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English Teacher at an Outstanding School

English Teacher at an Outstanding School
Wider reading links for Power and Conflict

Wider reading links for Power and Conflict

I’ve collated links to further wider reading for Year 11s aimed at 7-9 students for P&C. This reading will also expose them to article writing too (so will support them in exposing them to high quality writing with conviction and tone for P2Q5). There are some really interesting articles for the experiences from different war photographers and there are also some interesting reads on some of the poets too!
The Creepiest word in Macbeth

The Creepiest word in Macbeth

Focuse on the word ‘the’ in MacB For the more able We can link these linguistic observations to Stephen Booth’s critical claim about indefinition in Macbeth  Macbeth is a play which presents the new as old and the indefinite and uncertain as certain  Paradoxically, the effect of this apparent certainty is uncertainty and dislocation to the reader: the formal structures of the language, the function of words, are telling us one thing (things are familiar, fixed and certain); but the content words are telling us something else  A determiner tells us how to think about the specifics being mentioned In your own exam answers, consider how ‘the’ and ‘th’ have been used when you are analysing at word level.
How to write a thesis statement

How to write a thesis statement

Works pupils through how to write a thesis statement for GCSE. The purpose of this lesson is to build students’ confidence in thesis writing, linking the thesis statement to the body of the essay and encourages students to explore the thought process behind each step. The purpose of this lesson is to ‘demystify’ the writing process. This lesson seeks to explicitly teach one strategy to tackling essay writing. The slides walk students through a heavily scaffolded, step-by-step process, which, by the end of the lesson students will have practiced the skill of essay/rhetorical writing and will have exercised the thought process that goes into each section. In the ‘Resources’ section, there are a range of texts that you can choose from which can be used to explore the ‘question’ used to model the process. The questions is ‘How does the writer present attitudes towards love?’. The teacher has the freedom to choose from a range of texts (can be found at the end of this PPT under the ‘RESOURCES’ section). Teachers can choose from: Shelley’s ‘Love’s Philosophy’ Barrett Browning’s ‘Sonnet 29’ Extract from a Guardian newspaper article on the science behind love Extract from the novel ‘War Horse’
Creative Writing tasks

Creative Writing tasks

8 slides full of activities for responding to text . For example: Imagine that you are a pine tree. Write a first person account of the day that you are cut down and taken to someone’s home to be a Christmas tree. Write a letter to yourself in the future. Draw your future ambitions Fill an entire page in your journal with small circles. Color them in and fill them with new words. Recall your favorite childhood game Research a celebration or ritual from another culture.  Write a list of all the things you do to escape. Illustrate the concept of “simplicity”. Find a newspaper article that is an opinion piece – how is this expressed? Find a newspaper article that is an opinion piece that you disagree with – write your side of the argument. Create a true/false quiz for an article Draw your favourite place and describe it.