school here.

Here, Georgina Mulhall, executive headteacher of the primary phase of the Gosport and Fareham Multi-Academy Trust, and Karen Digby, assistant head and Stem lead at Gomer Junior, share their top tips for leading-edge Stem in your school.

Here are their six top tips:

  1. Leadership - “It’s really important that the school leadership is fully behind an innovative curriculum”
  2. Vision - “Our vision is learning today for the challenge tomorrow”
  3. Pedagogy and teaching - “We have needed to change some of our practice so we are genuinely facilitators of the learning that we are providing”
  4. Action research - “It has been vital for us to research what is going on nationally with regards Stem”
  5. Stimulating resources - “Applications for grants is a really important thing that you should do in order to improve Stem”
  6. Sharing - “It’s really important that good practice is shared”

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