Africa - What are the causes of uneven development in Africa?
Fully resourced lesson.
Learning Objectives.
To understand why the world is unequal.
To understand the causes of uneven development in Africa.
To understand the opportunities for development in Africa
Starter - crossword about development indicators.
Main - reciprocal reading task using the prisoners of Geography to support in answering lesson title. Students then complete a diamond nine of the causes of uneven development in Africa and then answer the question. Scaffolding and challenge tasks included.
A Level Geography Coasts 50 question multiple choice quiz
A 50 question quiz covering key words for the A-Level coasts topic.
Answers included at the end.
Introduction to earthquakes and the 2015 Nepal earthquake - Fully resourced lesson
A fully resourced lesson covering:
What earthquakes are and why they happen -video and key term matching task
Nepal earthquake - case study sheet for students to complete using the information the powerpoint.
Follows the Progress in Geography Hodder book.
AQA Geograhy 2016 - The Living World - Rainforests fully resourced lessons
A collaboration of lessons created for the Rainforests topic from Living World section of the new AQA geography specification. Each lesson has the same structure; connect, activate, demonstrate, consolidate tasks. Learning objectives are all linked to the specification. I have included a large range of resources e.g. rainforest explorer task, design a rainforest plant, mysteries, market place tasks, desk mats, mapping tasks, videos, case study sheets, mind maps, research tasks, graphs, card sorts and lots more. I have also included practise exam questions to go with each lesson. Each lesson is 120 minutes. I am teaching the GCSE over three years so their is lots of extra tasks.
The lessons are as follows:
Lesson 1 - The location and climate of the tropical rainforests
Lesson 2 - The plants and animals of the rainforests
Lesson 3 - Animal and plant adaptations
Lessons 4 and 5 - Deforestation in Malaysia case study
Lesson 6 - Managing tropical rainforests
Lesson 7 - Sustainable management of tropical rainforests
Extreme weather in the UK - fully resourced lesson
Extreme weather in the UK - fully resourced lesson
Fluvial processes - fully resourced lesson
Fluvial processes - fully resourced lesson
AQA 2016 - The living world - Opportunities for development in the Sahara - fully resourced lesson
AQA 2016 - The living world - Opportunities for development in the Sahara - fully resourced lesson
Ethnicity, crime and justice - A level crime and deviance
Ethnicity, crime and justice - A level crime and deviance lesson
Planet Earth 2 - Jungles worksheet
A worksheet for students to complete whilst watching the Planet Earth Jungles episode - I have made this for the Living World rainforests section of the new AQA specification. It covers animal and plant adaptations and includes many examples.
AQA Geography - 2016 - The Changing Economic World - lesson 4 - Changing population structures
A fully resourced lesson looking at how the population structure of different countries change over time. Students are taught about what population pyramids are and compare Mexico to Japan, Practise exam question included.
AQA 2016 The development gap - revision sheet, summary questions and ppt
Resources made to prepare students for the development gap assessment. Revision sheet, summary questions and ppt with information helping students to complete the sheets. Two hour session.
Student revision workbook with accompanying powerpoints. 2022 advance information and detailed revision notes for each element included. Exam questions and markschemes included. Case studies included.
8 revision lessons in total:
Types of plate margins and the nature of vulcanicity
Impacts and responses to volcanic hazards
The nature of seismicity
Impacts and responses to seismic events
The nature of storm hazards
Impacts and responses to storm hazards
The nature of wildfires
Characteristic human responses to wildfires
AQA 2016 - Geography - Development Gap - Reducing the gap
Lesson showing what strategies will be needed to reduce the development gap. Pages 208-9 in Ross et al will be needed
AQA Geography GCSE new specification - The urban world and Rio fully resourced lessons
Approximately 18 hours worth of fully resourced lessons introducing the urban world and covering Rio as the NEE case study. Huge variety of resources. Practise exam questions used every lesson.
Lessons are as follows :
Lesson 1 - An increasingly urban world
Lesson 2 - The emergence of megacities
Lesson 3 - Introducing Rio
Lesson 4 - Social challenges in Rio
Lesson 5 - Economic challenges in Rio
Lesson 6 -Improving Rio's environment
Lesson 7 - Managing the growth of squatter settlements
Lesson 8 - Planning for Rio's poor
Lesson 9 - Case study consolidate lesson
AQA Sociology - Research methods with education lessons
A complete set of lessons covering the new AQA Sociology research methods topic. Huge variety of tasks included. Some references to Webb et al book.
AQA A Level families - revision dominoes
AQA Sociology - Families key words dominoes revision task.
AQA Geography 2022 Paper 1 - PLC
A PLC for students to complete after they have completed the paper 1 exam. Students RAG rate the sections based on their marks for each question.
Changing places lesson 2 - Categories of place - Fully resourced lesson
A-Level Geography
Specification content covered :
Categories of place:
Near and far places
Experienced places and media places
Fully resourced lesson.
Range of different activities for students to complete. No other resources required e.g. books. Lesson ends with an exam question. Indicative content included.
A Level Geography Changing places Lessons 4 and 5 - Relationships and connections
Fully resourced lesson covering the following areas of the specification:
Relationships and connections
The impact of relationships and connections on people and place with a particular focus on:
changing demographic and cultural characteristics
economic change and social inequalities.
How the demographic, socio-economic and cultural characteristics of places are shaped by shifting flows of people, resources, money and investment, and ideas at all scales from local to global.
The characteristics and impacts of external forces operating at different scales from local to global, including either government policies or the decisions of transnational corporations or the impacts of international or global institutions.
How past and present connections, within and beyond localities, shape places and embed them in the regional, national, international and global scales.
Wide variety of tasks - odd one out, video, comprehensions, tables, sorting activity, key word matching tasks and exam questions with mark scheme.
KS3 Geography - Progress in Geography - Rivers Lesson 4 - How do rivers change from source to mout
Fully resourced lesson focusing on how a river changes from source to mouth. Matches with the progress in Geography books nicely,