
Ag Science Notes. Complete Soil Bundle
This bundle is a complete collection of Leaving Certificate Ag Science Revision Notes written for the NEW specification.
This set of clear and concise Ag Science revision notes summarises the learning outcomes relating to three of the sections in strand 2 “Soils”
All aspects of the learning outcomes have been summarised to aid student revision.
The formation and classification of soils
The factors affecting soil formation
Gley Soils
Brown Podzolic Soils
Brown Earths
The Physical Characteristics of Soil
Soil Structure
Factors affecting soil structure
Soil Texture
Soil Particles
Soil Water
The Soil Triangle
Soil Compaction
The Chemical Characteristics of Soil
Cation Exchange
Cation Exchange Capacity
Biological Characteristics of Soil
The Microbiome
The Rhizosphere
The Carbon Cycle
The Nitrogen Cycle
Organic Matter
The Management of Soil
Soil Drainage
Soil Sampling
Soil Testing
Health and Safety
To isolate and grow bacteria from clover root nodules
To determine the percentage of organic matter in a soil sample and convert it to organic carbon
To show the activity of earthworms in a soil
To estimate the number of earthworms in a pasture
Investigating soil texture by hand testing, sedimentation and sieving
Calculating the percentage water content of a soil sample
Comparing the capillarity and infiltration rates of compacted and uncompacted soils
Investigating the chemical properties of soil by demonstrating flocculation
Investigating the chemical properties of soil by demonstrating cation exchange capacity
Investigating the chemical properties of soil by investigating the pH of a soil sample.
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Ag Science Revision Notes. Soil Bundle B
This bundle is a collection of Leaving Certificate Ag Science Revision Notes written for the NEW specification.
This set of clear and concise Ag Science revision notes summarises the learning outcomes relating to three of the sections in strand 2 “Soils”
All aspects of the learning outcomes have been summarised to aid student revision.
Biological Characteristics of Soil
The Microbiome
The Rhizosphere
The Carbon Cycle
The Nitrogen Cycle
Organic Matter
To isolate and grow bacteria from clover root nodules
To determine the percentage of organic matter in a soil sample and convert it to organic carbon
To show the activity of earthworms in a soil
To estimate the number of earthworms in a pasture
The Management of Soil
Soil Drainage
Soil Sampling
Soil Testing
Health and Safety

Physical Characteristics of Soil Knowledge Organiser
This revision resource has been designed to aid students completing Leaving Certificate Agricultural Science.
These sheets provides students with an active methodology for revising. Prompt questions are provided with limited space which will encourage students to summarise their answers.
Takes students approximately 90 minutes to complete
Ideally used with this set of notes so that students have a source of reference.
Notes can also be downloaded as a larger bundle here

Soil Formation Revision Sheet
This resource provides students with an active methodology for revising. Prompt questions are provided with limited space which will encourage students to summarise their answers.
Takes students approximately 30 minutes to complete
Ideally used with this set of notes so that students have a source of reference.

Ag Science Revision Notes. Soil Bundle A
This bundle is a collection of Leaving Certificate Ag Science Revision Notes written for the NEW specification.
This set of clear and concise Ag Science revision notes summarises the learning outcomes relating to three of the sections in strand 2 “Soils”
All aspects of the learning outcomes have been summarised to aid student revision.
The formation and classification of soils
The factors affecting soil formation
Gley Soils
Brown Podzolic Soils
Brown Earths
The Physical Characteristics of Soil
Soil Structure
Factors affecting soil structure
Soil Texture
Soil Particles
Soil Water
The Soil Triangle
Soil Compaction
The Chemical Characteristics of Soil
Cation Exchange
Cation Exchange Capacity
As well as six Specified Practical Activities
Investigating soil texture by hand testing, sedimentation and sieving
Calculating the percentage water content of a soil sample
Comparing the capillarity and infiltration rates of compacted and uncompacted soils
Investigating the chemical properties of soil by demonstrating flocculation
Investigating the chemical properties of soil by demonstrating cation exchange capacity
Investigating the chemical properties of soil by investigating the pH of a soil sample.
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Ag Science Revision Notes. Chemical Characteristics
Leaving Certificate Ag Science Revision Notes written for the NEW specification.
The Chemical Characteristics of Soil
This set of clear and concise Ag Science revision notes summarises the learning outcomes relating to strand 2 “The Chemical Characteristics of Soil”
All aspects of the learning outcomes have been summarised to aid student revision.
It covers:
Cation Exchange
Cation Exchange Capacity
Also covered are the specified practical activities
Investigating the chemical properties of soil by demonstrating flocculation
Investigating the chemical properties of soil by demonstrating cation exchange capacity
Investigating the chemical properties of soil by investigating the pH of a soil sample.
Try out revision notes on the formation of soil for free here
Also see notes on the physical characteristics of soil here

Ag Science Revision Notes. Physical Characteristics of Soil
Leaving Certificate Ag Science Revision Notes written for the NEW specification.
Physical Characteristics of Soil
This set of clear and concise Ag Science Revision notes summarises the learning outcomes relating to strand 2; The Physical Characteristics of Soil.
All aspects of the learning outcomes have been summarised to aid student revision.
It covers:
Soil Structure
Factors affecting soil structure
Soil Texture
Soil Particles
Soil Water
The Soil Triangle
Soil Compaction
As well as three****** Specified Practical Activities******
Investigating soil texture by hand testing, sedimentation and sieving
Calculating the percentage water content of a soil sample
Comparing the capillarity and infiltration rates of compacted and uncompacted soils
Find notes on the Chemical Characteristics of Soil here:
Try a free set of notes on the Formation and Classification of Soil here
Get all three sets of soil notes as a bundle here:
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Ag Science Revision Notes Soil Formation
Leaving Certificate Ag Science Revision Notes written for the NEW specification.
Formation and Classification of Soils.
This set of clear and concise Ag Science revision notes summarises the learning outcomes relating to strand 2 the formation and classification of soils.
All aspects of the learning outcomes have been summarised to aid student revision.
It covers:
The factors affecting soil formation
Gley Soils
Brown Podzolic Soils
Brown Earths
Please leave a review if you find this resource helpful
This resource is part of a larger bundle of soil notes that can be found here

Climate change COP 26 Comprehension
These resources are designed to allow teachers to provide a summary of the **COP26 **summit to their students.
Two options of “do now” activities are available in the form of
**- a wordsearch
a crossword**
(answers are included for both)
For the main body of the lesson is a comprehension in the form of a fictional newspaper “The Environmental Times.”
This provides detailed, student friendly summaries of the COP26 summit and the impact it will have.
The two page broadsheet can be printed and** analysed** as a whole class activity or set as independent learning.
Two styles of questions are included to assess learning of the lesson.
Short answer
True and false
(answers included)
Teachers could then complete the lesson by asking students to write to their local MP about their thoughts and feelings of the summit.
Have you also seen my festive Christmas comprehension

Comparing soil types
A revision/summary resource consisting of two sheets designed to be printed side by side so that students have an A4 comparison sheet of the four main soil types.
**- Podzol
Brown podzolic soils
Brown earths
Created to be used for the new Agricultural Science Leaving Certificate course.

Climate change and Sustainability activities (COP26)
This crossword and wordsearch resource are ideal brainteasers for use as a starter or recap of sustainability. It is very relevant to COP26 and to **Science week 2021. **
Ideal cross curricular resources that can be used in science, geography or CSPE.
A QR code allows students to use their mobile device to access the UN website revising the** SDG’s** and what they stand for.
Answers included.**
This resource is also available as part of a complete lesson on COP26. You can view it at the following link