EPQ marking gridQuick View

EPQ marking grid

This is a marking grid of help with the marking of the AQA EPQ. The four skills that need to be assessed have been broken down further to aid marking. This can be shown to students so that they understand what they are working towards.
Marking and Feedback Performance GridQuick View

Marking and Feedback Performance Grid

For use alongside book monitoring/ work scrutiny, this succinct performance grid enables observers to gauge and categorise marking and feedback using OFSTED guidance for effective feedback. The first page of the document provides descriptors of 'outstanding', 'good', 'requires improvement' and 'inadequate' feedback within appropriately considered focus areas, for example: Frequency, Constructive Feedback, Marking for Literacy, etc. Schools that already employ this tool often opt to highlight the descriptors on this page as they complete the scrutiny, thus creating a bigger picture of the strengths and areas for improvement in the feedback observed. This can also be a helpful aid in arriving at an overall judgement, should your school opt to arrive at one. The second page allows observers to further pinpoint and describe the 'www' (what went well) and 'ebi' (even better if) aspects of the feedback, to aid teacher in improving their practice.
Introducing Live Marking and Feedback CPD presentationQuick View

Introducing Live Marking and Feedback CPD presentation

‘Live marking and feedback’ is the idea of marking or giving feedback on students’ work ‘in the moment’ - which cognitive science research tells us is incredibly effective in moving learning forward and addressing misconceptions before they become embedded. This presentation takes staff through the rationale behind it, the practicalities in its implementation, and the different ways it can be done. We have introduced it and in addition to helping our students make greater learning gains, it has reduced staff workload dramatically. This policy is for forward thinking schools who are looking to introduce evidence-informed practices into their school environment, benefiting students and staff alike. This was something that was really well received when it was presented and live marking and feedback continues to go form strength to strength as more practitioners begin to see its value when done well. Thanks for taking a look :)
Whole Class Marking & Feedback GeneratorQuick View

Whole Class Marking & Feedback Generator

Dramatically reduce your marking time! Use this feedback generator to automatically assign comments, targets and questions to students. From my experience you can create personalised feedback sheets for a whole class in apporxiamtely 15minutes. If there are any issues, please let me know and I will be available to help you. Instructions have been added, even though it should be fairly self explanatory.
Marking stickersQuick View

Marking stickers

Improve dialogue, encourage deeper leaning with students and assess how well they have understood their learning. Eight sheets, easy to print off, can be stuck in by students themselves and easily adapted. Mix between teacher and pupil feedback. Feedback through writing and drawing to engage learners.
Marking - key codesQuick View

Marking - key codes

These can be printed at A3 size and placed around the room. In addition I print 2 per A4 page and then students stick on the reverse of their exercise books. Using these codes has saved me around 70% of my marking time - better quality feedback but for far less time - win win!!
Marking PolicyQuick View

Marking Policy

Interesting “no pen” approach to marking- the focus is on Pursuit of Excellence tasks. This policy means that feedback models excellence for students and then requires them to improve their work according to the model provided. Students have responded incredibly well to this approach and it has shortened the amount of “wasted” time spent on marking.
Marking, feedback &  DIRT CPD ideasQuick View

Marking, feedback & DIRT CPD ideas

18 ideas for marking, feedback and DIRT #FeedbackNOTmarking Clearly presented and ready for a CPD session. Lots of ideas to improve feedback and reduce time spent marking.
Smart mark bookQuick View

Smart mark book

This is a user-friendly mark book made in Excel. It automatically works out the student’s overall term grade based on work they have submitted, as both a percentage as well as a grade. It provides students with the ability to see what grade they are currently working at based on work they have submitted so far in the term - they can see if they are on track for, or how far off they are from, an A or B for example. By simply inputting the “%” symbol in the column headings, the grade for an assignment will be automatically included in working out the overall term grade. Grade boundaries can be customized easily, and the mark book will update automatically. You won’t have to calculate grades or percentages again. If students haven’t submitted work, or were absent, a simple code such as “x” or “as” can be entered into the cell which will then automatically become highlighted in a certain colour. Students can see the result for each peace of work they have done as a percentage. The spreadsheet can easily be uploaded to Google sheets also.
Marking for literacyQuick View

Marking for literacy

This is a modified “marking for literacy” sheet It clearly shows the symbols and what they represent in an easy to print word document Marking for literacy is a priority across all subjects - I print this and place it in the back of all of my students exercise books so parents can understand the codes I write in their books. Students also use these codes when peer marking.
Marking and Feedback CPDQuick View

Marking and Feedback CPD

This is a CPD presentation on Marking and Feedback. This includes how we have innovatively adapted our marking and feedback policy to promote higher order thinking skills and quality feedback.
Mark Making BugsQuick View

Mark Making Bugs

This resource allows students to develop skills in intricate design and symmetry. Pupils become engrossed in the ‘zentangle’ patterns and learning to apply them to the template to define bug features through contrast.
Effective Marking and FeedbackQuick View

Effective Marking and Feedback

Based on Dylan William and John Hattie theory. CPD last up to 2 hours. This is a one stop CPD training session for all marking and feedback needs. Taking staff from why we mark/feedback, inclusive of important research to support marking and feedback, whole school feedback strategy manageable strategies to support teachers in the classroom. Aslo deliverable in a fun, inclusive way - speed dating activity, snog marry avoid etc.
Whole Class Feedback/Marking SheetQuick View

Whole Class Feedback/Marking Sheet

Firstly, if you choose to download my resource(s), please take the time to leave a rating (as I know most of don’t really bother) - I do really value your feedback. ***** FOLLOW @AllRoundRes, to stay up-to-date with the latest resources and news! ***** #GetYourLearnOn This resource is a whole class feedback and marking sheet which has a variety of uses for your needs. I like to use this resources when discussing exams, essays, homework tasks and extended pieces of writing. It is designed to significantly reduce teacher workload by having feedback in one place to then be used in lessons as an opportunity to discuss the work and talk about what went well and future opportunities and development. It also provides space for you to outline good pieces of work and methods/key terms/ideas etc students used. As well as providing space to discuss any errors, misconceptions and SPaG issues. At the bottom of the sheet is space to outline any further work students need to do as an enhancement activity, whether that be to redo some questions, research or revise a topic or explore key terms etc. This sheet can be printed off and written on as you work or typed into, which means you can share on a screen with students. If you have any queries, questions or concerns, then please email allroundresources@gmail.com or sendisaunders@gmail.com or alternatively write a comment describing your needs, where I will be happy to help!
Marking stickersQuick View

Marking stickers

A series of marking stickers to streamline the process! Includes SPaG focus, presentation, stick in sheets, and a 'Miss Carter likes this' facebook thumbs up style one which is very popular. Just change my name to yours. All in publisher and editable.
Marking StickersQuick View

Marking Stickers

These stickers can be used to show book marking and encourage students to act on feedback in green pen. The text is set to automatically update to the date of printing. Just print off a page, get your red pen out and get those books marked. I find that branding regular tasks, like marking, encourages routines in students and teachers alike. Students love to see these stickers in their books.
Marking ScheduleQuick View

Marking Schedule

This resource is designed to be laminated and displayed in the classroom to develop teacher, peer and self marking strategies. The teacher will split class into ability groups and give each group a colour. Then mark on the laminated schedule which group will be doing the indicted marking. Teacher marking - The teacher will mark each child’s work in detail. Peer assessment - A child will swap with another child in their group and use 2 stars and a wish. Self assessment - Child will use an emoji to identify how they did on this piece of work and then write a comment. Verbal feedback - Teacher will assess their work and tell them a comment to use from the comment bank to use and write on their work. It is still the responsibility of the teacher to monitor and assess all of the work but allow children to take more ownership of their work.
Marking SheetQuick View

Marking Sheet

A generic resource designed to aid marking. Pupils are prompted to make notes, then produce their final piece of work. Space is then provided for a teacher to write a positive comment and targets for improvement. On the rear of the page is half a page for sticking in to the book and half a page for marking improvements, followed by an improved grade. This structures marking to what ofsted are looking for, and when pupils stick it into their book and fold it over, the first thing an observer sees is the improvement and the new grade, making it easy for them to see your good practice.
Marking StickersQuick View

Marking Stickers

Sticker templates to help with marking of students books pointing out where they have done well and where they have work that is incomplete
Marking stickersQuick View

Marking stickers

Print these onto sticker paper. Great and quick way to mark exercise books indicating a student’s strengths and areas for development along with an effort grade. It gives me a good starting point when I am leaving student feedback 2 templates easily modified if you wish: 6 x 2 8 x 3