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Science Careers
A document of case studies of core science careers.
All designed for a reading age of 11.
39 different science career fact files

P2 Physics revision 2022
P2 revision based around the pre released content
used as an hour tutoring session

KS3 investigating solubility
Lesson includes a practical to investigate how temperature affects solubility.
Comes with an optional work sheet.

KS3 Respiratory system and gas exchange
Starter: Simple recall questions based on prior knowledge, easily changed to suit your class
Information about the respiratory system, then a labelling task, a putting in order task and questions to consolidate learning. All answers on the powerpoint.
Gas exchange information on the ppt also a drawing of how it can be taught under the visulisar, followed by questions to check understaning.
True or false

C3 Quantitative chemistry tutoring
A tutoring powerpoint I used does not include percentage yield.
Comes with a key question document and exam questions.
All answers to powerpoint included as animations or in the notes below

Solubility KS3
Suitable for year 7/8
Recall starter
Followed by explaination and practice of the new keywords solute/solvent/solution
Questions and tasks provided with answers
mini practical to do with solubility, does it dissolve or not?
Questions for follow up to the practical
Recall plenary

Pure and Impure
Suitable for KS3
Recall starter
Pure and impure including particle diagrams
Pure and impure boiling points
practical investigation to investigate purity

Suitable for KS3
Recall starter
Element mixture or compound particle diagrams and task
Mini demo or practical to show how we can separate mixtures
Written task to explain how properties can help us separate mixture
Peer assessment grid
recall plenary

Suitable for KS3
Introduction to compounds
Particle diagrams of elements and compounds
Naming compounds with two and three elements
Mini practical to compare elements and compounds
All answers included

Appropriate for KS3
Recall starter, followed by an introduction to elements and particle diagram
Including a mini practical to get students thinking about key properties of elements

Energy transfer diagrams
Using energy transfer diagrams to help with the understanding that energy is conserved.

Lab equipment worksheet
A worksheet with common lab equipment for students to fill in as they are introduced to the lab.

Transport in plants KS3
Describe how water is transported in plants
Explain how gases enter and leave plants
explain how some plants are adapted to limit water loss
Potential practical activity of celery with food colouring, not essential for the lesson however.
Starter: Recall questions, answers on the following slide
Main - potential celery practical
discuss the role of the root hair cells, recap students prior knowledge on this
Discuss how water enters a plant, answer questions. Answers on next page
Discuss how gases get in and out of a plant
Discuss adaptations plants have in warm temperatures
Plenary - Exam questions, answers included

Photosynthesis KS3
Starter: Recap of a plant cell.
Main - intro to photosynthesis, defintion and explaination
Video with questions to answer
Student task to explain photosynthesis with a clear success criteria given
Discuss how we can measure the rate of photosythesis
Pondweed practical could be done at this point, alternatively there is a online simulation attached.
Give students data, work out the mean, plot a graph write an evaluation. Work sheet for support given with results table and graph.
plenary - recap questions from earlier in the topic