Powerpoint and worksheet included
Key content
Application to sporting examples
Match tasks for advantages and disadvantages
Exam questions with markscheme
Plenary checklist
Full powerpoint for covering LAC lesson content. Updated 2024.
Powerpoint format - Los, dual coding, plenary, mini assessment quizes for each lesson to cover all LAC content.
BTEC Sport Level 3 National extended certifiacte in sport.
Unit 2: Fitness training and programming for health sports and wellbeing.
Full powerpoint resource for teaching contents for LAA unit 2.
Each lesson contains, dual coding powerpoint slides, LOs, Plenary, end of content 10 question quiz.
Preparation and training methods exam questions and mark scheme for each topic.
A series of exam questions specifcally suited to each lesson on the different elements of the preparation and trianing methods topics.
Questions are one side of A4 and typically range between 10-15 marks.
A seperate document and markscheme for the topics below
Aerobic capacity
Aerobic capacity training methods
Aerobic training adaptions
Types of strength
Strength training methods and testing
Flexibility types and affecting factors
Flexibility training methods and adaptions
Principles of training and periodisation cycles
periodisation phases
Lifestyle diseases
Diet and nutrition
Ergogenic aids
AMRAP Station cards
5 Stations
Bronze, silver gold levels.
Complete as many rounds as possible - get points for each round completed. Can be completed individually or as a group.
Skeleton jigsaw puzzle.
Skeletal system.
I used these to teach the skeletal system - location of bones, name of bones and joints.
Print in A4 onto different coloured paper and laminate.