You can now study Batman at this UK college

Do you want to delve into the mindset of the Dark Knight? Or study the Caped Crusader’s training routine? Look no further than Clyde College in Glasgow
23rd October 2020, 4:32pm


You can now study Batman at this UK college
Glasgow Clyde College Begins Course In Batman Studies

A UK college has launched a course in Batman studies. 

At Glasgow Clyde College, students will spend eight weeks delving deep into the psyche of the Dark Knight, studying the Caped Crusader’s training routine and discovering the history of the World’s Greatest Detective. 

Glasgow Clyde College lecturer and Batman megafan George Howie said that Batman had “very much had an influence over my life” and that it was his dream course to teach. 

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He said: “I’ve been a superfan of Batman since I can remember - he’s my ultimate hero. I grew up watching Adam West on the telly and my fascination, and memorabilia collection, started from there. I’ve watched every movie a million times and can quote every scene - it’s very much had an influence over my life. Even now, my face mask has the bat emblem on it, so this is my dream course.

“Batman has had a massive cultural impact and has a huge fan base across the world as well as in our own local community in Glasgow. Whether you are a hardcore ‘Bat-Fan’ or someone who just likes to watch the movies, then this course is perfect for you.”

Batman, Glasgow Clyde

The course, titled History of “The Batman”, started earlier this week with students covering a range of media such as film, cartoons, comic books and games from the comfort of their own homes.

Students will go on to examine and question the sociopathy of the hero which often blends into the territory of a villain, as well as explore the concepts and limits of human potential using Batman as a case study.

You can find more information here

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