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Digestive System Revision Mat

Digestive System Revision Mat

A revision mat covering the following digestive system topics: ➸ Structure of the digestive system. ➸ Function of the digestive system. ➸ Digestive enzymes. ➸ Villi. Comes with a colour and black and white version which can be printed on A4 or enlarged to A3 paper size. Also comes with a bonus digestive system word search and structure and function matching activity. Solutions included. Clipart by: Studio Devanna
Criminal Intent - Database Activity

Criminal Intent - Database Activity

An integrated database activity themed around forensic science. Students are presented with a brief introduction to blood types and fingerprinting and then use a prepared database and witness statements to search for and identify suspects using queries. Comes complete with the following: Database [Microsoft Access] Database with completed queries Criminal Intent Activity booklet Criminal Intent Activity booklet solutions Students should have previous experience in how to create simple queries using Microsoft Access. Great accompaniments and support for the above resource: Introduction to Databases Database Test Fabulous Films Clipart by: Ron Leishman Digital Toonage ToonClipart
Acids and Bases Word Search

Acids and Bases Word Search

A word search on acids, bases and indicators. Great as a starter activity or for early finishers. Comes with coloUr and black and white versions. Complete with solution. Includes the following vocabulary: ➸ acids ➸ acidic ➸ alkalis ➸ alkaline ➸ base ➸ basic ➸ corrosive ➸ hazard ➸ irritant ➸ indicator ➸ universal ➸ neutral ➸ neutralisation ➸ salt ➸ antacids ➸ sour➸ bitter Why choose word searches? ➸ They help develop word recognition and can enhance spelling. ➸ They introduce new vocabulary. ➸ They help consolidate vocabulary. ➸ They help develop pattern recognition. ➸ They help improve problem-solving skills. ➸ They support learning context clues. ➸ They are self-differentiating. ➸ They can assist in boosting working memory. ➸ They foster persistence. Clipart by: The Cher Room
Physical and Chemical Changes Game

Physical and Chemical Changes Game

A fun and engaging way to review and consolidate different examples of physical and chemical changes. The board game includes 24 cards with different examples for students to identify. The 24 cards include colourful graphics and descriptive text to assist in reinforcing understanding. Included with the game: ➸ colour and black and white game board ➸ 24 colour and black and white cards ➸ mini-word search ➸ recording sheet ➸ answer key ➸ instructions Great accompaniments to this resource: Physical and Chemical Changes Science Doodles Physical and Chemical Changes Boom Cards™ - Distance Learning Physical and Chemical Changes Cut and Paste Activity Physical and Chemical Changes PowerPoint and Activity Sheets Clipart by: Snappy Teacher Tiny Graphics Shack
Volcanoes PowerPoint and Activity Sheets

Volcanoes PowerPoint and Activity Sheets

A fully editable 15 slide PowerPoint presentation on volcanoes. Includes slides on the following topics: ➸ Overview of volcanoes ➸ Structure of a volcano ➸ Types of volcanoes [composite and shield] ➸ Volcanic eruptions ➸ Types of lava [a’a, pahoehoe, pillow] ➸ Volcanoes in the solar system ➸ Review quiz with answers ➸ Two embedded videos on volcanoes Comes with a bonus volcano activity sheet as well as a bonus word search with solutions on key terminology. Great accompaniments to the above resource: Volcanoes Activities Volcanoes Task Cards Volcanoes Bingo Clipart by: The Painted Crow
The Earth and Moon Venn Diagram

The Earth and Moon Venn Diagram

The Earth and Moon Venn diagram graphic organiser is a great way for students to compare and contrast these two celestial bodies. Includes two versions: Version 1. Students cut and paste labels onto the correct part of the Venn diagram. Version 2. Students write the correct statement into boxes on the Venn diagram. Also includes a bonus word search and comes with an answer key. Clipart by: Artifex Ron Leishman Digital Toonage ToonClipart
Xylem and Phloem Venn Diagram

Xylem and Phloem Venn Diagram

The xylem and phloem Venn diagram graphic organiser is a great way for students to compare and contrast these two types of plant vascular tissue. Includes two versions: Version 1. Students cut and paste labels onto the correct part of the Venn diagram. Version 2. Students write the correct statement into boxes on the Venn diagram. Also includes a bonus word search and comes with an answer key.
Chemical and Physical Properties Venn Diagram

Chemical and Physical Properties Venn Diagram

The chemical and physical properties Venn diagram graphic organiser is a great way for students to compare and contrast these two aspects of substances. Includes two versions: Version 1. Students cut and paste labels onto the correct part of the Venn diagram. Version 2. Students write the correct statement into boxes on the Venn diagram. Also includes a bonus word search and comes with an answer key.
Physical and Chemical Changes PowerPoint and Activity Sheets

Physical and Chemical Changes PowerPoint and Activity Sheets

A fully editable 15 slide PowerPoint presentation on physical and chemical changes. Includes slides on the following topics: ➸ Defining and explaining a physical changes ➸ Defining and explaining a chemical changes ➸ Physical changes examples ➸ Chemical changes examples ➸ Quiz Comes with a bonus physical and chemical change activity sheet as well as a word search, with solutions, on key terminology. Great accompaniments to this resource: Physical and Chemical Changes Cut and Paste Activity Physical and Chemical Changes Boom Cards™ - Distance Learning Physical and Chemical Changes Venn Diagram Clipart by: Snappy Teacher Ron Leishman ToonClipart
Conductors and Insulators Venn Diagram

Conductors and Insulators Venn Diagram

The conductors and insulators Venn diagram graphic organiser is a great way for students to compare and contrast these two characteristics of matter. Includes two versions: Version 1. Students cut and paste labels onto the correct part of the Venn diagram. Version 2. Students write the correct statement into boxes on the Venn diagram. Also includes a bonus word search and comes with an answer key. Other Venn diagrams in the physics series: Sound and Light Waves Venn Diagram Series and Parallel Circuits Venn Diagram Inner and Outer Planets Venn Diagram Renewable and Nonrenewable Energy Venn Diagram Kinetic and Potential Energy Venn Diagram Electricity and Magnetism Venn Diagram
Plate Tectonics-Oceanic and Continental Crust Venn Diagram

Plate Tectonics-Oceanic and Continental Crust Venn Diagram

The Oceanic and Continental Crust Venn diagram graphic organiser is a great way for students to compare and contrast these two types crust. Includes two versions: Version 1. Students cut and paste labels onto the correct part of the Venn diagram. Version 2. Students write the correct statement into boxes on the Venn diagram. Also includes a bonus word search and comes with an answer key.
Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions Word Search

Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions Word Search

A word search on different examples of exothermic and endothermic reactions. Great as a starter activity or for early finishers. Comes with colour and black and white versions. Complete with solution. Includes the following vocabulary: ➸ reactions ➸ endothermic ➸ exothermic ➸ respiration ➸ photosynthesis ➸ oxidation ➸ combustion ➸ neutralisation ➸ condensation ➸ freezing ➸ evaporation ➸ melting ➸ energy Why choose word searches? ➸ They help develop word recognition and can enhance spelling. ➸ They introduce new vocabulary. ➸ They help consolidate vocabulary. ➸ They help develop pattern recognition. ➸ They help improve problem-solving skills. ➸ They support learning context clues. ➸ They are self-differentiating. ➸ They can assist in boosting working memory. ➸ They foster persistence.
Our Place in Space: Sun-Earth-Moon Science Doodles

Our Place in Space: Sun-Earth-Moon Science Doodles

he Our Place in Space science doodles is a great way for students to organise information and review concepts in a visual and engaging way. Covers the characteristics of the Sun, Earth and Moon. Comes with a bonus Our Place in Space word search! Includes key movement and time vocabulary such as: ➸ revolve ➸ rotate ➸ spin ➸ travel ➸ orbit ➸ day ➸ month ➸ year Students can complete either of the two differentiated versions. Version 1: Students research the Sun, Earth and Moon to complete the science doodles. Version 2: Students write the key words into the gap fill spaces to complete the science doodles. Includes a PowerPoint word bank of key words for the gap fill version as well as a model example which can be used as an answer key. Great accompaniments to this resource: The Earth and Moon Venn Diagram The Earth and Moon Digital Venn Diagram - Distance Learning Earth, Moon and Sun Boom Cards™ - Distance Learning Clipart by: Photo Clipz
Laboratory Safety Posters

Laboratory Safety Posters

A set of 12 lab safety posters. The set includes the following posters: Safety glasses need to be kept on at all times during practical activities. Make sure you know where the safety equipment is located in the laboratory. Eating and drinking are not permitted in the laboratory. Never taste any chemicals. If you need to smell a chemical gently waft the air towards your face. Wash your hands after using chemicals. Tie back long hair. When heating substances make sure you are standing up. When you are cutting with a knife or a scalpel make sure you cut away from yourself and others. Walk don’t run in the laboratory. If you break anything tell the teacher straight away. If you are ever unsure of what to do ask the teacher. If you would like updates on free and new products please follow me by clicking the ‘Follow Me’ link above. Great accompaniments for the above resource. Laboratory Safety Task Cards Laboratory Safety Activity Booklet Laboratory Safety PowerPoint Laboratory Safety Tarsia Puzzle Laboratory Safety Symbols Memory Game Buy the Bundle and save 25%. Laboratory Safety Bundle Clipart by: Ron Leishman Digital Toonage ToonClipart
Genetics Superheroes

Genetics Superheroes

A superheroes themed genetics activity which allows students to practice working with Punnett squares. The activity comes with a set of superhero cards and their powers [traits] which students use to work out the phenotypes and genotypes of their potential offspring. There are 8 superhero cards in the set. They can be printed in greyscale or colour. Save paper and time by laminating the cards and keeping them as class sets. Provide each student with a blank Punnett square solution grid for completing the crosses and activities. Great as a group extension or consolidation activity or for early finishers. A great accompaniment and support for the above resource. Genetics - Allele Dice Genetics - Punnetts and Pedigrees Task Cards Genetics Task Cards Genetics World War ZZ Genetics Greek Mythology Clipart by: Ron Leishman Digital Toonage ToonClipart
Forces Bingo

Forces Bingo

A bingo game designed to help students learn the key vocabulary and definitions used when studying forces. Includes the following key terms and definitions: Non-contact force Buoyancy Force Spring force Push Frictional force Electro-static force Tension force Newtons Normal force Contact force Applied force Air resistance force Gravitational force Pull Magnetic force The bingo kit also comes with: A fully editable PowerPoint presentation which contains each of the clues. The slides can be rearranged for each game of bingo or edited to suit the needs of your students. A bonus word search and matching activity worksheet with solutions. How to Play: Provide each student with a bingo sheet. Laminate a class set of the bingo sheets if you wish. Have students circle a set number of words with an erasable white board marker or similar. You can circle more or less words depending on time. Read out the clues provided and have students place a cross through the circled word. The first student to get all of the clues raises their hand or shouts “bingo” or both! Great accompaniments for this resource: Forces Task Cards Forces PowerPoint Presentation Forces Activity Booklet Forces Cootie Catcher Clipart by: Ron Leishman Digital Toonage ToonClipart
Dmitri Mendeleev Biography Activity

Dmitri Mendeleev Biography Activity

A history of science reading comprehension activity on the life and achievements of Dmitri Mendeleev. Great for cover lessons. Includes the following: ➸ Biography of Dmitri Mendeleev ➸ Set of 12 questions based on the biography ➸ Timeline activity ➸ Word search ➸ Solutions to each activity ➸ Colour and black and white versions Clipart by: Ron Leishman Digital Toonage ToonClipart
Database Test [Fabulous Films]

Database Test [Fabulous Films]

A theory and practical flat file database test using Microsoft Access®. Includes theoretical questions on data types as well as a practical component. The practical component has activities on: Creating a table Creating queries Creating a form Creating a report Includes solutions and a completed database for reference. Great accompaniments and support for the above resource. Introduction to Databases Activity Booklet Criminal Intent - Database Activity Clipart by: Ron Leishman Digital Toonage ToonClipart
Weathering and Erosion PowerPoint and Activity Sheets

Weathering and Erosion PowerPoint and Activity Sheets

A fully editable 14 slide PowerPoint presentation on the geological processes of weathering and erosion. Includes slides on the following topics: Weathering definition Physical weathering [freeze-thaw process] Chemical weathering Biological weathering Erosion definition Water erosion Wind erosion Ice erosion Comes with a weathering and erosion activity sheet as well as a bonus word search with solutions on key terminology. Clipart by: Digital Classroom Clipart Studio Devanna Ron Leishman Digital Toonage ToonClipart
Year 7 Science Word Searches

Year 7 Science Word Searches

A selection of 12 science word searches covering a variety of science topics including: 1. Cells 2. Reproduction 3. Environment and Feeding Relationships 4. Variation and Classification 5. Acids & Alkalis 6. Simple Chemical Reactions 7. Solids, Liquids and Gases 8. Solutions 9. Energy Resources 10. Electrical Circuits 11. Forces and their Effects 12. Solar System and Beyond. Complete with solutions. If you would like updates on new and free products please follow me by clicking the 'Follow Me' link above. Great accompaniments to this product: Year 8 Science Word Searches Year 9 Science Word Searches Clipart by: Ron Leishman ToonClipart