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A Science teacher by trade, I've also been known to be found teaching Maths and PE! However, strange as it may seem, my real love is designing resources that can be used by other teachers to maximise the experience of the students. I am constantly thinking of new ways to engage a student with a topic and try to implement that in the design of the lessons.




A Science teacher by trade, I've also been known to be found teaching Maths and PE! However, strange as it may seem, my real love is designing resources that can be used by other teachers to maximise the experience of the students. I am constantly thinking of new ways to engage a student with a topic and try to implement that in the design of the lessons.
Autonomic control of heart rate (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

Autonomic control of heart rate (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

This fully-resourced lesson describes how the autonomic nervous system controls the heart rate. The engaging and detailed PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover point 9.8 (i) of the Edexcel A-level Biology B specification which states that students should understand the roles of baroreceptors, chemoreceptors, the cardiac centre in the medulla oblongata and the sympathetic and parsympathetic nerves in the control. This lesson begins with a prior knowledge check where students have to identify and correct any errors in a passage about the conduction system of the heart. This allows the SAN to be recalled as this structure play an important role as the effector in this control system. Moving forwards, the three key parts of a control system are recalled as the next part of the lesson will specifically look at the range of sensory receptors, the coordination centre and the effector. Students are introduced to chemoreceptors and baroreceptors and time is taken to ensure that the understanding of the stimuli detected by these receptors is complete and that they recognise the result is the conduction of an impulse along a neurone to the brain. A quick quiz is used to introduce the medulla oblongata as the location of the cardiovascular centre. The communication between this centre and the SAN through the autonomic nervous system can be poorly understood so detailed explanations are provided and the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions compared. The final task challenges the students to demonstrate and apply their understanding by writing a detailed description of the control and this task has been differentiated three ways to allow differing abilities to access the work
Active & co-transport (AQA A-level Biology)

Active & co-transport (AQA A-level Biology)

This lesson describes how the role of carrier of proteins and ATP in active transport and the co-transport of sodium ions and glucose in the ileum. The PowerPoint and accompanying resources are part of the final lesson in a series of 3 that have been designed to cover the details of point 2.3 of the AQA A-level Biology specification and also includes descriptions of endocytosis and exocytosis The start of the lesson focuses on the structure of this energy currency and challenges the students prior knowledge as they covered ATP in topic 1.6. As a result, they will recall that this molecule consists of adenine, ribose and three phosphate groups and that in order to release the stored energy, ATP must be hydrolysed. Time is taken to emphasise the key point that the hydrolysis of ATP can be coupled to energy-requiring reactions and this leads into a series of exam-style questions where students are challenged on their knowledge of simple and facilitated diffusion to recognise that ATP is needed for active transport. These questions also challenge them to compare active transport against the forms of passive transport and to use data from a bar chart to support this form of transport. In answering these questions they will discover that carrier proteins are specific to certain molecules and time is taken to look at the exact mechanism of these transmembrane proteins. A quick quiz round introduces endocytosis and the students will see how vesicles are involved along with the energy source of ATP to move large substances in or out of the cell. The students are then shown how exocytosis is involved in a synapse and in the release of ADH from the pituitary gland during osmoregulation which they will cover in later topics. The final part of the lesson describes the movement of sodium ions and glucose from the ileum to the epithelial cells to the blood using a range of proteins which includes cotransporter proteins and students will learn that similar mechanisms are seen in the phloem and in the proximal convoluted tubule.
Development of immunity (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

Development of immunity (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

This lesson describes how individuals may develop immunity, focusing on the different types that are active, passive, natural and artificial. The engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover point 6.1 of the Edexcel International A-level Biology specification and there is also a description and discussion of herd immunity to increase the relevance to the current epidemic with COVID-19. The lesson begins with a series of exam-style questions which challenge the students to demonstrate and apply their understanding of the immune response as covered in the previous lessons in this topic. In answering and assessing their answers to these questions, the students will recognise the differences between the primary and secondary immune responses and then a discussion period is included to encourage them to consider how the production of a larger concentration of antibodies in a quicker time is achieved. The importance of antibodies and the production of memory cells for the development of immunity is emphasised and this is continually referenced as the lesson progresses. The students will learn that this response of the body to a pathogen that has entered the body through natural processes is natural active immunity. Moving forwards, time is taken to look at vaccinations as an example of artificial active immunity. Another series of questions focusing on the MMR vaccine will challenge the students to explain how the deliberate exposure to antigenic material activates the immune response and leads to the retention of memory cells. A quick quiz competition is used to introduce the variety of forms that the antigenic material can take along with examples of diseases that are vaccinated against using these methods. The eradication of smallpox is used to describe the concept of herd immunity and the students are given time to consider the scientific questions and concerns that arise when the use of this pathway is a possible option for a government. The remainder of the lesson looks at the different forms of passive immunity and describes the drawbacks in terms of the need for a full response if a pathogen is re-encountered.
The body's immune response (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

The body's immune response (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

This fully-resourced lesson describes the differences between the roles of the B cells and T cells in the body’s immune response. The PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover points 6.9 & 6.10 in unit 4 of the Edexcel International A-level Biology specification and includes descriptions of the role of the antigens and the production of antibodies by plasma (effector) cells In the previous lesson on the non-specific responses, the students were introduced to macrophages and dendritic cells as antigen-presenting cells and the start of this lesson challenges their recall and understanding of this process. Time is taken to discuss how the contact between these cells and lymphocytes is critical for the initiation of the body’s (specific) immune response. Moving forwards, a quick quiz competition is used to introduce the names of the different T cells that result from differentiation. Their specific roles are described including an emphasis on the importance of the release of cytokines in cell signalling to activate other immune system cells. T memory cells are also introduced so that students can understand their role in immunological memory and active immunity as described in an upcoming lesson. The next part of the lesson focuses on the B cells and describes how clonal selection and clonal expansion results in the formation of memory B cells and effector cells. A series of understanding and application questions are then used to introduce the structure of antibodies and to explain how the complementary shape of the variable region allows the antigen-antibody complex to be formed. The lesson concludes by emphasising that the pathogen will be overcome as a result of the combination of the actions of phagocytes, T killer cells and the antibodies released by the effector cells
Immunity & vaccinations (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

Immunity & vaccinations (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

This fully-resourced lesson describes how vaccinations are used to control disease and how immunity can be natural, artifical, active and passive. The engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover points 6.7 (v) & (vi) of the Edexcel A-level Biology B specification and there is also a description and discussion on the development of herd immunity. The previous lesson finished with a series of exam questions where students observed differences between the primary and secondary immune responses so the start of this lesson uses an imaginary game of TOP TRUMPS to challenge them on the depth of their understanding. This will act to remind them that a larger concentration of antibodies is produced in a quicker time in the secondary response. The importance of antibodies and the production of memory cells for the development of immunity is emphasised and this will be continually referenced as the lesson progresses. The students will learn that this response of the body to a pathogen that has entered the body through natural processes is natural active immunity. Moving forwards, time is taken to look at vaccinations as an example of artificial active immunity. Another series of questions focusing on the MMR vaccine will challenge the students to explain how the deliberate exposure to antigenic material activates the immune response and leads to the retention of memory cells. A quick quiz competition is used to introduce the variety of forms that the antigenic material can take along with examples of diseases that are vaccinated against using these methods. The eradication of smallpox is used to describe the concept of herd immunity and the students are given time to consider the scientific questions and concerns that arise when the use of this pathway is a possible option for a government. The remainder of the lesson looks at the different forms of passive immunity and describes the drawbacks in terms of the need for a full response if a pathogen is re-encountered.
Bacteriostatic & bactericidal antibiotics (Pearson Edexcel A-level Biology A)

Bacteriostatic & bactericidal antibiotics (Pearson Edexcel A-level Biology A)

This fully-resourced lesson introduces bacteriostatic and bactericidal antibiotics and describes their differences, focusing on their modes of action. The engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover point 6.14 of the Pearson Edexcel A-level Biology A (Salters Nuffield) specification but also makes continual links to earlier lessons in topic 6 as well as related topics from the previous year such as protein synthesis from topic 2 The lesson begins by challenging the students to use their knowledge of the previous topic 6 lessons to identify the suffixes cidal and static. Students will learn that when the prefix is added, these form the full names of two types of antibiotics. Their understanding of terminology is tested further as they have to recognise that Polymyxin B is an example of a bactericidal antibiotic as its actions would result in the death of the bacterial cell. Tetracycline is used as the example of a bacteriostatic antibiotic and students will discover that its prevention of the binding of tRNA that inhibits protein synthesis and this reduction and stopping of growth and reproduction is synonymous with these drugs. Students are challenged on their knowledge of translation and will also be given time for a class discussion to understand that these antibiotics encourage the body’s immune system to overcome the pathogen in natural, active immunity. The final part of the lesson uses a quick quiz competition and a series of exam-style questions to ensure that students can recognise the different antibiotics from descriptions.
Slow and fast skeletal muscle fibres (AQA A-level Biology)

Slow and fast skeletal muscle fibres (AQA A-level Biology)

This fully-resourced lesson describes the structure and general properties of slow and fast skeletal muscle fibres. The detailed PowerPoint and accompanying resources are the second in a series of 2 lessons that cover the content detailed in point 6.3 of the AQA A-level Biology specification and due to the obvious links, this lesson also challenges the students on their knowledge of respiration, cell structures and biological molecules like glycogen and haemoglobin The following structure and properties are covered over the course of this lesson: Reliance on the aerobic or anaerobic pathways to generate ATP Resistance to fatigue mitochondrial density capillary density myoglobin content (and colour) fibre diameter phosphocreatine content glycogen content A wide variety of tasks are used to cover this content and include knowledge recall and application of knowledge exam-style questions with fully-displayed mark schemes as well as quick quiz competitions to maintain motivation and engagement. This lesson has been specifically planned to tie in with the previous lesson in topic 6.3, titled “Contraction of skeletal muscles”, and this lesson has been uploaded for free
Detection of light (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

Detection of light (Edexcel A-level Biology B)

This fully-resourced lesson describes the structure of the human retina and explains how the rhodopsin in rod cells allows vision in low light intensity. The detailed PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover points 9.7 (i), (ii) & (iii) of the Edexcel A-level Biology B specification but also makes links to previously covered topics such as cell structure and nervous transmission. It is likely that students will be aware that the human retina contains rod and cone cells, so this lesson builds on that knowledge and adds the detail needed at this level. Students will discover that the optical pigment in rod cells is rhodopsin and that the bleaching of this into retinal and opsin results in a cascade of events that allows an action potential to be initiated along the optic nerve. Time is taken to go through the events that occur in the dark and then the students are challenged to use this as a guide when explaining how the events differ in the light. Key terms like depolarisation and hyperpolarisation, that were met in topic 9.5, are used to explain the changes in membrane potential and the resulting effect on the connection with the bipolar and ganglion cells is then described. Cone cells are also introduced, with the main focus being their distribution in the centre of the fovea which is used to explain colour vision in bright light.
The need for cellular respiration (OCR A-level Biology)

The need for cellular respiration (OCR A-level Biology)

This fully-resourced lesson uses real-life examples in plants and animals to explain why cellular respiration is so important. The PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover point 5.2.2 (a) of the OCR A-level Biology A specification but can also be used as a revision tool to challenge the students on their knowledge of active transport, nervous transmission and muscle contraction. As the first lesson in this module, it has been specifically planned to act as an introduction to this cellular reaction and provides important details about glycolysis, the Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation that will support the students to make significant progress when these stages are covered during individual lessons. Students met phosphorylation in module 5.2.1 when considering the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis and their knowledge of the production of ATP in this plant cell reaction is called on a lot in this lesson to show the similarities. The students are also tested on their recall of the structure and function of ATP, as covered in module 2.1.3, through a spot the errors task. By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to explain why the ATP produced in cellular respiration is needed by root hair cells, by companion cells and in the selective reabsorption of glucose in the proximal convoluted tubule. They will also be able to name and describe the different types of phosphorylation and will know that ATP is produced by substrate-level phosphorylation in glycolysis and the Krebs cycle and by oxidative phosphorylation in the final stage of aerobic respiration with the same name.
ECGs and abnormal heart rhythms (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

ECGs and abnormal heart rhythms (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

This fully-resourced lesson looks at the use of electrocardiograms to aid the diagnosis of abnormal heart rhythms. The engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover point 7.12 (iii) of the Edexcel International A-level Biology specification but also can be used as a revision lesson as the students are challenged on their prior knowledge of the cardiac cycle and heart structure as covered in topic 1. The lesson has been written to take place in an imaginary cardiology ward where the students are initially challenged on their knowledge of the symptoms and risk factors of CVD before looking at testing through the use of ECGs and diagnosis. The main focus of the lesson is the ECG and a quiz competition is used to introduce the reference points of P, QRS and T before time is taken to explain their representation with reference to the cardiac cycle. Moving forwards, a SPOT the DIFFERENCE task is used to challenge the students to recognise differences between sinus rhythm and some abnormal rhythms including tachycardia and atrial fibrillation. Bradycardia is used as a symptom of sinus node disfunction and the students are encouraged to discuss this symptom along with some others to try to diagnose this health problem. This lesson has been designed to tie in with the lesson that covers the previous specification point on the normal electrical activity of the heart and the myogenic nature of cardiac muscle
Sensory, relay and motor neurones (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

Sensory, relay and motor neurones (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

This lesson describes the structure and functions of the sensory, relay and motor neurones. The engaging PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover point 8.1 of the Edexcel International A-level Biology specification but also considers the organisation of the nervous system into the central and peripheral nervous systems and therefore also covers point 8.10. The PowerPoint has been designed to contain a wide range of activities that are interspersed between understanding and prior knowledge checks that allow the students to assess their progress on the current topics as well as challenge their ability to make links to topics from earlier in the modules. Quiz competitions like SAY WHAT YOU SEE are used to introduce key terms in a fun and memorable way. The students will be able to compare these neurones based on their function but time is taken to distinguish between them based on their structural features. The importance of the myelin sheath for the sensory and motor neurones is briefly discussed and students are introduced to key terminology such as saltatory conduction and Schwann cells so they are prepared for the upcoming lesson covering specification point 8.5. The final task involves a comparison between the three neurones to check that the students have understood the structures and functions of the neurones. Throughout the lesson, the organisation of the nervous system is discussed and students are provided with additional knowledge such as the differences between somatic and autonomic motor neurones.
Rod cells and the detection of stimuli (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

Rod cells and the detection of stimuli (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

This lesson describes how the nervous system detects stimuli, focusing on the detection of light by the rods in the the retina of mammals. The PowerPoint has been designed to cover the content of specification point 8.8 of the Edexcel International A-level Biology specification and includes descriptions of the roles of rhodopsin, opsin, retinal, sodium ions, cation channels and hyperpolarisation in the formation of action potentials in the optic neurones. The lesson begins by using a quiz to get the students to recognise the range of stimuli which can be detected by receptors. This leads into a task where the students have to form 4 sentences to detail the stimuli which are detected by certain receptors and the energy conversion that happen as a result. Students will be introduced to the idea of a transducer and learn that receptors always convert to electrical energy which is the generator potential. It is likely that students will be aware that the human retina contains rod and cone cells, so the next part of the lesson builds on that knowledge and adds the detail needed at this level. Students will discover that the optical pigment in rod cells is rhodopsin and that the bleaching of this into retinal and opsin results in a cascade of events that allows an action potential to be initiated along the optic nerve. Time is taken to go through the events that occur in the dark and then the students are challenged to use this as a guide when explaining how the events differ in the light. Key terms like depolarisation and hyperpolarisation, that were met earlier in topic 8, are used to explain the changes in membrane potential and the resulting effect on the connection with the bipolar and ganglion cells is then described. The remainder of the lesson focuses on the Pacinian corpuscle and describes how this responds to pressure on the skin, resulting in the opening of the sodium channels and the flow of sodium ions into the neurone to cause depolarisation
Topic 5.2: The human nervous system (AQA GCSE Biology)

Topic 5.2: The human nervous system (AQA GCSE Biology)

4 Resources
These 4 lessons cover the content of topic 5.2 of the AQA GCSE Biology specification - The human nervous system. Each of the lesson PowerPoints and their accompanying resources have been designed to contain a wide range of tasks which will engage and motivate the students whilst covering the GCSE content. There are also lots of understanding checks so students can check on their current understanding as well as prior knowledge checks where they are challenged to make links to previously-covered topics.
Pathogens and the body's barriers to infection (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

Pathogens and the body's barriers to infection (Edexcel Int. A-level Biology)

This fully-resourced lesson describes the major routes that pathogens take when entering the body and the body’s barriers to this infection. The engaging and detailed PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover points 6.7 (i) & (ii) of the Edexcel International A-level Biology specification and includes descriptions of the following barriers: skin the blood clotting process mucous membranes stomach acid vaginal acid and flora skin and gut flora wax in the ear canal There are clear links to topics 1, 2 and 3 in each of these barriers, so these are considered and discussed during each of the descriptions. For example, the presence of keratin in the cytoplasm of the skin cells allows the student knowledge of the properties of this fibrous protein to be checked. Other topics that are revisited during this lesson include protein structure, key terminology and the epithelium that lines the different parts of the airways. All of the exam-style questions have mark schemes that are embedded into the PowerPoint and a number of the tasks have been differentiated to allow students of differing abilities to access the work.
Temperature control in endotherms (OCR A-level Biology)

Temperature control in endotherms (OCR A-level Biology)

This is a highly engaging and detailed lesson which looks at the physiological and behavioural responses involved in temperature control in endotherms and therefore covers specification point 5.1.1 (d) of the OCR A-level Biology A specification. A wide range of activities have been written into the PowerPoint and accompanying worksheets so that students remain motivated throughout and take a genuine interest in the content. Understanding checks allow the students to assess their progress whilst the prior knowledge checks on topics such as enzymes and denaturation demonstrate the importance of being able to make connections and links between topics from across the specification. In addition to these checks, quiz competitions like HAVE an EFFECT which is shown in the cover image are used to introduce key terms and values in a fun and memorable way. The lesson begins by introducing the key term, endotherm, and challenging students to use their prior knowledge and understanding of terminology to suggest what this reveals about an organism. Moving forwards, students will learn how the heat generated by metabolic reactions is used as a source of internal heat. The main part of the lesson focuses on thermoregulation in humans (mammals) and time is taken to focus on the key components, namely the sensory receptors, the thermoregulatory centre in the hypothalamus and the responses brought about by the skin. The important details of why the transfer of heat energy between the body and the environment actually leads to a decrease in temperature are explored and discussed at length to ensure understanding is complete. Students are challenged to write a detailed description of how the body detects and responds to a fall in body temperature and this task is differentiated for those students who need some extra assistance. The peripheral thermoreceptors are introduced and this leads into the final section of the lesson that considers behavioural responses in humans and other animals. This lesson has been designed for A-level students studying the OCR A-level Biology A course
Mitosis and its significance (OCR A-level Biology A)

Mitosis and its significance (OCR A-level Biology A)

This fully-resourced lesson describes the main stages of mitosis and explains the significance of this type of nuclear division in life cycles. The PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover points 2.1.6 (c & e) of the OCR A-level Biology A specification and make direct links to the previous lesson which covered the cell cycle Depending upon the exam board taken at GCSE, the knowledge and understanding of mitosis will differ considerably between students and there may be a number of misconceptions. This was considered at all points during the planning of the lesson so that existing errors are addressed and key points are emphasised throughout. Their understanding of interphase is challenged at the start of the lesson to ensure that they realise that it is identical pairs of sister chromatids that enter the M phase. The main part of the lesson focuses on prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase and describes how the chromosomes behave in these stages. There is a focus on the centrioles and the spindle fibres that they produce which contract to drag one chromatid from each pair in opposite directions to the poles of the cell. The remainder of the lesson is a series of understanding and application questions where students have to identify the various roles of mitosis in living organisms as well as tackling a Maths in a Biology context question. The lesson concludes with a final quiz round of MITOSIS SNAP where they only shout out this word when a match is seen between the name of a phase, an event and a picture.
Three domain classification (OCR A-level Biology)

Three domain classification (OCR A-level Biology)

This lesson describes how the recent use of similarities in biological molecules and other genetic evidence has led to new classification systems. The PowerPoint and accompanying resources have been designed to cover point 4.2.2 [c] (i) of the OCR A-level Biology A specification and focuses on the introduction of the three-domain system following Carl Woese’s detailed study of the ribosomal RNA gene. The lesson begins with an introduction of Woese and goes on to describe how he is most famous for his definition of the Archaea as a new domain of life. Students were introduced to domains and the other classification taxa in a previous lesson, so their recall of this knowledge is continually tested and built upon as details are added. Students will discover the key differences between Archaea and Bacteria that led to the splitting of the prokaryotae kingdom and the addition of this higher classification rank. Moving forwards, the rest of the lesson considers other molecules that can be compared between species for classification purposes and the primary structure of cytochrome is described and discussed. At this point in the lesson, the students are also tested on their knowledge of the nature of the genetic code and have to explain how mutations to DNA can also be used for comparative purposes.
Topics 17 & 18: Selection, evolution, biodiversity & classification (CIE A-level Biology)

Topics 17 & 18: Selection, evolution, biodiversity & classification (CIE A-level Biology)

16 Resources
The topics of selection, evolution, biodiversity, classification and conservation are key concepts in Biology, that are regularly assessed in the exams, but are not always that well understood by the students. With this at the forefront of the lesson design, these 16 lesson PowerPoints and their accompanying resources have been intricately planned to cover the detailed content of topics 17 & 18 of the CIE A-level Biology specification through the use of a wide range of tasks to engage and motivate the students. There are plenty of opportunities for the students to assess their current understanding through the completion of exam-style questions and also to check on their prior knowledge by making links to earlier topics. The following specification points are covered by these lessons: Topic 17.1: Variation The differences between continuous and discontinuous variation Using the t-test to compare the variation of two different populations The importance of genetic variation in selection Topic 17.2: Natural and artificial selection Natural selection Explain how environmental factors can act as stabilising, disruptive and directional forces of natural selection Explain how the founder effect and genetic drift may affect allele frequencies in populations Use the Hardy-Weinberg principle Topic 17.3: Evolution The molecular evidence that reveals similarities between closely related organisms Explain how speciation may occur Topic 18.1: Biodiversity Define the terms species, ecosystem and niche Explain that biodiversity is considered at three levels Explain the importance of random sampling in determining the biodiversity of an area Use suitable methods to assess the distribution and abundance of organisms in a local area Use the Spearman’s rank correlation to analyse relationships between data Use Simpson’s index of diversity Topic 18.2: Classification The classification of species into taxonomic hierarchy The characteristic features of the three domains The characteristic features of the kingdoms Explain why viruses are not included in the three domain classification Topic 18.3: Conservation The reasons for the need to maintain biodiversity Methods of protecting endangered species The roles of organisations like the WWF and CITES in local and global conservation If you would like to sample the quality of the lessons that are included in this bundle then download the following as these have been shared for free: Continuous and discontinuous variation Molecular evidence & evolution Spearman’s rank correlation WWF, CITES and conservation It is estimated that it will take up to 2 months of A-level Biology teaching time to cover the detail included in these lessons
Maths in A-level Biology (CIE A-level Biology)

Maths in A-level Biology (CIE A-level Biology)

7 Resources
Without doubt, the CIE A-level Biology specification contains a lot of maths calculations and every year, there are a large number of exam questions that require the application of a range of mathematical skills. Therefore, a clear understanding of how and when to apply these skills is closely related to success on this course and the following calculations are covered by the 7 lessons that are included in this bundle: Using the eyepiece graticule and stage micrometer to measure cells and be familiar with units Calculating actual sizes of specimens from drawings, photomicrographs and electron micrographs Using the chi-squared test to determine significance between the observed and expected results of a genetic cross Use the t-test to compare the variation of two populations Using the Hardy Weinberg principle to calculate allele, genotype and phenotype frequencies in populations Use Spearman’s rank correlation to analyse relationships between the distribution and abundance of species and abiotic or biotic factors Using Simpson’s index of diversity to calculate the biodiversity of a habitat All of the lessons contain step by step guides that walk the students through the application of the formulae and there are lots of worked examples and exam-style questions for the students to use to assess understanding
Plasma membrane (WJEC A-level Biology)

Plasma membrane (WJEC A-level Biology)

This lesson describes the principle components of the plasma membrane, focusing on the phospholipid bilayer and membrane proteins. The detailed PowerPoint and accompanying worksheets have been designed to cover the detail in point (a) of AS unit 1, topic 3 of the WJEC A-level Biology specification and clear links are made to Singer and Nicholson’s fluid mosaic model The fluid mosaic model is introduced at the start so that it can be referenced at appropriate points throughout the lesson. Students were introduced to phospholipids in topic 1 and so an initial task challenges them to spot the errors in a passage describing the structure and properties of this molecule. This reminds them of the bilayer arrangement, with the hydrophilic phosphate heads protruding outwards into the aqueous solutions on the inside and the outside of the cell. In a link to some upcoming lessons on the transport mechanisms, the students will learn that only small, non-polar molecules can move by simple diffusion and that this is through the tails of the bilayer. This introduces the need for transmembrane proteins to allow large or polar molecules to move into the cell by facilitated diffusion and active transport. Proteins that act as receptors as also introduced and an opportunity is taken to make a link to an upcoming topic so that students can understand how hormones or drugs will bind to target cells in this way. Moving forwards, the structure of cholesterol is covered and students will learn that this hydrophobic molecule sits in the middle of the tails and therefore acts to regulate membrane fluidity. The final part of the lesson challenges the students to apply their newly-acquired knowledge to a series of questions where they have to explain why proteins may have moved when two cells are used and to suggest why there is a larger proportion of these proteins in the inner mitochondrial membrane than the outer membrane.