LittleStreams was set up in 2014 by educators and graphic designers Rebekah Humphrey-Bullen and Samuel Lovegrove. We make high quality, affordable resources for teachers and tutors, including worksheets, games, task cards and revision flash cards.
LittleStreams was set up in 2014 by educators and graphic designers Rebekah Humphrey-Bullen and Samuel Lovegrove. We make high quality, affordable resources for teachers and tutors, including worksheets, games, task cards and revision flash cards.
That Algebra card game about Solving Equations is a great twist on a traditional game of Rummy. There are 4 suits of increasing difficulty, with solutions that range between 1 and 13. The twist being that players have to work out the values of x, y, a and b in order to play the game. The cards are set to four levels of difficulty, with the red cards being the easiest and the blue cards being the hardest.
The differentiation of this game means that you can use the cards as question prompts as well as using the rules we created.
The game is easily printed on standard card, and is quickly prepared thanks to easy-cut guides.
Available as Card Game Bundle 4
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-Linear Equations Follow Me Cards
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-Algebra Task Cards
-Algebra Substitution Bingo
This is a fun an engaging game to aid in the development of skills in Addition and Number Bonds. The cards have questions on asking players to add one and two digit numbers. Cards are dealt to each player and a base card is turned over. Players must play from their hand a card whose sum is closest in answer to the base card. The closest player wins the points for that round. These games can be used for younger students learning to add, or for older students looking to practice speedy addition and number sense.
Works very well with Subtraction Battle for a more dynamic game play.
A full set of rules and answer key is included in this pack.
This game is available in CARD GAME BUNDLE 2 with 4 other card games at a discount.
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-Number Bond Board Game
-Calculation Switch
Add and Subtract race is a differentiated game for practicing sums. The game includes adding and subtracting single, two and three digit numbers. Allow the opportunity for negative answers for a more challenging game.
This product is a board game intended to be printed on any normal printer. There are colour and monochrome pages of the main game board with four levels of increasing difficulty.
This is available as part of a bundle
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Number Bonds Card Game
Calculation Switch
Arithmetic Dominoes
More Than Clip Cards
These arithmetic Clip Card bundle includes questions covering more than, less than, times as many, shared between and finding a fraction of amount.
Clip Cards are a great way to multiple choice questions without the need for a computer. Each multiple choice option has been carefully chosen to expose any misconceptions students may have.
This bundle contains 5 activities for the price of 3.
Included in this pack are
More Than Clip Cards
Less Than Clip Cards
Times as Many Clip Cards
Shared Between Clip Cards
Fraction of Amount Clip Cards
These KaBoom cards are a fun way to practice addition and subtraction using column methods, with differentiation built in. Players choose whether they want to choose an easier question (red), but will receive less points for their correct answer, or risk a more challenging question (green) and gain greater rewards.
The red cards consist of questions involving two digit addition and subtraction with no carry over or borrowing (two questions in the red require carrying over to the tens digit). The Yellow Cards consist of three digit addition and subtraction involving carry over and borrowing. The Green Card consists of addition and subtraction involving decimals, where lining up of the digits is crucial.
Begin by laying all the cards out face down (so you see only the number of points they are worth). Players take turns to select a card, either red, yellow or green. The difficulty of the questions will increase. They may also pick up either a Steal Card, giving them a chance to steal from any other player, a Shield, which protects them from the next KaBoom, and KaBoom cards which means you lose all your collected points so far.
Play as a whole class in teams, or print multiple copies to play in small groups around the table. If students get the answer incorrect, or they need some help, use your judgement as to whether you will allow them another guess or not. Questions answered incorrectly go in the ‘house’ pile, along with any cards lost in a KaBoom. At the end of the game, add up the ‘house’ pile. The winner is the player or team with the highest points (including any shield cards that have been unused). The house can win.
Included are two copies of the game; one designed for a double sided printer and one designed for single sided printing where you need to turn over the pages yourself to print double sided.
Full instructions are included as are answers.
This is available as part of a bundle of other KaBoom games at a discount. Click here.
This pack contains 5 of our card games for the price of 3. Save 40%. Angles, Fractions, Area, Averages, Negative numbers, this pack has a broad range of topics you will need to revise in your classroom.
The pack contains the following games:
• Angles | Card Game for learning basic acute and obtuse angles
• Area of Shapes | Card Game for learning how to measure the area of shapes
• Fractions, Decimals & Percentages Snap | Card Game for learning equivalent values
• Negative Integers Battle | Printable Card Game for Negative Number Sums
• Averages | Card Game for Learning Mean, Median, Mode & Range
This pack contains 5 card game for the price of 3, a real bargain. Get 40% off our games. Solving Equations, Factorising Quadratics, Order of Operations (BIDMAS), Probability, and Properties of Quadrilaterals.
The pack contains the following games:
• Algebra Rummy | card game for the learning of basic algebra
• Quadratic Rummy | advanced card game for the learning of quadratics
• Quadrilateral Match | card game for the identification of quadrilaterals and their properties
• Operations Battle | card game to exercise knowledge of the order of operations
• Chance of Rain | card game on dependent and independent probability
Equivalent Fractions, Rearranging Formula, Order of Operations, Adding and subtracting and adding negative numbers; this bundle has 5 card games for the price of 3. That’s a 40% discount.
The pack contains the following games:
• Rearranging Race | card game to practice rearranging equations
• Operations Rummy | advanced card game to practice the order of operations
• Calculation Switch! | card game for the practice of positive integer calculation
• Negative Switch! | card game on negative and positive integer calculation
• Fraction Fishing & Solitaire | card game to practice the recognition of equivalent fractions
This pack contains 5 card games for the price of 3. Save 40% on our popular card games. Reading clocks, Adding Hours and Minutes, Finding missing angles, Matching shapes and Constructing Triangles.
The pack contains the following games:
• Missing Angle Wars | card game for learning angles that add to 180
• Construction Dash | quickfire card game for triangle construction
• Geometric Snap | card game for the recognition of geometric shapes
• Time Switch! | card game for skills with time sequences and sums
• Time Wars | card game for learning how to read analog clock faces
Learning to Count Clip Cards.
These clip cards are a great way to test students’ knowledge of numbers from 1-10. It includes various countable objects in di erent themes including food, sea and space images, ten frame and numicon style, and words.
The idea of this activity is that students count the number of objects on the card then clip a clothes peg or a paperclip to indicate their answer. The ten frame and numicon style cards are included, as are cards with numbers in word form, so you can check students’ full understanding of counting and cardinality.
This activity works equally well when the cards are laminated. Students simply circle the correct answer using a dry erase marker.
Included is also a specifically designed grey scale version.
This activity is available as part of our learning to count bundle
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Pile It Up Card Game
Counting Matching Game 1-20
Counting Puzzle Strips
I Spy Counting Activities
A fun game for adding decimals, this board game is a great activity to do as a starter or a revision activity. You can use a dice or the cut out spinner included.
The pack includes 5 different boards, two with snakes and ladders, three without. Three boards that work with a typical 10-sided dice, or the included printable spinner, and two boards that will work with a typical 6-sided dice only.
Full set of rules included for many different game types to address a number of different requirements for the learning of decimals.
If printed in full-colour, and laminated, the game will last for a very long time. The construction of this product is professional and clear and looks beautiful on thick card.
This is available as part of a bundle
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Fraction, Decimal and Percentage Worksheets
Fractions, Decimals and Percentage Matching Activity
Fractions, Decimals and Percentage Clip Cards
Times Tables, Equivalent Fractions Decimals & Percents, Identifying Fractions, 2D and 3D shapes, and telling the time, this is our bundle of clip cards. Clip Cards are a great way to multiple choice questions without the need for a computer. Each multiple choice option has been carefully chosen to expose any misconceptions students may have.
This bundle contains 5 activities for the price of 3.
• Times Tables Clip Cards
• Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Clip Cards
• Identify Fractions Clip Cards
• 2D and 3D Shapes Clip Cards | Testing names and spelling of 2D and 3D Shapes
• Clocks and Time Clip Cards | Covering hour, half hour, quarter to and past, and 5 & 1 minute intervals
Metric Conversion, Algebra Substitution, Elapsed Time, Averages and Arithmetic bingo games.
This pack contains FIVE different printable bingo games at a discount from buying individually. High quality, professionally designed pages of learning material put together by a successful Home Tutor and professional Graphic Designer.
The pack contains the following games:
• Algebra Substitution Bingo
• Mental Arithmetic Bingo
• Metric Conversion Bingo
• Elapsed Time Bingo
• Statistics Bingo
Covering mean, median and mode, these question cards give a string of numbers. All mean values are whole numbers, so students can work them out without a calculator. Either tell students what they are focusing on for this game, or let them choose, meaning it is great for differentiation. For an extra challenge, allow students to decide whether to look for mean, median or mode with each card played, giving them more options of numbers to choose from.
The product consists of 54 cards, and a set of bingo cards ready for students to put in their choice of numbers from a list of possible solutions.
This game is an easily printed and prepared thanks to easy-cut guides. It comes with well-explained rules of play, and makes a great time filler for an entire class or a high quality game for one on one tuition.
This is included in the Bingo Bundle with 4 other activities at a discount price.
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Averages Follow Me Cards
Mean Wars Averages Card Game
Fruit Pie Charts Activity
This is a discounted bundle of 5 board games on the subjects of Addition, Subtraction, Number Bonds, Decimals, Factors, Prime Numbers and Fractions.
This pack contains these individual products.
• Add & Subtract Race | Board Game Addition and Subtraction
• Fraction Web | Board Game for Fraction Sums, Subtraction and Multiplication
• Decimal Snakes and Ladders | Board game for learning decimal values
• Space Conquest | Board Game for Times Tables, Multiples and Prime Numbers
• Galaxy Exploration | Board Game for Learning Number Bonds to 10 and 20
Adding and subtracting made fun, this quick fire card game encourages positive and negative calculations of positive numbers. Continually add the numbers on the cards together, until a switch card is turned over. At this point you are now subtracting the totals on the cards. Until another switch card is produced, then you begin adding again.
We have included a set of rules of play, but they are highly customisable to explore negative integer solutions to sequences of numbers or avoid them completely.
This is included in Card Game Bundle 5
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Addition Battle
Arithmetic Dominoes
More Than Clip Cards
Add and Subtract Board Game
UPDATED for 2022:
Redesign of cards to make them easier to use
This game is all about matching fractions, decimals and percentages. it includes several equivalent fractions as well. Included are:
a half
a quarter
three quarters
one third
two thirds
one fifth
two fifth
one eight
one tenth
There are 6 types of card in this pack, Black cards which feature simple fractions, 2 sets of Green cards which are their basic equivalent fractions, Red cards which are more difficult equivalent fractions, 2 sets of Purple cards which feature visual representations of equivalent fractions, Yellow cards which feature equivalent percentage values and Blue cards which feature equivalent decimal values.
There are two variations of this game. One is a classical game of snap, where students win if they spot equivalent cards appearing. The second way to use this, and one that has been popular with my students, is to lay out the base fractions in a line (or get students to lay them out in order of size, thereby testing their knowledge of ordering fractions) and then challenging them to race each other to match all the equivalent cards as quick as possible,
Full rules and answer key are provided in the pack itself. The cards are also printed with easy-cut guides to make preparation fast and simple.
This is included in Card Game Bundle 1
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-Fractions, Decimals and Percentage Worksheets Bundle
-Fractions, Decimals and Percentage Dominoes
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-Fractions, Decimals and Percentage Clip Cards
-Fractions, Decimals and Percentage Matching Puzzle
A fun way to practice equivalent fractions, this game can be played as Go Fish, Solitaire or Pairs. The fractions are in the form of images, with the fraction name in the corner of the card. Cards included are 1/2, 1/3, 2/3, 1/4, 3/4, 1/5, 2/5, 3/5 and 4/5.
A simple and effective game to help students to develop a recognition of equivalent fractions through the use of both visually representative and custom made Fraction Circles and conventional Fractions.
There are two sets of rules included in the pack, one for an adapted version of Go Fish and the other for an adapted version of Pyramid Solitaire. Both sets of rules make for great use in group and single student scenarios.
This is included in Card Game Bundle 5
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Fraction Web Board Game
Fractominoes - Fraction Dominoes
Fraction Clip Cards
Equivalent Fractions Matching Activity
This is another spin on the traditional game of Dominoes. In this version, players are asked to match up equivalent fractions in written, word, decimal or percentage form. This helps players learn that there are many different ways of representing parts of a whole amount.
Included are half, one third, two thirds, one quarter, three quarters, one fifth, two fifths, one eighth and one tenth, all with a written fraction, written in words, an image of the fraction, the decimal equivalent and the percentage form.
Solutions are included. The game is easy to prepare, and fast to set-up. Thanks to our easy-cut guides that make preparation with scissors, rotary cutter or guillotine a breeze.
This is included Dominoes Bundle with 4 other activities at a discount price.
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Fraction, Decimal and Percentage Flash Cards
Fractions, Decimals and Percentage Clip Cards
Fractions, Decimals and Percentage Matching Activity
Fractions, Decimal and Percentage Snap Card Game
This pack is filled with engaging and fun worksheets designed to introduce students to equivalent fractions converting between fractions, decimals and percentages. There are 10 worksheets, each differentiated 3 ways. There are two files. One with the worksheets and one with the solutions and teachers notes.
This pack contains the following:
Worksheet 1 Bar Equivalence
Worksheet 2 Equivalent Fractions
Worksheet 3 Equivalent Linking
Worksheet 4 Simplifying Fractions
Worksheet 5 Percentages and Decimals
Worksheet 6 Tenths as Decimals
Worksheet 7 Buttons
Worksheet 8 Word Link Fractions Decimals and Percents
Worksheet 9 Equivalent Fractions Word Problems
Worksheet 10 Converting Fractions, Decimals and Percents
The first worksheet introduces students to equivalent fractions using fraction bars as a way of comparing. The second worksheet consists of fraction circles as a way to compare equivalent fractions. The third worksheet is a linking activity where students link drawn equivalent fractions. This time the drawn fractions are in different shapes, such as circle, square, octagon, so students are required to find the fraction of the shape that is shaded before connecting it to the equivalent fraction.
The fourth worksheet is a more traditional equivalent fractions sheet, asking students to simplify fractions in the numerical form. The fifth worksheet covers converting between decimals and percentages, and the sixth worksheet covers converting decimal fractions (fractions with a denominator with a power of 10 such as 10, 100 and 1000) into decimals and percentages.
The seventh worksheet is a challenge worksheet looking at what fraction of buttons are shaded. It encourages simplification, and differentiation 3 even has a question about percentages.
The eighth worksheet is a work link puzzle, where students connect fractions to equivalent decimals and percentages with lines, which go through letters on the page which froms a word. It covers 1/2, 1/4, 3/4, 1/5, 2/5 and 1/10
The ninth worksheet consists of word problems involving equivalent fractions. Differentiations 1 and 2 include circle fractions for shading to help with the questions. The final worksheet covers converting between fractions, decimals and percentages including using inequality symbols to state which number is larger, and an ordering fractions decimals and percentages question. It consists of 1/2, 1/4, 3/4, 1/5 and decimal fractions (fractions with denominators that are powers of 10).
This pack is also available as part of our Fractions Decimals and Percentages Bundle available here.