MPs to quiz Ofsted chief over school inspection reform

Sir Martyn Oliver will appear before a Commons committee to answer questions on everything from the introduction of inspection report cards to inspectors’ subject knowledge
2nd January 2025, 4:25pm


MPs to quiz Ofsted chief over school inspection reform
Ofsted chief Sir Martyn Oliver will answer MPs' questions about school inspection changes

MPs on the Commons Education Select Committee will question Ofsted chief Sir Martyn Oliver on the progress being made on numerous high-profile reforms to the inspectorate announced last year.

The hearing will take place on Tuesday 7 January, with the committee set to focus on several high-profile policy changes, most notably the plan to move from single-word inspection judgements to report cards - a first draft of which was leaked last year, attracting much criticism.

Questions will be asked on how the watchdog will improve the way it recognises schools that are inclusive towards pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). MPs will also ask the Ofsted chief about schools receiving shorter annual reviews of safeguarding practices, and powers to inspect multi-academy trusts.

Another major area of focus for the hearing will be the steps Ofsted has taken to address concerns raised in the coroner’s report into the death of headteacher Ruth Perry, which concluded that an Ofsted inspection contributed to her taking her own life.

Questions about Ofsted changes

MPs also intend to question Sir Martyn on issues that remain outstanding, such as the introduction of shorter time frames for inspection reports to be published, and ensuring that inspectors have specialist knowledge of subjects and lessons they observe.

Ofsted’s work to clamp down on unregistered children’s homes, and regulating children’s social care and child protection departments in local authorities, is also likely to be addressed.

Appearing alongside Sir Martyn at the hearing will be Lee Owston, Ofsted’s national director for education,  and Yvette Stanley, the watchdog’s national director for regulation and social care.

The hearing will be Sir Martyn’s first appearance in front of the Commons Education Select Committee after a plan for him to report to it on a six-monthly basis was delayed due to the election last year.

The session will begin at 10am on Tuesday and can be watched live online here.

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