18 motivational classroom posters designed to encourage and support pupils in developing a positive, growth mind set.
See them all here: https://www.historysuccessguides.com/posters
This pack contains a front cover should you wish to make this resource into a booklet for pupils.
In addition, this resource contains guidance on how to answer the conclusions source question for Paper 2 of the Higher Modern Studies examination. There is a model answer written for the 2019 Past paper question which can be found via the first link below:
The questions can be found here:
https://www.sqa.org.uk/pastpapers/papers/papers/2019/NH_Modern-Studies_all_2019.pdf pages 7-8
https://www.sqa.org.uk/files_ccc/ModernStudiesSQPHQPPaper2.pdf pages 2-4
You can find the free Source Skill 1 - the accuracy/objectivity question resource here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/higher-modern-studies-how-to-answer-the-reliability-source-question-12186904
You can find the free Source Skill 2 - the reliability question resource here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/higher-modern-studies-how-to-answer-the-reliability-source-question-12186904
If you liked this resource and felt that it helped, please leave a review for me. You can follow me on Twitter (@YoungModsHisPol) for updates and other Modern Studies, Politics and History resources
This pack contains a front cover should you wish to make this resource into a booklet for pupils.
In addition, this resource contains guidance on how to answer the objectivity or accuracy source question for Paper 2 of the Higher Modern Studies examination. There is a technique crib sheet and a model answer written for the Specimen paper question which can be found via the first link below:
The questions can be found here:
https://www.sqa.org.uk/files_ccc/ModernStudiesSQPHQPPaper2.pdf Pages 5 & 6
https://www.sqa.org.uk/pastpapers/papers/papers/2019/NH_Modern-Studies_all_2019.pdf Pages 6 & 7
You can find the free Source Skill 2 - the reliability question resource here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/higher-modern-studies-how-to-answer-the-reliability-source-question-12186904
You can find the free Source Skill 3 - the conclusions question resource here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/higher-modern-studies-conclusions-question-12189217
If you liked this resource and felt that it helped, please leave a review for me. You can follow me on Twitter (@YoungModsHisPol) for updates and other Modern Studies, Politics and History resources.
This free resource includes a front cover should you wish to collate these documents into a booklet for pupils.
This set of resources relates to the reliability source question that can be downloaded freely from the SQA website or from these direct links:
https://www.sqa.org.uk/files_ccc/ModernStudiesSQPHQPPaper2.pdf Pages 7-8
https://www.sqa.org.uk/pastpapers/papers/papers/2019/NH_Modern-Studies_all_2019.pdf Pages 8-9
Also included is a table of a number of different types of source that pupils may face in this type of question (although the list is not exhaustive). Pupils could use this table as a reference guide. It is a word document so it can be edited easily to add more sources should you wish.
Also included is a task for pupils to attempt whereby they have to think critically about different types of sources of information in terms of their reliability. This could be transformed into a card activity or a carousel task.
Find the two other source question techniques here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/higher-modern-studies-conclusions-question-12189217 and here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/higher-modern-studies-objectivity-accuracy-source-question-12188023
If you liked this resource and felt that it helped, please leave a review for me. You can follow me on Twitter (@YoungModsHisPol) for updates and other Modern Studies, Politics and History resources.
A quick aide-memoir for pupils studying Stalin’s purges. This gives an overview of the main historical schools of thought - Revisionist and Totalitarian.
Comprehension questions about China’s construction in the South China Sea.
7 minute news report linked will help to illustrate this international issue.
This is a booklet that pupils will fill in themselves. This booklet includes key revision questions and practice essay questions for pupils to frame their revision around. The space provided allows for personalisation and choice for each pupil to decide how best to present their ideas - mind map, bullet points, images, etc.
There are knowledge based questions and separate exam style essay questions (PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS IS A PUPIL RESOURCE TO COMPLETE AND DOES NOT COME PRE-FILLED WITH ANSWERS)