WorldSkills Kazan 2019: Two golds for Team UK

The UK’s competitors in Kazan also claimed silver and bornze medals
27th August 2019, 7:05pm


WorldSkills Kazan 2019: Two golds for Team UK
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Team UK had won four medals at this year’s WorldSkills competition in Kazan - two of them gold. 

Beauty therapy competitor Rebecca West, from Sussex Downs College, won gold - the third successive WorldSkills winners in this skill for the UK. Her employer is Bespoke You.

The second gold medal was won by Haydn Jakes of Nottingham University, in aircraft maintenance. 

Background: How WorldSkills transformed education in Russia

Pictures: WorldSkills 2019: The final countdown for Team UK

News: WorldSkills boss: ‘We’ve let skills become invisible’


Connor McKevitt, trained by Riverpark Training and employed by Wrights Accident Repair Centre, claimed a silver in car painting, while Phoebe McLavy from Coleg Sir Gar, employed by Morgan Edward Salon, won bronze in hairdressing. 

They were awarded their medals at a spectacular closing ceremony in Kazan, Russia, tonight, at which Russian president Vladimir Putin made a speech.

Team UK were also awarded 15 medallions of excellence - which are given to competitors who have achieved the international standard in their skill. 

At EuroSkills in Budapest last year, Team UK walked away with one gold and three bronze medals. At WorldSkills in Abu Dhabi the year before, they achieved seven medals, including one gold. 

Neil Bentley-Gockmann, chief executive of WorldSkills UK, said: “This is a fantastic result for the team and the UK as a whole - I couldn’t be prouder. This was the ultimate test and they stepped up to the mark.

“The members of Team UK, all under 25 years, championed the UK focus on skills development in front of a global audience, sending a strong message that the UK is a world-class place to invest, do business and create jobs.

“Governments, education and industry need to continue to work with us to make sure the UK stays at the cutting edge of global best practice in skills development.”

Team UK’s medals and medallions 


Rebecca West, Sussex Downs College and Bespoke You, beauty therapy 

Haydn Jakes, Nottingham University, aircraft maintenance


Connor McKevitt, Riverpark Training and Wrights Accident Repair Centre, car painting


Phoebe McLavy, Coleg Sir Gar and Morgan Edward Salon, hairdressing


Liz Newcombe, Guildford College and Rhubarb & Bramley, floristry

Sam Everton, Pembrokeshire College, Crwst Council, cooking

Collette Gorvett, Gower College Swansea, restaurant service

Jack Dakin and Danny Slater, both Toyota Manufacturing UK, mechatronics

Elliot Dawson, Training 2000 and Fort Vale, CNC milling

Tonicha Roberts, Eurofins Forensic Services, chemical laboratory technology

Thomas Andrews, Alton College and Sonardyne International, electronics

Thomas Thomas, Coleg Meiri-on-Dwyfor and Aer Cymru, plumbing and heating

Mark Scott, City of Glasgow College and J McGoldrick and Sons Council, Wall and Floor Tiling 

Orlando Rawlings, Grimsby Institute Daikin UK, refrigeration and air-conditioning 

Callum Bonner, Forth Valley College and Clarkmannanshire Council, painting and decorating 

Samuel Taylor, Myerscough College and Garden TLC and Shea McFerran, CAFRE and Logan Landscape, landscape gardening 

Lewis Greenwood, York College and PDS Construction, bricklaying

Christopher Caine, Pembrokeshire College and DH Carpentry and Joinery, joinery 

Thomas Lewis, Cardiff and Vale College and Blue Electrical, electrical installation 

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