A zip file containing 3 differentiated folders. There are 5 worksheets of 20 questions each. Pupils need to have been taught how to find lowest common multiples for all levels. Suitable for KS3 and upper / more able KS2. Answer sheets included.
Four folders of worksheets plus answers for speed practice of tables. The first folder is on the 1, 2, 5, 10 tables, the second on 2,3,5,10, the third on 3,5,10, 11 and the fourth, 2,3,4,11. Ideal for daily practice of the easier tables. For KS1 and older learners who haven't mastered the basics. 40 questions on each sheet. The idea is that children should be encouraged to beat their personal best.
Two PDF files of exercises for calculating perimeter and area of simple rectangles. Imperial units (inches, feet, yards). One set is for board display and working as a whole class lesson, and the second is for individual practice in class or as a home assignment.
Selection of presentations for whole class introductions, and worksheets for individual work.
Y1 objectives :
identify and represent numbers using objects and pictorial representations
read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition (+) and equals (=) signs
solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations, and missing number problems such as 7 = ? − 9
A set of A5 booklets each containing 13 exercises for practising tables from 2-12. Devised for homework, but could equally be used as a short starter activity in maths lessons. Books can be issued to pupils according to their existing knowledge of tables, working from the easier ones (10, 5, 2, 11) through to the more difficult ones (3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12). Stickers/team points can be awarded for completing a book and moving up to the next level. Good for getting parents involved!
The booklets need to be printed double-sided onto A4 paper (4 sheets needed) . Pupils could be given the task of assembling them as booklets.
A set of five worksheets on perimeter of polygons and circumference of circles. Measurements given include fractions and decimals. Separate answer sheets provided.
The revised and extended 16-slide presentation includes a short text to be used at the beginning of the week as a whole class presentation and basis of SPaG discussion and challenges for the rest of the week. The main spelling area covered is the schwa, particularly in words ending in er, ar and or. The punctuation focus is on apostrophes for contractions, and on the 3 different types of sentence. The grammar lesson is on the infinitive. Other topics include fronted adverbials, interjections and dashes
This is supported by worksheet activities to be used on subsequent days. There is a language based comprehension (30 marks), a punctuation activity, a cloze exercise and a spelling crossword. All are based on the original text. The final activity is a dictation, which is provided at two levels.
The material was written for a mixed age Y4/5/6 class.
PDF file containing a set of five worksheets, each with fifteen questions. Pupils calculate area of simple rectangles by multiplying width and length. Answer sheets supplied.
Lesson plan and complete resources for Y5 lesson. Mental starter followed by PowerPoint presentation on ordering numbers of increasing length and difficulty. During the presentation, pupils work in pairs or small groups to practise the skills required for the independent work. Two levels of worksheets are supplied - 5 in each folder.
A set of five worksheets, each with 50 questions. Five skills covered. Separate answer sheets provided. Useful as a revision activity at the end of a teaching unit on fractions. Exit Ticket is a recent addition to the resource.
A PowerPoint presentation contains screencasts demonstrating how multiplication is used to generate equivalent fractions, and division is used to simplify fractions. Accompanying the presentation are two folders of 3 worksheets (plus answer sheets): one set is for classwork practice and the other for homework. An exit ticket is also included.
A set of 3 worksheets, each with 5 word problems. Tasks involve using percentages to calculate interest rates on investments and loans. Answer sheets and exit ticket included.
A PDF presentation on number bonds to 20 for whole class introduction, plus 5 worksheets with answers for individual pupil work.
Y1 objectives :
read, write and interpret mathematical statements involving addition (+) and equals (=) signs
solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete objects and pictorial representations, and missing number problems such as 7 = ? − 9
Three sets of worksheets. The first is intended as an introduction: pupils have to round whole numbers: first of all to tens, then hundreds and thousands. The other two sets become progressively more difficult and involve decimals. Answers are supplied on separate sheets.
Two sets of five worksheets. The easier set has just the Celsius scale displayed on the thermometer. The more difficult shows both Celsius and Fahrenheit. In both sets, pupils have to read temperatures in Celsius only. Useful real-world application of negative numbers.