They also show that primaries have seen a near doubling of their pupils’ infection rates in a fortnight.
Coronavirus: Rise in infection rates in schools
Between 11 December and 18 December, positivity rates went up from 1.76 per cent to 2.02 per cent for children aged 2 to school Year 6 (age 10) in England. They had risen from 1.09 to 1.76 per cent the previous week.
The percentage of children between Year 7 and Year 11 testing positive for Covid rose from 2.72 per cent to 2.98 per cent between 11 and 18 December, up from 2.13 per cent on 4 December.
Graph and data: ONS
The data shows that infections rose among most age groups over the past week, except for those aged 70-plus and for those between the ages of 35 and 49.
The steepest rise - from 1.44 per cent to 2.43 per cent - was for those aged between school Year 12 and 24 years old. But Years 7 to 11 remained the highest infection rate.
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