There aren’t many jobs where you have to steal stationery from home to take it to work, but as a teacher you are be entitled to benefits that could sweeten that fact.
And some of these perks you might not even be aware of. Here are four benefits to teaching that you may not have known about.
The perks of being a teacher
1. You can claim back some of your union fees
If you pay to belong to a teaching union, then you can claim back some of this cost.
As teachers do not normally submit a tax return, you will need to contact your union membership department for a print-out of the subs you have paid for the last four years. Once you have that evidence, you need to contact HMRC and inform it of the subs you have paid. It will normally then issue a refund by cheque.
2. Working-from-home costs
Since April 2020 everyone who has been working from home is able to claim back £6 a week using this form.
You don’t have to keep receipts, and you can use the money to cover any increased cost you have incurred from working from home.
3. You can take parental leave
This entitlement isn’t just for teachers; everyone is entitled to four weeks a year of unpaid parental leave for each of their children.
But how can you apply? You can read the details in the government guidance and submit your application for your HR department’s consideration.
4. School trips
Now, this is sort of a perk, but it comes with quite a few strings attached.
On the plus side, you get to travel and see the world very cheaply, or for no cost at all.
However, on the downside, you use up your holiday allowance with no time off in lieu due back to you. Oh, and you have the responsibility of loads of schoolchildren the whole time. So whether you see this one as a perk really depends on how much you enjoy chaperoning.