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French & Spanish resources for KS3, GCSE & A Level. Questions, issues or feedback? Get in touch via email: secondarymfl@gmail.com. I hope you find my resources useful and please leave a review if you can!




French & Spanish resources for KS3, GCSE & A Level. Questions, issues or feedback? Get in touch via email: secondarymfl@gmail.com. I hope you find my resources useful and please leave a review if you can!
French GCSE Translation Complete Exam Practice Booklet with answers

French GCSE Translation Complete Exam Practice Booklet with answers

A comprehensive booklet of 24 exam style practice passages to translate into English and French. The texts are exam-style in terms of length and challenge and incorporate a range of grammatical structures and tenses. They span a range of topics and the contents page can be viewed on the previews. Suggested answers are also included to allow pupils to self-assess their own work or to use these for revision. Please preview the quality, download a sample here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/gcse-french-translation-social-media-and-technology-sample-of-booklet-11991036
French Holidays Past Tense - Mes dernières vacances

French Holidays Past Tense - Mes dernières vacances

Two standalone worksheets to support pupils to talk about holidays in the past tense. Resource 1: Introduces key past tense verbs and recycles key language with a sentence builder, gap fill reading and translation practice. There is also a summary of how to form past tense verbs with avoir and a grammar gap fill task. Resource 2: Review of key past tense verbs with a GCSE reading comprehension task (a note taking question with a vocabulary search). Format: Word document and PDF with answers.
Spanish School subjects /  mi colegio / las asignaturas Translation Worksheet GCSE

Spanish School subjects / mi colegio / las asignaturas Translation Worksheet GCSE

A translation worksheet on the topic of school subjects / my favourite subject. Six different translation exercises which recycle the same key language and introduce new linguistic items in a scaffolded way. The exercises are ramped in terms of difficulty and final activity is a plenary translation task into Spanish. Answers included. Preview the quality of this resource with this free sample here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/spanish-gcse-mi-barrio-mi-ciudad-town-and-my-area-translation-worksheet-12398469 Consider purchasing a bundle of these resources for £3 here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/spanish-gcse-translation-worksheets-various-topics-12392700
French Future Plans GCSE

French Future Plans GCSE

Two standalone resources on ‘Mes projets d’avenir’ for GCSE. Resource 1: introduces key future time expressions, key infinitives, a review of the future tense, a reading comprehension and translation practice. Resource 2: a GCSE reading comprehension and vocabulary hunt on future plans. With answers.
Spanish A Level Bundle: the Impact of Tourism in Spain  / El impacto turístico en España (Edexcel) 18 Resources

Spanish A Level Bundle: the Impact of Tourism in Spain / El impacto turístico en España (Edexcel) 18 Resources

19 Resources
Save 83% with this bundle of 19 resource packs on the impact of tourism in Spain for A Level (Edexcel). There are enough new resources here to plan the entire unit. (At least 18 lessons). The resources include all aspects of the topic: The popularity of Spain as a tourist destination Popular tourist destinations in Spain The Economic Impact of Tourism in Spain Impact of drinking tourism in Spain Tourism in Benidorm: the positive & negative The Environmental impact of Tourism in Spain Mitigating the environmental impact in the Balearic Islands Agrotourism/ ecotourism in Spain Sustainable tourism in Spain Subjunctive practice on this topic Summary of advantages & disadvantages Translation practice on this topic 2020: the impact of coronavirus on tourism in Spain Mass tourism & more… The resources include reading comprehensions, grammar activities and translations.
Family - Los cambios en la familia - Spanish A Level

Family - Los cambios en la familia - Spanish A Level

A four-page standalone resource on the different types of family models in Spain: familias numerosas, familias monoparentales, familias reconstruidas, parejas homosexuales, padres divorciados… There are three texts with up-to-date cultural references about family models in Spain with accompanying reading comprehension and vocabulary activities. There is also translation practice. Format: PDF and Word documents with answers.
Town and countryside  _ el campo / la ciudad _ Spanish GCSE

Town and countryside _ el campo / la ciudad _ Spanish GCSE

A series of exercises to allow pupils to develop their written and spoken ideas about living in the town/countryside in Spanish. This resource includes key vocabulary, an antonym match-up, translation activities into English & Spanish, reading activities and a 90 word writing task. With suggested answers.
Spanish GCSE Grammar Revision & Practice: adjective & verb manipulation sentence gap-fill

Spanish GCSE Grammar Revision & Practice: adjective & verb manipulation sentence gap-fill

2 sets of 50 sentences in Spanish with 100 verbs or adjectives for pupils to manipulate correctly, according to the sense & tense of the question. The questions cover all (I)GCSE tenses and tricky aspects of adjective agreement. Pupils will be able to revise verb formation & writing accuracy with this resource. The sentences are also rich in challenging vocabulary and can then be translated from Spanish to English. Suggested answers included. If you find this resource useful, I have uploaded more of these tasks here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/spanish-gcse-and-igcse-pack-of-grammar-gap-fill-revision-tasks-11685330
Clothes Spanish KS3

Clothes Spanish KS3

Two sets of standalone resource to introduce, or recap, clothes and colours to a KS3 group using opinion phrases such as ‘me gusta/me encanta/ prefiero llevar’ and the immediate future tense. Resource 1: Introduces key vocabulary and contains lots of practice with vocabulary tasks, reading comprehensions, translation practice and a sentence builder. Resource 2: Recaps items of clothing and types of weather and introduces ‘voy a llevar’ and conditional sentences with ‘si’. There is lots of reading, vocabulary and translation practice and sentence builder. Format: Word and PDF document with answers.
French GCSE Daily Routine Resource Pack (Ma routine quotidienne)

French GCSE Daily Routine Resource Pack (Ma routine quotidienne)

Three resources to introduce or revise the topic of daily routine. Resource 1: introduce key verbs, recaps adverbs of time and has a succinct speaking/writing which will allow pupils to talk about their daily routine. Resource 2: recaps key verbs in the present tense and then there is also a reading comprehension with verbs in the past tense and revision of reflexive pronouns. The plenary is a writing task with key phrases to include and vocabulary to recycle in their own work. Resource 3: a GCSE style reading task and plenary translation. Answers included.
Spanish AQA Writing: Questions, Model Answers & Complex Structures for GCSE

Spanish AQA Writing: Questions, Model Answers & Complex Structures for GCSE

A 46 page booklet containing everything your pupils need to achieve highly in the AQA Writing Exam (Higher Tier): questions, model answers, exam tips & complex structures practice. This is perfect for classwork or homework as it includes model answers and structures translation & practice, covering all three themes. Preview the format and quality with this sample on ‘el ocio’ here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/spanish-gcse-aqa-higher-tier-writing-booklet-sample-free-time-and-hobbies-questions-and-model-answers-12199923 Contents. This 46 page booklet includes: 35+ example writing questions covering all themes and areas of the specification A 90 word question, a 150 word question and a translation question for each sub-topic For each question, there is a bespoke Grade 9 model answer Top tips for the exam Pupil-friendly markschemes A verb summary sheet: the rules for present, preterite & future verbs with key irregulars A definitive list of complex structures which pupils should be trying to incorporate into their own work - this is available separately here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/spanish-gcse-writing-booster-complex-language-revision-booklet-and-translation-practice-11851661 If you found this useful for your groups, I would be so grateful if you can leave a review and if you have any comments or feedback please get in touch secondarymfl@gmail.com.
French Mon collège / école: my school  - 7 Worksheets for GCSE

French Mon collège / école: my school - 7 Worksheets for GCSE

Seven resources to use for the topic of ‘mon école’. Resource 1: Includes key adjectives, vocabulary and opinion expressions for describing your school with practice. Resource 2: A worksheet to review the language in Resource 1 and to practice ‘il y a’ and ‘il n’y a pas de’. Resource 3: A worksheet reviewing the language & structures from Resources 1 & 2 and introducing the structure ‘ce que j’aime, c’est…’ Resource 4: A GCSE style reading comprehension with a vocabulary search and plenary translation into French. Resource 5: A GCSE reading comprehension on school - ‘who says what?’ Resource 6: My primary school - imperfect tense description. Resource 7: A standalone worksheet to revise various aspects of this topic including vocabulary, translations and a reading comprehension.
GCSE Spanish las asignaturas: School subjects & opinions writing & structures mat

GCSE Spanish las asignaturas: School subjects & opinions writing & structures mat

This is a vocabulary builder for teaching school subjects and opinions that will allow pupils to make progress quickly. The language mat contains all the vocabulary needed for pupils to be able to write and talk about their subjects and the activities are incremental and will engage pupils actively with the vocabulary. There is a plenary activity of reading in Spanish, translation into Spanish and a short writing question. This plenary allows pupils to demonstrate the progress made in lessons or can be used as a test or revision activity. Answers included too.
Spanish GCSE & IGCSE pack of grammar gap fill revision tasks

Spanish GCSE & IGCSE pack of grammar gap fill revision tasks

12 different grammar manipulation tasks for pupils studying GCSE & IGCSE to hone their knowledge of Spanish grammar with answers. In each task, the pupils must manipulate 10 verbs or adjectives so as they fit within the grammatical context of the text. The resources cover the present, past, imperfect, future and conditional tenses. These are all examples of Question 8 on the IGCSE Edexcel Specification, but will be useful for all pupils to revise grammar.