School starting age: could it be raised to 7?

Efforts to raise the school starting age have been given fresh impetus by the Scottish Greens
22nd February 2021, 4:29pm


School starting age: could it be raised to 7?
School Starting Age: Could It Be Raised To 7?

The Scottish Greens have revealed that a key part of their manifesto for this May’s parliamentary elections will be to push for the school starting age to be raised to seven.

We consider how significant a move this is and whether it has any chance of success.

Hasn’t this been proposed before?

Yes. In 2018, for example, the Scottish Liberal Democrats called for the school starting age to be raised to 6 or 7.

What happened then?

In political terms, not all that much, although campaigning groups such as Upstart Scotland and Give Them Time have gone to considerable lengths to keep the issue to the fore.

Why should it be any different this time?

The Greens have, for most of the current Parliament, had more MSPs (six) than the Liberal Democrats (five). And, while they have often been at the forefront in criticising the SNP government’s education record, they are the only other pro-Scottish independence party in the Scottish Parliament, and have often provided support for the government - notably, they helped education secretary John Swinney survive a vote of no confidence over the 2020 SQA results debacle.

In other words, if the parliamentary balance of power remains much the same after the elections due to take place in May, the Greens will have considerably more clout in attempting to raise the school starting age than the Lib Dems did in 2018.

What exactly are the Greens proposing?

A play-based “kindergarten stage” at 3-6, with formal primary school starting at 7. For more detail, the policy launch follows on from a report written for Green MSPs last year by education academics Professor Mark Priestley and Dr Kylie Bradfield.

? Scotland’s children start formal education earlier than in almost any other nation. It’s time to change that and follow the example of successful countries, with a 3-6 kindergarten and primary school from age 7. @UpstartScot

- Ross Greer (@Ross_Greer) February 21, 2021

Are they proposing a model akin to the way things are done anywhere else?

Yes: the Greens have explicitly cited Nordic countries, particularly Finland.

What has the reaction been?

From Scotland-based educators on social media, it’s been largely positive. However, critics have included Tom Bennett, founder of researchED, who tweeted: “It’ll serve children well who come from knowledge-rich, usually middle-class backgrounds who can afford tutors etc. For everyone else, not so much.”

Has the Scottish government said anything yet?

In a statement, a spokesperson said: “Scotland’s curriculum is already rooted in play for the early years, with a strong focus on ensuring all children benefit from rich outdoor learning experiences.

“We have no plans to change the school starting age.”

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