Lesson exploring the significance of Tiny Tim in A Christmas Carol.
Looks at 10 key quotations and makes links to A03 wider context.
Also includes a high grade exam response on Tiny Tim.
Lessons analysing how George and Lennie are presented in Chapter 1.
Includes different styles of lessons to match to different abilities/cohorts.
Also includes planning sheet and model answers on George and Lennie at different levels and in different analytical styles.
Worksheets to teach The Midas Touch.
Includes text to the story:
Differentiated storyboard activity
Differentiated activity exploring the question: Is Midas a good father?
Printer friendly resource for a differentiated carousel group activity in which each group has to teach others a myth and complete the table.
The 5 myths in order of difficulty starting with the hardest:
Trojan Horse
A comprehensive A3 revision sheet for ‘A Christmas Carol’ with differentiated tasks.
It includes key quotations from each stave and various ways of making links to context for A03.
The differentiated tasks encourage students to
Bronze: Find language features in the quotations
Silver: Match the quotations and context to themes
Gold: Work out the 10 quotations which can be adapted to suit the most themes.
Also includes a planning resource offering 3 levels of differentiation to help guide students on how to structure a full length response on the following 4 themes/topics: children, materialism, ghosts, Christmas.
Tier 1 difficulty (I do): Big idea, topic sentences and quotations are provided. Students add the analysis of the quotations.
Tier 2 difficulty (We do): Students must choose 2 quotations to support each topic sentence and analyse the quotations.
Tier 3 difficulty (You do): Students have to generate the big idea, the topic sentences, 2 quotations a paragraph and the quotation analysis.
A series of lessons based around producing a piece of creative writing inspired by images of Hiroshima.
All lessons include differentiation and learning objectives. There is also a model response to annotate.
Also includes a lesson that looks at high grade exemplars of a lighthouse description.
Use this test if you want to find out if your students have read the whole of ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ instead of just watching the movie. All the questions test students on incidents that occur in the book but not in the film.
Updated lessons, revision sheets, exam questions and grade 9 model responses covering the whole play. Lots of the resources have received 5 star reviews. Looking at the previews is recommended.
Other popular Romeo and Juliet resources include:
A 43 page An Inspector Calls revision booklet and a 7 page character booklet.
This comprehensive resource collates my most popular individual resources easy to print pdfs.
Plot revision activity
Knowledge organisers
Character revision cards
Theme revision cards
Vocabulary builder
Planning sheets for exam responses on all the main characters
9 model answers with examiner marks and comments
Questions focused on the stage directions
7 revision sheets containing analysis of the top 10 quotations for each of the main characters: Gerald, Mrs Birling, Mr Birling, Inspector, Sheila, Eric and Eva. Also includes 10 key tier 2 words to describe each character.
A series of SPaG worksheets for 20 minute intervention sessions aimed at KS32/3.
Topics covered include:
Comma splices
Semi Colons
Embedded clauses
Subordinate clauses
Literacy board game
Making inferences
Word classes
6 Revision cards for the 6 characters in An Inspector Calls.
Each card contains
a list of adjectives to describe each character
5 key quotations
a brief explanation for each quotation
Also incudes a blank version to help test students’ understanding.
Also includes a PowerPoint to go through the answers.
Higher ability students should be encouraged to expand on the analysis using the success criteria.
Various revision flashcards for students who are studying any of the following combination of texts for GCSE:
Romeo and Juliet x2
Macbeth x3
A Christmas Carol x1
An Inspector Calls x2
Power and Conflict x2
WJEC Poetry x1
Animal Farm x1
If you studying 2 or more of these texts, it will save money to buy them as a bundle.
An essay plan and Band 6 (grade 8/9) exemplar for an exam-style question on Sheila.
Points and evidence are included. Students are encouraged to use the worksheet to explore the quotations in more detail.
This heavily discounted bundle combines detailed revision booklets covering 4 of the most popular GCSE literature texts: Romeo and Juliet, A Christmas Carol, An Inspector Calls and Power and Conflict.
All the booklets compile my most popular individual resources into 4 easy to print booklets/pdfs.
Each booklet contains high grade model responses, attractive revision cards, colourful knowledge organisers, scaffolding to help with planning, plot overviews, comprehension questions and much more.
Buying the bundle of 4 booklets is more cost effective than purchasing all 4 booklets from my shop individually.
An Inspector Calls - 43 page booklet + additional 7 page booklet
Romeo and Juliet - 106 page booklet (updated for 2025)
Power and Conflict - 51 page booklet (newly updated for 2025)
A Christmas Carol - 56 page booklet (newly updated for 2025)