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French & Spanish resources for KS3, GCSE & A Level. Questions, issues or feedback? Get in touch via email: secondarymfl@gmail.com. I hope you find my resources useful and please leave a review if you can!




French & Spanish resources for KS3, GCSE & A Level. Questions, issues or feedback? Get in touch via email: secondarymfl@gmail.com. I hope you find my resources useful and please leave a review if you can!
French GCSE Hobbies & free time: Mes passe-temps (4 worksheets)

French GCSE Hobbies & free time: Mes passe-temps (4 worksheets)

A set of four standalone resources on the topic of free time and hobbies - mes passe-temps. Resource 1: Introduction to hobbies: vocabulary, writing/speaking mat & translation to embed vocabulary Resource 2: Reading: a GCSE style reading comprehension with key vocabulary search and reformulation translation tasks. Resource 3: Grammar practice, reading and further translation practice Resource 4: A GCSE style reading comprehension - a multiple-choice style question recycling vocabulary in the previous resources. Format: Word document and PDF with answers.
French Environment Bundle - L'environnement for GCSE

French Environment Bundle - L'environnement for GCSE

6 Resources
Save 75% with this bundle of 6 resources on the topic of the environment for GCSE. It includes: A worksheet on environmental problems How to help the environment- present tense A worksheet on Grade 9 (A*) constructions on this topic Grammar practice: the environment with the past and future tenses Helping the environment - vocabulary and reading A worksheet on the problems that worry me and how I can help, with translation practice
Spanish Holidays Future Tense Worksheet - las vacaciones GCSE

Spanish Holidays Future Tense Worksheet - las vacaciones GCSE

A standalone worksheet on the topic of future tense holidays. It includes a reading comprehension (gap fill, true or false and vocabulary search) and translations (English gap fill and into Spanish). This resource will scaffold pupils’ own written and spoken descriptions of their future holiday plans. With answers.
French Future Plans GCSE

French Future Plans GCSE

Two standalone resources on ‘Mes projets d’avenir’ for GCSE. Resource 1: introduces key future time expressions, key infinitives, a review of the future tense, a reading comprehension and translation practice. Resource 2: a GCSE reading comprehension and vocabulary hunt on future plans. With answers.
Spanish A Level Flamenco: translations on el flamenco y el patrimonio musical  with answers

Spanish A Level Flamenco: translations on el flamenco y el patrimonio musical with answers

Consider purchasing the full A Level Translation Bundle here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/a-level-spanish-translation-practice-bundle-range-of-topics-into-english-and-spanish-12050364 This is an exam style text on ‘el flamenco’ in Spain to translate into English followed by translation into Spanish, recycling the same vocabulary. Suggested answers are also included and the text provides key cultural references that can be used in the Speaking exam. There is a free example here on the topic of paternity leave, to preview the quality: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/a-level-permiso-de-paternidad-translations-on-el-mercado-laboral-and-paternity-leave-with-answers-12043678
Spanish la comida / food: giving opinions with gustar and soler

Spanish la comida / food: giving opinions with gustar and soler

Two individual handouts and a PowerPoint resource for a lesson introducing food types, flavours and opinions. This is aimed at KS3 level and introduces ‘gustar’ and ‘suelo’ too, for added complexity. There is also a writing mat for discussing types of food and why or why not pupils like them with translation practice. Suggested answers included.
Spanish GCSE  Household Chores Resources (Tareas domésticas)

Spanish GCSE Household Chores Resources (Tareas domésticas)

4 worksheets to use in any GCSE lesson(s) on household chores, including a sentence builder/ knowledge organiser. There is worksheet with key vocabulary, time phrases & language exercises There is a sentence builder on the topic of chores with translation practice There is a reading comprehension task with exercises There is a grammar gap fill activity on this topic Answers included.
Spanish My house - mi casa KS3

Spanish My house - mi casa KS3

A four-page resource to support pupils to describe their house, the rooms inside and the activities they do in each room. The resources include four pages of scaffolded activities, with vocabulary, reading and translation tasks. Format: Word and PDF documents with answers.
Spanish GCSE Translation

Spanish GCSE Translation

17 Resources
Save 77% with this bumper bundle that includes substantial exam practice and preparation for any translation questions in GCSE Spanish examinations. There is a booklet with 30 exam style passages and also 12 separate resource packs with a total of 440 individual sentences to translate, each targeting a different grammatical concept or structure. All with answers. There are also a set of 7 topic worksheets with translations into English and Spanish. There are also some free examples so you can fully preview the quality before purchasing. Full Bundle contents: A booklet with 30 exam style passages & answers A booklet with 18 further exam questions to translate into English A booklet with 10 further GCSE exam questions to translate into Spanish Healthy living: 40 sentences with complex grammatical structures to translate Holidays: 40 sentences with complex grammatical structures to translate Environment: 40 sentences with complex grammatical structures to translate Family and relationships: 40 sentences with complex grammatical structures to translate School: 40 sentences with complex grammatical structures to translate Future plans: 40 sentences with complex grammatical structures to translate Free time & hobbies: 40 sentences with complex grammatical structures to translate My area: 40 sentences with complex grammatical structures to translate TV & Cinema: 40 sentences with complex grammatical structures to translate House & home: 40 sentences with complex grammatical structures to translate A revision sheet of all GCSE tenses with answers. There are also two free resources to preview the quality: Two exam passages on the topic of the environment to translate New technology: 40 sentences with complex grammatical structures to translate
Spanish Subjunctive - 20 structures for speaking & writing at A Level

Spanish Subjunctive - 20 structures for speaking & writing at A Level

A resource to help pupils increase their usage of complex subjunctive phrases in their spoken and written work. The resources introduce 20 key and recyclable subjunctive triggers, have some formation practice and also subjunctive sentences from all A Level topics which are easily transferable to any sub-theme. These resources scaffold pupils’ use of the subjunctive and will allow them to use examples confidently in their own work. Full answers are included.
Spanish Mi Colegio / School Booklet

Spanish Mi Colegio / School Booklet

A 5 page Independent Study / Revision Booklet on the topic of School. The booklet contains 5 worksheets with scaffolded language activities, all with answers. ¿Cómo es tu colegio? : unjumble the sentences, reading comprehension, plenary translation ¿Cuál es tu asignatura preferida? : sentence match up, vocabulary revision, translation into Spanish using the vocabulary, reading comprehension Describe tu rutina escolar: key verbs match up, translation into English, gap-fill reading task, reading comprehension ¿Qué vas a hacer en tu colegio mañana?: unjumble the sentences, sentence builder, translation into Spanish and reading comprehension A 90 words writing task on school with bullet points on all the areas above. There is a model answer to translate, recycling language from the previous worksheets.
Spanish Past Tense - Holidays

Spanish Past Tense - Holidays

A 3-page worksheet on past tense holidays recapping locations, transport, holiday activities, weather and opinions in the past tense. The exercises review key vocabulary and will support pupils to talk and write about where they went on holiday last year. The exercises include vocabulary review, translation and reading activities. Format: Word Document & PDF with answers.
GCSE Spanish: Exam Skills Booster Bundle

GCSE Spanish: Exam Skills Booster Bundle

20 Resources
Save 84% with this bundle of 20 resource packs, worth over £55, to help pupils to revise and prepare thoroughly for their Spanish GCSE. This bundle includes some of my most popular resources, including: Reading exam practice booklet with answers. Translation exam practice booklet with answer. A booklet of Grade 8/9 phrases for the writing exam with translation practice and answers. 2x Verb booklets practice with answers, targeting all key tenses. A bank of key ideas to revise each topic for the speaking exam. A pack of grammar gap-fill tasks, targeting verbs and adjectives with answers. A resource to review, revise and master adjectival agreement. A resource to review and perfect understanding and forming questions. A speaking practice game for pupils to encourage spontaneous speaking. A resource to master using GUSTAR and ‘gustar verbs’ A revision mat with key grade 8/9 constructions Complete writing preparation for AQA higher tier, but with questions and model answers adaptable to all boards. A shorter writing booket for Edexcel IGCSE but with translation tasks adaptable to any specification. A translation game on the topic of school to boost spontaneous speaking skills. A subjunctive structures writing mat And more…!
Festivals & Customs - la Tomatina - Spanish KS3 GCSE

Festivals & Customs - la Tomatina - Spanish KS3 GCSE

A standalone two-sided worksheet on ‘La Tomatina’ to enable a Year 8/9 group or foundation GCSE class to understand this hispanic festival. The resource includes vocabulary activities, reading exercises and translation tasks which scaffold and reinforce the key language. Format: Word document and PDF with answers.
Spanish Mi barrio - Town & Region (6 worksheets for GCSE)

Spanish Mi barrio - Town & Region (6 worksheets for GCSE)

Six worksheets on the topic of describing my town and region. Resource 1: Introduces key vocabulary of buildings and services in the town with vocabulary exercises, translation, reading and a sentence builder. Resource 2: Reviews the key vocabulary from Resource 1 and introduces key prepositions e.g. junto a / detrás de/ delante de/ entre. Resource 3: This focuses on grammar and the correct use of ser, estar and hay with practice. Resource 4: Introduces key adjectives for description and recycles these with translation, vocabulary exercises, reading comprehension, a sentence builder and adjectival agreement practice. Resource 5: Introduces the structure of lo mejor/ lo peor de mi zona with justifications. Resource 6: This is an exam-style reading comprehension, using all the language from resources 1-5 with a vocabulary hunt and reformulation translations. Format: PDF and Word docs with answers. Quizlet of key vocabulary: https://quizlet.com/_9mo4rg?x=1jqt&i=2syx7b