Into Film is an education organisation providing a unified UK-wide offer for learning through and about film. It is supported by the British Film Institute (BFI) through Lottery funding and its programme includes delivery of the BFI 5-19 education scheme. Into Film's resources range from film discussion guides, to curriculum linked worksheets, lesson plans and presentations. Our resources are tailored to fit the curriculum criteria of each nation, supporting learning outcomes.
Into Film is an education organisation providing a unified UK-wide offer for learning through and about film. It is supported by the British Film Institute (BFI) through Lottery funding and its programme includes delivery of the BFI 5-19 education scheme. Into Film's resources range from film discussion guides, to curriculum linked worksheets, lesson plans and presentations. Our resources are tailored to fit the curriculum criteria of each nation, supporting learning outcomes.
Your Key Stage 3 (or equivalent) learners can explore this exciting new resource with Warner Bros. Discovery. Story Builder: Unscripted TV is a free learning resource exploring storytelling through the lens of TV to create an unscripted TV pilot episode.
This resource is for students in Key Stage 3 (or equivalent), aged 11-14. This version is in Scots Gaelic. It is also available in English, Irish and Welsh.
Your learners will develop cross-curricular literacy skills and enhance understanding of their subject or topic through the process of TV production.
About the Resource
Whether you’re a History or PSHE teacher, Story Builder: Unscripted TV lets you transform your topics into an activity-based challenge show or reimagine your subject as a reality TV show. Included in the resource is:
1 x Activity pack resource
Educator notes
Do you have an Into Film account?
Visit the Into Film website to create your FREE Into Film account to access this resource and other resources like it.
About Warner Bros. Discovery
Warner Bros. Discovery is a leading global media and entertainment company that creates and distributes the world’s most differentiated and complete portfolio of content and brands across television, film and streaming. Available in more than 220 countries and territories and 50 languages, Warner Bros. Discovery inspires, informs and entertains audiences worldwide through its iconic brands and products including: Discovery Channel, discovery+, CNN, DC, HBO, Animal Planet, Warner Bros. Film Group, Warner Bros. Games, New Line Cinema, Cartoon Network and others.
Your Key Stage 3 (or equivalent) learners can explore this exciting new resource with Warner Bros. Discovery. Story Builder: Unscripted TV is a free learning resource exploring storytelling through the lens of TV to create an unscripted TV pilot episode.
This resource is for students in Key Stage 3 (or equivalent), aged 11-14. This is the English version. It is also available in Irish, Scots Gaelic and Welsh.
Your learners will develop cross-curricular literacy skills and enhance understanding of their subject or topic through the process of TV production.
About the Resource
Whether you’re a History or PSHE teacher, Story Builder: Unscripted TV lets you transform your topics into an activity-based challenge show or reimagine your subject as a reality TV show. Included in the resource is:
1 x Activity pack resource
Educator notes
Do you have an Into Film account?
Visit the Into Film website to create your FREE Into Film account to access this resource and other resources like it.
About Warner Bros. Discovery
Warner Bros. Discovery is a leading global media and entertainment company that creates and distributes the world’s most differentiated and complete portfolio of content and brands across television, film and streaming. Available in more than 220 countries and territories and 50 languages, Warner Bros. Discovery inspires, informs and entertains audiences worldwide through its iconic brands and products including: Discovery Channel, discovery+, CNN, DC, HBO, Animal Planet, Warner Bros. Film Group, Warner Bros. Games, New Line Cinema, Cartoon Network and others.
Your Key Stage 3 (or equivalent) learners can explore this exciting new resource with Warner Bros. Discovery. Story Builder: Unscripted TV is a free learning resource exploring storytelling through the lens of TV to create an unscripted TV pilot episode.
This resource is for students in Key Stage 3 (or equivalent), aged 11-14. This is the** Irish** language version. It is also available in English, Scots Gaelic and Welsh.
Your learners will develop cross-curricular literacy skills and enhance understanding of their subject or topic through the process of TV production.
About the Resource
Whether you’re a History or PSHE teacher, Story Builder: Unscripted TV lets you transform your topics into an activity-based challenge show or reimagine your subject as a reality TV show. Included in the resource is:
1 x Activity pack resource
Educator notes
Do you have an Into Film account?
Visit the Into Film website to create your FREE Into Film account to access this resource and other resources like it.
About Warner Bros. Discovery
Warner Bros. Discovery is a leading global media and entertainment company that creates and distributes the world’s most differentiated and complete portfolio of content and brands across television, film and streaming. Available in more than 220 countries and territories and 50 languages, Warner Bros. Discovery inspires, informs and entertains audiences worldwide through its iconic brands and products including: Discovery Channel, discovery+, CNN, DC, HBO, Animal Planet, Warner Bros. Film Group, Warner Bros. Games, New Line Cinema, Cartoon Network and others.
Your Key Stage 3 (or equivalent) learners can explore this exciting new resource with Warner Bros. Discovery. Story Builder: Unscripted TV is a free learning resource exploring storytelling through the lens of TV to create an unscripted TV pilot episode.
This resource is for students in Key Stage 3 (or equivalent), aged 11-14. This is the Welsh language version. It is also available in English, Irish and Scots Gaelic.
Your learners will develop cross-curricular literacy skills and enhance understanding of their subject or topic through the process of TV production.
About the Resource
Whether you’re a History or PSHE teacher, Story Builder: Unscripted TV lets you transform your topics into an activity-based challenge show or reimagine your subject as a reality TV show. Included in the resource is:
1 x Activity pack resource
Educator notes
Do you have an Into Film account?
Visit the Into Film website to create your FREE Into Film account to access this resource and other resources like it.
About Warner Bros. Discovery
Warner Bros. Discovery is a leading global media and entertainment company that creates and distributes the world’s most differentiated and complete portfolio of content and brands across television, film and streaming. Available in more than 220 countries and territories and 50 languages, Warner Bros. Discovery inspires, informs and entertains audiences worldwide through its iconic brands and products including: Discovery Channel, discovery+, CNN, DC, HBO, Animal Planet, Warner Bros. Film Group, Warner Bros. Games, New Line Cinema, Cartoon Network and others.
This American high school farce is based on Shakespeare’s gender- switching comedy, Twelfth Night. This one-page film guide is designed to support pre and post screening discussions around the film and Twelfth Night with accompanying teacher notes, which can help teachers build discussion around character, different genres and key message of the film . The film guide is suitable to use with students age 11+.
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Not yet Into Film? Start your free Into Film Club at
A resource to work with the 2016 feature film Race, which tells the amazing life story of Jesse Owens and his performance at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, engaging audiences with the impact of an individual and events on the world stage both 80 years ago and today. This resource should be used with the accompanying Race PowerPoint presentation, which contains clips, stills and prompt questions to support delivery of all the activities outlined in these notes. Through these activities learners can deepen their understanding and critical analysis of these significant historical events and compare interpretations in Race with other sources of information, and in turn create their own pieces of writing, artwork and/or filmmaking to reflect and share ideas on the themes raised in the film.
Take your class on a musical journey inspired by Disney’s animation Encanto.
With support from professional musician and producer Jonathan, children will respond to music from the film through art and design, hands-on participation, and the creation of their own musical compositions. Progressing through this two- lesson resource, learners will develop skills and vocabulary to both discuss and create music.
Inspired by the resilience of the character Mirabel, children will be challenged to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary as they produce their own eco-orchestras – creating rhythms from discarded materials.
There will be an opportunity for children to appraise different skills and talents and how these can be developed through practise and dedication.
Explore Romeo and Juliet with this creative workbook that helps students to analyse the play based on the Shakespeare: The Animated Tales adaptation of the play through the 3Cs (character, camera, colour) and 3Ss (story, setting, sound). This resource is suitable for students aged 7 plus and the teachers' notes includes extension activities.
For information on howto start a free Into Film club and to order this DVD for free, please visit
This resource from Into Film and StudioCanal is based on the adventure film Swallows and Amazons (PG) - an adaptation of the treasured classic novel. This immersive resource will inspire pupils to develop narrative writing and an awareness of survival skills. It contains a series of creative and engaging classroom activities for pupils aged 7 and over, based on the film.
The differentiated classroom activities and take-home task are all linked to the curriculums for English, Language and Literacy in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Please refer to the Swallows and Amazons – Curriculum links document for details.
This resource, produced in partnership with National Literacy Trust and aimed primarily at KS3, is based around the film Private Peaceful - the screen adaptation of Michael Morpurgo's book. It provides a timely, in-depth and collaborative way to mark the centenary of WWI with your students. The resource spans 6 different themes, which include curriculum links to History, English & Science. The resource is complemented with PPT presentations embedded film clips.
For information on how to start a free Into Film club please visit
Or go to to view more of our curriculum focused resources.
This resource will immerse the class in the world of Disney Snow White using the enchanted forest as a stimulus to learn about habitats and the different creatures that make the woods their home.
With links to both the Science and Maths curriculums, the Woodland Wonders
activity sheet will guide learners through the mysterious world of the forest.
Learners will follow a path through the woodland, discovering different habitats on their way. They will fill in the missing words in the descriptions to demonstrate their understanding of the different forest habitats. Learners will then complete symmetric figures to reveal the animals that live in the woodland habitats.
Our optional competition will invite learners to reflect on what they might look like at their best and bravest. The prompts on the Mirror Me competition sheet will encourage pupils to think about how body language, clothes, accessories, and other people can contribute to the feeling, and projection, of bravery. Learners will use their creativity and drawing skills to create a picture of themselves looking brave and write a short paragraph explaining their design choices.
A lesson working with this classic eight minute sci-fi film as stimulus, to plan a persuasive marketing campaign and co-ordinate press coverage of space tourism.
For more information about Into Film and help setting up your free Into Film club, visit
Connect your students with the heroic events surrounding Dunkirk via Christopher Nolan's action thriller, Dunkirk with our brand new resource.
Targeted at 12-16 year olds, and a perfect resource to support history, PSHE/PSE/SMSC or citizenship lessons, The Dynamo Challenge presents a series of team building challenges centred around three narrative perspectives from the air, land and sea.
You can also enter your school into The Dynamo Challenge competition. Task your students to create a group 3D art installation to commemorate the events at Dunkirk, submit a photo to OR tweet us @intofilm_edu and be in with a chance of the artwork being displayed at Dover Castle alongside the costumes from the film! The deadline for entries is midday on Friday 21 July 2017. Read more about the terms and conditions for entering.
Dunkirk: The Dynamo Challenge was produced by Into Film and SUPER., in partnership with Warner Brothers.
These activity plans and teacher notes form part of the Into Film Staying Safe Online resource, created in partnership with Childnet International, uses film and related activities to bring important messages to life and provide information that will help both primary and secondary pupils to be safe and responsible citizens in an increasingly digital world. Using a range of fantastic films, these resources explore issues ranging from privacy settings to avoiding harmful content. Please use in conjunction with the resources and teacher notes. For more information, visit
During National Storytelling Week explore some of the greatest stories in celebrated children’s books from the classic The Wonderful Wizard of Oz to the action-packed Stormbreaker. Directors have adapted novels into films and have made them more accessible to reluctant readers due to the all-inclusive nature of the medium of film. Supported by NAPE ( & Scholastic Book Clubs ( this resource is aimed at engaging KS2 children and especially reluctant readers to spark discussion é encourage them to read the original text for themselves.
The first moving images were shown to audiences in the 1800s. Since then, new technologies and storytelling techniques have been developed, different film styles have gone in and out of fashion, and audience tastes have changed.
From Silent to CGI: A Brief History of Cinema has been developed with young people aged 7-14 in mind. It aims to showcase the pivotal moments in the history of cinema, from its early inception to the multi-sensory experience of today. This resource will complement curricular learning (such as history or design and technology) or provide a backdrop to Into Film Club activity involving watching and making films.
The resource is comprised of activities, photocopiable student sheets and film clips.
Not yet Into Film? Start your free Into Film Club at
Celebrating the ancient art of storytelling, and fairy tales that have inspired great films, these two new resources are designed to support literacy for Key Stage 1. Each features five films hand-picked by Into Film curators, accompanied by teachers’ notes, discussion questions, recommended activities and a worksheet which can be photocopied for use in class or a school film club. Start an Into Film club in your school to access the films included in this resource for free: and to go to find out more about the new charity (formally FILMCLUB and First Light)
This resource, supported by The Refugee Council, contains guides and activities for a selection of feature films for students aged 5-19 to consider and investigate the hardships and resiliance of refugees around the globe, the contribution of refugees in the UK and why people have and continue to seek asylum.
To start your free Into Film Club find out more at
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Designed to be used with Disney Pixar Shorts Volume 1, this resource, aimed at primary pupils, provides simple-to-use activities that are a fun way to start a film club. The activities allow learners to explore key themes of empathy, friendship, tolerance and emotional health, while developing their literacy skills.
Disney Pixar Shorts Volume 1 and other Pixar films are available to stream for free on Into Film +
Getting young people to make that leap from simply watching to actively discussing and writing about films is no small feat. This film topic has been put together with this progression in mind. The films have been selected based on feedback from hundreds of Into Film club leaders focused on getting their members to write. The films, accompanying information and discussion points in this resource have been chosen to excite and inspire members to write. To find out more about Into Film and discover more of our resources please go to;