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Park Model of response - A-Level hazards

Park Model of response - A-Level hazards

Two activities included: Evaluation of the Park model - Students sort the statements into the advantages and disadvantages and add evidence from case studies Park Model - which stage worksheet Students decide what stage of the model each statement fits and which case study it comes from - Haiti or 2011 Japanese earthquake


Written using the AQA specification content wording for the 2022 advance information. 28 question and answer revision cards covering the following: Outline the concept of a place. Explain the difference between a sense of place and place perception. Outline how places are important in human life and experience Outline how topography influences the character of a place Outline how physical geography influences the character of a place Outline how land use influences the character of a place Outline how economic characteristics influence the character of a place Outline how endogenous factors shape the character of a place Outline how shifting flows of people can lead to demographic change. Outline how shifting flows of ideas and resources can lead to demographic change. Outline how flows of money and investment can lead to changes in the economic characteristics of a place. Outline how changes in flows of people can influence social inequality . Outline how the characteristics of place are shaped at a regional scale. Outline how the characteristics of place are shaped at a national scale. 15.Outline how the characteristics of place are shaped at an international scale. Outline how past and present connections influence the character of a place. Outline how place marketing is used to change people’s perceptions of a place. 18.Outline how rebranding is used to change people’s perceptions of a place. Outline how re-imaging is used to change people’s perceptions of a place. 20.Outline how corporate bodies influence our perceptions of place. 21.Outline how community or local groups influence our perceptions of place. Outline the difference between a media place and an experienced place. Outline the difference between location and locale. Evaluate the use of census or statistical data in representing a places. Evaluate the use of cartography/maps in representing places. Outline how geospatial data can be used to present place characteristics. Evaluate the use of diverse media in representing place. ‘The changing character of a place over time is more effectively represented by statistical and cartographical sources than artistic sources such as painting, poetry and photography.’ With reference to either your local or distant place, critically assess the extent to which you agree with this statement.
Rivers and flooding - full set of lessons and assessment - KS3

Rivers and flooding - full set of lessons and assessment - KS3

Fully resourced lessons created for non-specialists to teach the rivers and flooding unit to year 8. All resources included. A huge variety of resources included for example mysteries, card sorts, coding tasks, case studies, exam questions, assessment, videos, pop-ups, dominoes, fill in the gaps tasks and lots more. Lesson 1 - The water cycle Lesson 2 - Pop-up drainage basin Lesson 3 - River processes Lesson 4 - Pop up waterfall Lesson 5 - Meanders Lesson 6 - The river Tees Lesson 7- Flooding Lesson 8 and 9 - Boscastle Lesson 10 and 11 - Bangladesh Lesson 12 - Flood management Lesson 13 - assessment
KS3 - The development gap fully resourced  powerpoints,  resources and assessments

KS3 - The development gap fully resourced powerpoints, resources and assessments

KS3 - The development gap fully resourced powerpoints, resources and assessments. Over 30 resources included. Gives students the background information needed to succeed at GCSE - new AQA Geography specification. Lesson 1 - Our unequal world Lesson 2 and 3- Measuring development Lesson 4 - The Demographic Transition Model Lesson 5 - Uneven development - wealth and health Lesson 6 - Free and fair trade Lesson 7 - Reducing the gap - tourism Lesson 8 - Reducing the gap - aid Lesson 9 - Reducing the gap - Nike Lesson 10 - Blood diamonds Lesson 11 - Feast or famine Lesson 12 - assessments
AQA 9-1 Geography Case study booklets

AQA 9-1 Geography Case study booklets

3 Resources
2 resources included in this bundle: 1: A thorough case study booklet including all of the case studies needed for Paper 1 - Living with the Physical environment. Case studies include: Tectonic hazards - Chile and Nepal Tropical storm - Typhoon Haiyan Extreme weather in the UK - Somerset levels Small scale ecosystem - Overton Lake, Peterborough Tropical rainforest - Malaysia Hot desert - Sahara Coastal landforms - Dorset coast Coastal management - Lyme Regis River landforms - River Tees Flood management - Banbury 2. A thorough case study booklet including all of the case studies needed for Paper 2 - Challenges in the human environment Case studies include: Rio de Janeiro Favela Bairro Project Bristol Temple Quarter Regeneration Tourism in Jamaica Nigeria Hanson Cement
AQA A Level Geography - Physical Geography case studies booklet

AQA A Level Geography - Physical Geography case studies booklet

A comprehensive case study booklet for the Hazards and Coasts sections of Paper 1 - Physical Geography. Case studies included: Coastal systems and landscapes: • Case study(ies) of coastal environment(s) at a local scale to illustrate and analyse fundamental coastal processes, their landscape outcomes as set out above and engage with field data and challenges represented in their sustainable management. – Holderness Coastline • Case study of a contrasting coastal landscape beyond the UK to illustrate and analyse how it presents risks and opportunities for human occupation and development and evaluate human responses of resilience, mitigation and adaptation - Odisha Hazards: • Impacts and human responses as evidenced by a recent volcanic event – **Mt Etna ** • Impacts and human responses as evidenced by a recent seismic event – Japan (2011) • Impacts and human responses as evidenced by two recent tropical storms in contrasting areas of the world (Sandy and Winston) • Impact and human responses as evidenced by a recent wild fire event.(Alberta wildfires) • Case study of a multi-hazardous environment beyond the UK to illustrate and analyse the nature of the hazards and the social, economic and environmental risks presented, and how human qualities and responses such as resilience, adaptation, mitigation and management contribute to its continuing human occupation. (Haiti) • Case study at a local scale of a specified place in a hazardous setting to illustrate the physical nature of the hazard and analyse how the economic, social and political character of its community reflects the presence and impacts of the hazard and the community’s response to the risk - Montserrat


Student revision workbook with accompanying powerpoints. 2022 advance information and detailed revision notes for each element included. Exam questions and markschemes included. Case studies included. 8 revision lessons in total: Types of plate margins and the nature of vulcanicity Impacts and responses to volcanic hazards The nature of seismicity Impacts and responses to seismic events The nature of storm hazards Impacts and responses to storm hazards The nature of wildfires Characteristic human responses to wildfires
GCSE Geography - Coastal and river landforms sequencing revision cards

GCSE Geography - Coastal and river landforms sequencing revision cards

16 double-sided landform formation sequencing cards. Landforms included: V-shaped valleys and interlocking spurs Waterfalls Meanders Ox-bow lakes Floodplains Levees Wave cut platforms Wave cut notches Headlands and Bays Sand dunes Spits Bars Caves, arches, stacks and stumps. Instructions for students: Print out double sided/copy onto your own revision cards. Practice sequencing the processes involved in the formation of coastal and river landforms – use look, cover, write and repeat until you know them off by heart.
A-Level Geography Changing Places - Lesson 7 - Representations of place

A-Level Geography Changing Places - Lesson 7 - Representations of place

Fully resourced lesson covering this area of the specification: How places may be represented in a variety of different forms such as advertising copy, tourist agency material, local art exhibitions in diverse media (eg film, photography, art, story, song etc) that often give contrasting images to that presented formally or statistically such as cartography and census data Range of activities included e.g true or false, table to complete, geo-spatial data and exam question with mark scheme