I provide resources ranging from full lessons to full unit bundles for BTEC Business Studies alongside GCSE Computing. I currently work as a Further Education Business Lecturer, Standards Verifier and Examiner for a large awarding body.
I provide resources ranging from full lessons to full unit bundles for BTEC Business Studies alongside GCSE Computing. I currently work as a Further Education Business Lecturer, Standards Verifier and Examiner for a large awarding body.
This full lesson covers C2 of Unit 3: Enterprise and Entrepreneurship in the eSport Industry. The session covers;
Selection of appropriate SMART objectives, e.g. understanding customer wants and needs,
developing new products, profitability, brand awareness and market share, diversification,
brand awareness and loyalty, sales volume, spectator volume, increasing efficiency,
adapting elements of the physical experience, adapting processes to better meet needs
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This bundle covers Learning Aim D of Unit 6: Principles of Management. This includes;
D1 - Motivation in the Workplace
D2 - Techniques to Meet Skill Requirements
D3 - Training and Development
D4 - Performance Appraisals
This bundle covers Learning Aim B of Unit 3: Enterprise and Entrepreneurship. Topics covered include;
B1 Generating and refining esports enterprise ideas
B2 Purpose and objectives of market research
B3 Types of research
B4 Appropriateness and review of market research findings
This full lesson covers D4 of Unit 6: Principles of Management, including the following areas;
Purpose of performance appraisal:
o to set individual and group targets
o to assess individual and group performance
o to provide employee feedback
o to identify training needs.
• Types of appraisal:
o self-assessment
o management by objectives
o ratings scales
o 360° appraisal.
• Impact of performance appraisal
This lesson covers C5 of BTEC Level 3 eSports Unit 3: Enterprise and Entrepreneurship in the eSports Industry, including;
Numbered sections.
• Consistent use of fonts, headings and page numbering.
• Layout and use of graphics, charts and diagrams.
This full lesson covers C3 of Unit 3: Enterprise and Entrepreneurship in the Esports Industry, including;
Content of the marketing message and timelines.
• Selection of an appropriate marketing mix (product, price, place, promotion).
• Promotional mix,
• The Ansoff Matrix
• Merchandising.
• Branding
• Ecommerce
• Networking within the esports ecosystem
Images removed for copywrite reasons, you will need to add your own images e.g. business logos.
This full lesson covers C4: The Financial Plan for Unit 3: Enterprise and Entrepreneurship in the eSports Industry, including;
• Financial planning.
• Classification of costs, e.g. fixed, variable, start-up, running.
• The break-even point: calculation and interpretation, including contribution.
• Sources of finance: loan, grants, owner’s capital, family and friends, shares,
investors, crowdfunding.
• Cash flow forecast.
• The predicted income statement
• Costs of promotion/marketing of the idea.
• Estimating: viability, contributing factors, requirement to update as situation changes.
• Timescales to launch and financial commitments: short, medium and long term.
Images removed for copywrite reasons, you will need to add your own images e.g. business logos.
This full lesson covers D3 Using Feedback and Reviews to Identify Changes to a Business Plan for Unit 3: Enterprise and Entrepreneurship in the eSports industry, including;
Receive feedback from pitch audience on the business plan content and perceived success.
• Use feedback from pitch audience to:
o reflect on own performance
o determine any required changes in the business plan
o reflect on own skills to include: identifying skills gaps, identifying strengths,
setting and achieving goals.
This full lesson covers D2 - Skills Used in a Business Pitch for BTEC Level 3 eSports Unit 3: Enterprise and Entrepreneurship in the eSports Industry, including;
Presentation, behaviour and conduct of presenter, e.g. positive attitude, well prepared,
professional approach.
• Communication skills, e.g. using language suitable for audience, voice, variation in tone,
appropriate pace, clear and appropriate use of terminology, handling questions and
feedback courteously and appropriately, courteous closure, use of visual aids, use of
appropriate software, use of graphics and appropriate images, legibility of text.
• Consideration of needs and interests of audience, e.g. peers, team members, investor
Images removed for copywrite reasons, you will need to add your own images e.g. business logos.
This full lesson covers B2 of Unit 3: Enterprise and Entrepreneurship in eSports. The content covers includes;
• Understanding and identifying customer behaviour, trends and needs.
• Identifying competition and unique selling point (USP).
• Investigating brand/advertising awareness.
• Helping new product and/or service development.
• Investigating feasibility of entry into new markets.
• Meeting marketing objectives.
• Identifying target market/audience of the product, fan base and consumer.
• Identifying a gap in the market.
• Identifying current market trends.
• Investigating potential demand.
• Understanding economic climate and place within the esports ecosystem.
• Identifying business risks, including a competitor analysis.
Images removed for copywrite reasons, you will need to add your own images e.g. business logos.
This bundle of resources fully covers Learning Aim C of Unit 3: Enterprise and Entrepreneurship in the eSports Industry. This helps the learners to prepare for assignment 1.
This full lesson covers D1 of BTEC Level 3 eSports Unit 3: Enterprise and Entrepreneurship in the eSports Industry, including;
Pitching: presenting key elements of a business plan to prospective investors, with the
intention of securing funding – know your audience, know your figures, practice.
• Methods of presenting: pre-recording, oral, visual, onscreen videos and sharing,
audio and video group calls, business and team chat apps, vlogs.
• How to respond to potential investors’ questions: listening skills, asking for clarification,
formulating appropriate responses.
Images removed for copywrite reasons, you will need to add your own images e.g. business logos.
This bundle of resources covers all aspects of BTEC Level 3 eSports Unit 3: Enterprise and Entrepreneurship in the eSports Industry. The bundle includes;
17 PowerPoint based lessons that have a wide variety of tasks and links to external media to engage learners.
This full lesson covers A1: Principles of Branding an eSports Team for Unit 7: Producing an eSports Brand, including;
• Branding: the elements that define the image, ethos and tone of an esports team and its
associated products or services.
• Brand: a characteristic name, symbol or shape that distinguishes a product or service from
that of another esports team.
• Brand portfolio: a collection of brands under the control of an esports team.
• Types of brand:
o esports team name and logo and variants of these for different applications and
digital content, e.g. image-based, text-based or image and text based
o product and product ranges, such as associated merchandise
o people or persons, such as the gamers.
• Use of branding:
o new brands
o brand extensions
o sub-brands
o product extension.
• Target audiences for brands.
• Consumers’/fans’/followers’ feelings about and connections with, a brand:
o brand awareness and recognition of the brand
o perceived qualities associated with the brand
o loyalty to the brand.
• Branding as part of the marketing mix (product, price, place, promotion, people,
process and physical environment).
• Esports teams including UK and globally based teams, e.g. Fnatic, Excel,
London Royal Ravens, London Spitfire, Team Dignitas
Images removed for copywrite reasons, you will need to add your own images e.g. business logos.
This full lesson covers A2: Brands as Assets for eSports Teams for BTEC Level 3 eSports Unit 7: Producing an eSports Brand, including;
Value of a brand: the total financial value of a brand.
• Brand equity (positive and negative): the differential effect that knowing the brand name
has on a fan’s/follower’s/customer’s response to the brand and its marketing, the value of
your brand beyond physical assets.
• Customer equity: the value of customer/fan/follower relationships that a brand creates.
• Protecting the brand: legal issues such as trademark registration, copyright, patent
registration/IP (intellectual property)
Images removed for copywrite reasons, you will need to add your own images e.g. business logos.
This full lesson covers A3: The Benefits and Limitations of Branding for an eSports Team for BTEC Level 3 eSports Unit 7: Producing an eSports Brand, including;
differentiates from the competition and targets specific markets
o increases customer/fan/follower engagement, market reach and sales
o increases customer/fan/follower loyalty and customer/fan/follower advocates
o can command premium prices/higher prices than non-branded products or services
o reduces price sensitivity
o increases value of the esports team
o makes consumer choice and ability to recognise teams easier
o strong brand awareness leads to high sales and high market share
o increased power in the esports industry
o brand portfolios allow esports teams to compete in many different marketplaces with
a range of product lines or services.
• Limitations of branding:
o may take years to build a brand
o high cost of promotion, keeping brand in the customers/fans/followers view
o brands invite competition and copycats
o high cost of research and development in ensuring brand continues to develop and
lead the market
Images removed for copywrite reasons, you will need to add your own images e.g. business logos.
This full lesson covers B1 Brand Planning and Content for a Brand Activation Brief of BTEC Level 3 eSports Unit 7: Producing an eSports Brand, including;
Brand activation plan for a brand activation brief, e.g.:
o scope and parameters
o target market
o objectives
o client and target market needs:
– research and scoping
– concept visuals and drafts
– budget and timescales.
• Brand activation content, e.g.:
o logos and variants of these for different applications
o websites
o social media pages
o applications
o designs for associated merchandise, such as gaming chairs, t-shirts.