The secondary school staffroom may soon be a thing of the past, according to a survey of teachers conducted by TES.
Asked how often they visited the whole-school staffroom, 32 per cent of respondents said they rarely or never used it. Meanwhile, 62 per cent of respondents said they used the staffroom less than they did when they first joined the profession.
Teachers who do use the staffroom say they tend to do so to eat lunch (25 per cent of respondents), socialise (16 per cent) or to share information (15 per cent).
The most popular time to go to the staffroom, according to the survey, is at lunch or breaktime (49 per cent of respondents). Very few teachers stay after school (5 per cent) or during elusive free periods (7 per cent).
The results appear in the 23 October issue of TES, in which teacher Stephen Petty writes a eulogy for the secondary staffroom. “[The staffroom] has gone to a better place, mainly because we all found a better place,” he writes.
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