Colleges are supporting their communities - here’s how

From making scrubs and hairdressing tutorials to delivering fruit to NHS staff, colleges are going above and beyond
1st May 2020, 8:02am


Colleges are supporting their communities - here’s how
Colleges In Lockdown: How They Are Helping The Community

As lockdown continues, so does the brilliant work from college staff and students. Across the UK, many are going above and beyond to support their communities, the NHS and each other. 

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Joanne Aldridge, a fashion technician and garment demonstrator at Waltham Forest College, has transformed her home into an NHS production suite, answering the call to sew scrubs for NHS workers at Homerton University Hospital.

Casey Allard, a hairdressing tutor at Hugh Baird College, will be streaming live at 1pm today to demonstrate how everyone can cut and clip men’s hair at home. 

The equine team at Northumberland College has moved on to campus to care for Kirkley Hall’s horses and ponies during the lockdown.

Kitkley Hall

Riverside College and Cronton College’s safeguarding team created an anxiety and stress booklet – within 48 hours, it had been downloaded 359 times. 

Dundee and Angus College's sport and wellbeing officer Jessie Ann has been delivering food parcels and sanitary products to students in need.

Esol tutors came together at The Sheffield College have wished everyone a Ramadan Mubarak. 

Northern College has teamed up with Thomas Franks Ltd to distribute more than 6,000 pieces of fruit to NHS staff working on the front line.

The construction department at Wigan and Leigh College has been donating PPE to the local hospital.

Mick Wilson, an engineering lecturer at Selby College, brought the college's 3D printers home and is making face visors for staff in care homes. 

Exeter College has offered its industrial kitchen facilities to Food4Heroes, a charity that provides free nutritious meals to frontline NHS staff during the coronavirus pandemic.   


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